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Year 1 – Fighting Fit
Week breakdown
Week 1
24th Apr
Funny Bones
recount a familiar story
Sentence openers
2-a sentences
Length and weight
Week 2
1st May
(3 day week)
3 days – Bank holiday and Polling day
RWI groups
Comparing the lengths of two
or more objects
Measuring length using nonstandard units
Experiencing standard units of
length and linking this to
Experiencing doubling and
Comparing the masses of two
or more objects
Measuring mass using nonstandard units
Experiencing standard units of
Length and weight
 Comparing the lengths of two
or more objects
 Measuring length using nonstandard units
 Experiencing standard units of
length and linking this to
1. Name and label basic parts of the body; link to senses.
2. Health and wellbeing: animals and humans have children
that grow into adults (life cycle).
3. Diet: Write a fact file. Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore;
basic needs—food, water, air.
GEOGRAPHY / ICT (Google Earth)
1. Maps— Labelling: continents, oceans.
2. North pole, South Pole, Equator, climate.
3. Where does food come from? What do children already
Week 3
8th May
Week 4
15th May
Week 5
22nd May
Experiencing doubling and
Comparing the masses of two
or more objects
Measuring mass using nonstandard units
Experiencing standard units of
Funny Bones
Identify different parts of a story
Plan story
Up-level sentences
Magic Porridge Pot
Identify verbs
Use suffixes
Change root word
Identify tenses
Length and weight
Post assessment
Pre assessment
1. Food and climate links.
2. How does food travel?
3. What do you know about food now?
Numbers 50 to 100
 Read, recognise and write
numbers to 100
 Find the groups of tens and
ones in numbers within 100
 Represent numbers using a
number line
 Represent numbers to 100 as
number bonds
1. Simple food chains.
2. Mini beast habitat. Plan for a habitat.
3. Make a habitat.
Magic Porridge Pot
Identify root word
Write exclamation sentences
Numbers 50 to 100
1. Identify and name common animals including fish, etc.
 Represent numbers as groups
2. What is a habitat? Which animals live where?
of ten and ones in a place value
3. Explain why the habitat is suitable for the animal.
Retell a story
Week 1
5th June
Week 2
12th June
A Piece of Cake
Bog Baby
 Recognise one more and one
fewer and ten more and ten
 Compare numbers within 100
 Order numbers within 100
 Identify the pattern in a
sequence of numbers
Half term
Addition and Subtraction within
 To apply knowledge of number
 To add three 1-digit numbers
 To solve missing number
 To add a 2-digit number and
 To subtract a 2-digit number
and ones
Addition and Subtraction within
 To add or subtract a 2-digit
number and ones
 To add or subtract a 2-digit
number and tens
PSHE – Healthy Me and My Changing Body
1.Jigsaw 2-4
2.Circuit training – timing each other doing exercises
3. Art – Giuseppe Arumboldo fruit portraits
Father’s Day cards
Design and Technology
1. Survey of favourite fruits. Graph
2. Design a fruit kebab.
3. Make a fruit kebab.
Father’s Day cards
To add two 2-digit numbers
To subtract 2-digit numbers
Problem solving
Week 3
19th June
Bog baby
1. Visit to
2. Follow up
3. Follow up Art
Week 4
26th June
Nurse Clementine
Week 5
3rd July
Nurse Clementine
Multiplication and Division
Week 6
10th July
What is a recipe? What are the features of a
Multiplication and Division
1. Nursing today—what do nurses do? Where do they
2. Timeline: Crimean war, Florence Nightingale (link to
Queen Victoria).
3. Working with timelines—why do years have four digits?
What is the value of each digit? Order events by time.
1. What did FN do? How did she help people?
2. Timeline of FN life.
3. Fact file about FN.
Measures: Capacity and Volume
Write a recipe and a set of instructions.
Week 7
17th July
Use reading books to investigate words.
Tally chart to identify number of words with
certain sounds / length of word / different
prefixes or suffixes.
Make graphs of findings.
Measures: Capacity and Volume