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Heat Use Through the Ages Timeline
Science 7 Mrs. Horton
Large paper (11x17)
Pencil crayons/felts
Internet links
Science Focus 7: Unit 3 Topic 1
1. Read over Topic 1 in your textbook. Discoveries cover a large time period, from
the time of cave people to present day.
2. Read the textbook and search the internet links
3. As your read and search, make a list of at least ten different discoveries from
different periods of time that interest you. Think of how you will illustrate your
ten events.
4. Brainstorm and draft a plan to show the events on your list in order of discoveryearliest to most recent.
5. Once you have worked out a regular date scale and decided on your ten events of
discovery, get a large paper from Mrs. Horton and begin the good copy of your
timeline. (Use a ruler, work in pencil for all illustrations, make light ruler liners
to write neatly on in pen, You may word process the text at home, cut it out and
paste it onto your timeline later.)
6. For each event, add the following information: the date must be highlighted, the
event must be clear, and brief information- in your own words about the event
must be included.
Example: 1608: First Telescope Invented
Dutchman, Hans Lippershey
Invents the refracting telescope.
This begins a revolution in
1948 Hale Telescope
Largest telescope in the
world made in California
Minimum of ten events spread out through various periods of time
Events accurate and presented in correct order according to dates beginning
with the earliest.
Timeline design appropriate and effective with logical date time spacing
Minimum of 5 events illustrated.
Timeline title: Heat Use Through the Ages
Neat illustrations and written work
Colour, layout and overall effect
Full name, date handed in and block clearly added to timeline corner
Marking Scale:
E – The student met the full criteria in an excellent and outstanding way.
P– Very good. Has a few minor errors or omissions in the assignment.
A – Not completed in a satisfactory manner, needs further attention.
I – There is evidence of very little effort in completing and meeting the criteria. The
assignment requires much more effort to meet expectations. The assignment needs
to be completed.
NHI – No effort in trying to complete this project or did not hand project in.