Download AP US History Course Summary Department: Social Studies

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AP US History Course Summary
Department: Social Studies
Semester 1
Learning Objective #1
Students will identify and describe cultural characteristics of Native Americans and analyze European
development in the New World.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #1
 Target 1: Locate various tribes in the pre-Columbian period and describe political, economic, and
cultural characteristics.
 Target 2: Identify common traits among the native people and how they might conflict with
European beliefs.
 Target 3: Explain how the Europeans impacted Native American life after 1492.
Summer Assignment—Week 1
Learning Objective #2
Students will demonstrate knowledge and analyze the development of Colonial America through the prerevolution period.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #2
 Target 1: Analyze government control in Puritan communities.
 Target 2: Labor shortages and attempts to solve the problem, introduce slavery.
 Target 3: Mercantilism and America’s position in the British Empire.
 Target 4: French and Indian War and its effect on the Colonies
 Target 5: British laws and American responses.
Weeks 2 – 4
Learning Objective #3
Students will examine and categorize major developments of the American Revolution and its effects.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #3
 Target 1: Examine and categorize major elements of the American Revolution such as leadership,
turning point, and Treaty of Paris, 1783 as conclusion.
 Target 2: Identify and explain the numerous political, economic, and social effects of the
 Target 3: Determine the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation.
 Target 4: Analyze the intent of the Founding Fathers in writing the U.S. Constitution Explain the
need for compromises and the consequences for their actions.
© Liberty High School 2011
Target 5: Evaluate the administration of George Washington and John Adams. Identify elements of
federalism for each.
Target 6: Chart the views of Jefferson and Hamilton.
Weeks 5 – 7
Learning Objective #4
Students compare the Confederation with the Constitutional government and analyze the development of the
federalist era.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #4
 Target 1: Federalism continued through Marshal decisions in Supreme Court. Growth of U.S.
through Louisiana Purchase.
 Target 2: Charting causes, effects, and rationales for the War of 1812. Industrial Revolution in the
 Target 3: Sectional leaders and the Missouri Compromise.
 Target 4: Foreign policy development: Washington’s Farewell Address, Embargo Acts, Treaty of
Ghent, Monroe Doctrine.
Weeks 8 – 9
Learning Objective #5
Students will identify and compare the growth of the United States and democracy from Thomas Jefferson to
Andrew Jackson.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #5
 Target 1: Industrial expansion and the Lowell system and women in the workforce. Rise of
corporations and cotton expansion in the South.
 Target 2: Andrew Jackson and his war on the Bank of the United States, Indian Removal Act, and
the development of roads and canals.
 Target 3: Anti-Jackson political issues and the rise of the Whigs. Elections of 1832, 1836, 1840.
Weeks 10 – 11
© Liberty High School 2011
Learning Objective #6
Students will research and present information on various reformers to demonstrate their knowledge of the
early 19th century.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #6
 Target 1: Evaluate the impact and explain the relationship of the 2nd Great Awakening with
development and growth of reform movements.
 Target 2: Categorize different reform movements.
 Target 3: Define transcendentalism and assess its impact on society.
Weeks 11 – 12
Learning Objective #7
Students will analyze problems in the United States using the administrations of Polk through Buchanan.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #7
 Target 1: Mexican American War.
 Target 2: Relationships of slaves and plantation owners.
 Target 3: Growth of the United States from the Revolution through the Gadsen Purchase.
 Target 4: Evaluate political decisions that led to Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Dred
Scott case, and John Brown’s Raid.
 Target 5: Assess the impact of the Election of 1860 on S.C. Ordinance of Secession.
Weeks 13 – 14
Learning Objective #8
Students analyze the causes and effects of the Civil War and social changes in the Reconstruction period.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #8
 Target 1: Compare constitutions and strategies for the war of the U.S. and the Confederacy.
 Target 2: Evaluate how Lincoln violated the Constitution
 Target 3: Impacts and effects on women, blacks, populations in north and south
 Target 4: Radical control of Reconstruction. Post war economic, political, and social developments.
Compromise of 1877.
Weeks 16 – 18
© Liberty High School 2011
Semester 2
Learning Objective #1
Students will identify and analyze problems and successes with economic growth and social changes after the
Civil War.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #1
 Target 1: Impact of westward expansion on Native Americans. Economic impact of mining,
railroads, ranching and farming.
 Target 2: Growth of big business and reactions. American society in the Industrial Age.
 Target 3: Immigration rising and resulting problems. Intellectual and cultural trends.
Weeks 1 – 2
Learning Objective #2
Students will examine and analyze political, social, and economic problems in the populous and progressive
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #2
 Target 1: Political machines and Boss Tweed.
 Target 2: Omaha platform and growth of Populist party from the Grange and the alliances. Gold
standard vs. bimetallism.
 Target 3: Who were the muckrakers and what did they accomplish.
 Target 4: Administrations of three progressive presidents.
Weeks 3 – 5
Learning Objective #3
Students will identify and summarize key foreign policy actions leading to U.S. participation in WWI.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #3
 Target 1: Territorial acquisitions and motivations for an empire.
 Target 2: Reasons for U.S. entry into WWI.
 Target 3: Evaluate the Versailles Treaty and U.S. opposition to it.
Weeks 6 – 8
© Liberty High School 2011
Learning Objective #4
Students will analyze major social and economic issues of the 1920’s.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #4
 Target 1: Post war immigration and limits. The “New Woman” and the “Younger Generation”
 Target 2: Examine conflict between urban and rural communities. Rise of the 2 nd KKK.
 Target 3: Sacco and Vanzetti, Harlem Renaissance, and consumerism.
Weeks 9 – 10
Learning Objective #5
Students will identify, analyze, and categorize the major political and economic events during the New Deal
era and WWII.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #5
 Target 1: Accomplishments and failures of Harding and Coolidge.
 Target 2: Causes of the Great Depression and Hoover’s response.
 Target 3: FDR’s New Deal and its programs.
 Target 4: WWII: causes, U.S. responses, Pearl Harbor, Holocaust, atomic bombs and conferences
following WWII.
Weeks 11 – 13
Learning Objective #6
Students will summarize, organize, and analyze political and social changes post WWII through 1980.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #6
 Target 1: Postwar economic boom.
 Target 2: McCarthyism
 Target 3: Brown vs. Board of Education.
 Target 4: Johnson and The Great Society.
Weeks 14 – 15
© Liberty High School 2011
Learning Objective #7
Students will analyze the U.S. participation in the Cold War including Vietnam and Korea.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #7
 Target 1: Korean War involvement and Vietnam, Escalation in Vietnam
 Target 2: Nixon’s Détente and Watergate
 Target 3: Counter Culture, Sexual Revolution and Women’s Liberation
Week 16
Learning Objective #8
Students will identify and analyze political, economic, and social changes as the Cold War ended.
Target(s) to Meet Learning Objective #8
 Target 1: Administrations of Ford and Carter.
 Target 2: Social changes during the 60’s and 70’s. Oil crisis of the 70’s.
 Target 3: End of the Cold War and Reagan’s role.
Week 17
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