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Physics 170 Week 9, Lecture 1∼gordonws/170
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Textbook Chapter 13:
Section 13.1-4
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Learning Goals:
• We will introduce the basic concepts of dynamics of particles in
three-dimensional space.
• We will review Newton’s three laws of dynamics and the
concept of inertial reference frame.
• We will formulate Newton’s second law for the dynamics of a
particle in Cartesian coordinates.
• We will solve an example to illustrate how Newton’s second law
can be used to gain information about a dynamical system.
• We will study the example of projectile motion in three
dimensions to illustrate how one would solve a dynamics
problem in three dimensions using Cartesian coordinates.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Newton’s Laws
The motion of a particle is governed by Newton’s three laws of
1. First Law: A particle originally at rest, or moving in a
straight line with a constant velocity, will remain in this state
provided the particle is not subjected to an unbalanced force.
2. Second Law: A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force F
experiences an acceleration a that has the same direction as the
force and a magnitude that is directly proportional to the force.
equation of motion
F⃗i = m⃗a
3. Third Law: The mutual forces of action and reaction between
two particles are equal, opposite, and collinear.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Inertial Frame of Reference
In an intertial frame of reference, an object that is placed at rest
will remain at rest unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Similarly, in an inertial reference frame, an object which is moving
at a constant velocity will remain in motion with the same constant
velocity unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Newton’s first law is based on the existence of an inertial reference
At the surface of the earth, because of gravity, the only way to
truly be in an inertial reference frame is to be in a state of “free
fall”. Being in orbit is one possibility.
Newton’s second law is valid only in an inertial reference frame.
Gravity can be taken into account by adding it as a force.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Problem solving
Newton’s second law relates the acceleration of a particle to the
force that is acting on it.
One application is to use the known acceleration of a particle to
compute the force that is acting on it.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Example: A tractor is used to lift a 150 kg load B with at 24 m
long rope, beam and pulley system. If the tractor is traveling to
the right at a constant speed of 4 m/s2 determine the tension of
the rope when sA = 5m. When sA = 0, sB = 0.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Approach to finding a solution:
• We will use the fact that the rope has a fixed length to relate
sB to sA .
• We will use the equation for the length of the rope to find an
expression for the acceleration of the crate s̈B
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Approach to finding a solution:
• We will then analyze the crate using Newton’s second law
where the forces acting on it are gravity and the tension in the
rope and the result is the acceleration that we have already
• This should allow us to solve Newton’s second law for the
tension in the rope.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
The length of the rope is
ℓ = 12 − sB +
122 + s2A m
where sA and sB are in meters.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
ℓ = 12 − sB +
122 + s2A m
Take a derivative of this equation by time to get
sA ṡA
sA ṡA
→ ṡB = √
0 = ℓ = −ṡB + √
12 + sA
122 + s2A
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
sA ṡA
ṡB = √
122 + s2A
Take another time derivative to get an expression for acceleration,
ṡ2A + sA s̈A
s2A ṡ2A
s̈B = √
(122 + s2A )3/2
12 + sA
The time derivative of the second term has been taken using the
chain and product rules.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
s2A ṡ2A
ṡ2A + sA s̈A
s̈B = √
(122 + s2A )3/2
12 + sA
Tractor is traveling “with constant speed” → s̈A = 0, ṡA = 4m/s,
sA = 5m. This allows us to compute
52 42
42 122
s̈B = √
(122 + 52 )3/2
122 + 52
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
The forces acting on the crate are gravity downward and the
tension in the cable upward. They are making the crate accelerate
upward with the acceleration that we have computed above. If we
use Newton’s second law
T − mg = ms̈B → T = m(s̈B + g)
( 2 2
4 12
= 150
+ 9.81 N
T = 1630 N
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Problem solving
Newton’s second law relates the acceleration of a particle to the
force that is acting on it.
Another application of this law is to use the known forces to
understand some features of the dynamical behavior of a particle.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Newton’s Second Law in three dimensions:
F⃗ = m⃗a
The force F⃗ is the force that the patricle experiences at its “current
The force could be a constant, independent of position, like the
force of gravity near the surface of the earth
F⃗ = −mg k̂
Farther away from the surface of the earth, (assuming the center of
the earth is at 0),
F = −GME m
Depends on the relative position of the object and the earth.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Equation of Motion in Cartesian Coordinates
The equation of motion
F⃗ = m⃗a
is an equation for vectors. When the vectors are written in
cartesian form
F⃗ = Fx î + Fy ĵ + Fz k̂ , ⃗a = ax î + ay ĵ + az k̂
the equation of motion is an equation for each of the three
Fx = max , Fy = may , Fz = maz
If there is more than one force acting on the particle, F⃗ is the
resultant, that is the vector sum of the forces.
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Projectile motion with air resistance
⃗ = −mg k̂ and
Consider a particle with two forces acting, gravity W
air resistance F⃗drag = −kv 2 ût (for large or fast moving objects, air
friction is approximately quadratic in the velocity and opposite in
direction to it).
Newton’s second law
−mg k̂ − kv 2 ût = m⃗a
Let us assume that a particle starts from rest.
Since there is no initial velocity in the x and y-directions, we can
anticipate that the x and y components of the velocity will remain
The z-component of the above equation is
k 2
k 2
az = − vz − g or
= − vz − g
Can we solve this equation for vz ?
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Projectile motion with air resistance cont’d: We derived the
differential equation for the velocity
= vz2 − g →
= dt
k 2
m vz − g
We can solve this equation by integrating each side. The result is
= dt = t + c
k 2
m vz − g
Integrate using substitution
vz = gm/k tanh θ
dvz = gm/kdθ tanh θ = gm/k
2 dθ
cosh θ
(m/k)vz2 − g = g(tanh2 θ − 1) = −g/ cosh2 θ
t + c = dvz 2
= − m/gk dθ = − m/gkθ
vz − gm/k
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
= − m/gkarctanh k/gmvz
vz = − gm/k tanh gk/m(t + c)
Now, we must determine c. For this, we use the information that
the object was at rest when t = 0,
vz = 0 when t = 0 → c = 0
The velocity as a function of time is
vz = − gm/k tanh[ gk/m t]
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Projectile motion with air resistance cont’d:
We have derived the equation
vz (t) = − gm/k tanh[ gk/m t]
This solution obeys the initial condition v(0) = 0.
For very small times, where we can use the Taylor expansion ,
tanh[ gk/m t] ≈ gk/m t + ...
to see that, initially, the particle accelerates as it would under the
influence of gravity (air resistance has negligible effect until the
particle has greater velocity)
vz (t) ≈ gm/k[ gk/m t] + ... ≈ −gt + . . .
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
Projectile motion with air resistance cont’d:
The vertical velocity obeys the equation
vz (t) = − gm/k tanh[ gk/m t]
For larger times, t >> gk , tanh[ gk/m t] ∼ 1 and
vz (t) → − gm/k
This is the terminal velocity.
The approximate time that it takes to reach terminal velocity is
τ = m/gk
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1
For the next lecture, please read
Textbook Chapter 13:
Section 13.5
Physics 170 203 Week 9, Lecture 1