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• 4 chambers of the heartupper called atria and bottom
called ventricles
• Blood pathway through
structures of the heart
Electrical Conduction
• Electrical impulses in the heart control the the
contraction of the heart muscles
• Electrical impulses begin in the SA (sinoatrial)
node located in the right atrium; impulse causes
the muscles of the atria to contract
• Impulse then travels to the AV (atrioventricular)
node through a band of fibers called the Bundle
of His then through the right and left bundle
branches to the final branches called the Purkinje
• Purkinje fibers distribute the impulses to the
muscles of the right and left ventricles causing
them to contract
• Movement of these electrical impulses are
recorded by an EKG (electrocardiograph)
machine as a series of waves called a PQRST
What does PQRST mean?
• P wave= impulse in SA node and travels
through the atria
• QRS wave= movement of the impulse through
the AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches
and Purkinje fibers
• T wave= represents the period of recovery
(repolarization) of the ventricles before heart
contracts again
• Pattern of electrical current in the heart is
recorded by an electrocardiograph machine=
• Each pattern represents the electrical activity that
occurs with each contraction of the heart
• So, each PQRST complex represents 1
• If an abnormal electrical impulse occurs it will
show on the EKG= we use EKG to dx disease or
damage to the muscles of the heart
• Electrical activity is recorded from different
angles called leads
• The different leads give MD a more complete
picture of the heart
• MD will note any abnormal electrical activity
in the leads to help determine which part of
the heart may be malfunctioning
A complete EKG consists of 12 leads
• Electrodes are placed at specific locations; Connections
between the various electrodes create various leads
• Leads are labeled 1(I), 2(II), 3(III), aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3,
V4, V5, V6
• Leads are classified as standard/limb leads, augmented,
and chest leads
• RA- right arm
• LA- left arm
• RL- right leg
• LL-left leg
• C or V for chest- placed at 6 different locations on chest
• Explain procedure to pt- “not painful”
• Position pt comfortably; pt needs to relax
• Pt needs to avoid moving around during EKGcauses electrical interference and will show on
EKG recording
• After all EKG leads have be recorded, a section
of each recorded lead is mounted onto a
firmer backing using self stick tape (depends
on machine you have)
Label mount with pt’s name, address, MD name,
date, time, and any pertinent info