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Please Note: This Class Syllabus is an important step in updating the format of our distance courses. If for any reason the Class
Syllabus does not match the print Course Guide or online course information, the Class Syllabus shall be taken as correct.
The Earth and Life Through Time
GEOL 109.3
Winter 2017
Independent Studies
January 4
April 6
Course Description
This course covers the evolution of the earth, from its origin to the present. Emphasis is placed
on the evolution of life, and on the interpretation of the rock and fossil record. Special
consideration is given to major events in the history of our planet and of animals and plants.
Note: May be used toward the Natural Science requirement for Programs Type A, B, and D
(B.A. programs). Students with credit for GEOL 103, 105, 110, or 122 may not take this course
for credit.
Class Objectives
This class is an historical geology class, which means that its primary focus is the evolution of
life on earth. While it is impossible to discuss the evolution of life on earth without placing it in
the context of the physical evolution of our planet, we also wanted to make this class accessible
to students without a background in physical geology. Therefore, the class has been designed
with a reduced emphasis on physical geology, in order that students without a background in
this subject will not be overwhelmed. Your textbook is well suited for students of historical
geology, and within it the physical development of the Earth is often portrayed as “snapshots” paleogeographic maps through time - so that you can develop an overall impression of how the
continental configuration we see today came into being.
In any class with a topic as broad as the evolution of life on earth, generalizations must be
drawn, and trends outlined in order to keep the volume of material at a digestible size. The
danger is that these generalizations and trends may not do justice to the subject as a whole.
Therefore, keep in mind that while this class serves well by offering a simplified narrative, the
effect is akin to lighting only a tiny portion of a stage: there is much more to the drama of earth
history than you can see here, but after taking this class, you will know where to look for the rest
of the action.
November 8, 2016 ck gm kp dh
GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
Class Overview
Unit 1
Part 1 provides a brief overview of historical geology and introduces the ways in which
geologists divide up earth history into the Geologic Time Scale. Three over-arching themes
in historical geology are presented, those of deep time, plate tectonics, and evolution.
Part 2 introduces the rock cycle, and provides an overview of the three groups of rocks,
igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Sedimentary rocks are the kind that contain fossil
evidence of earth history. This section describes the important factors affecting how
sedimentary rocks form, including tectonic setting and depositional environment.
Unit 2
Unit 2 describes the first 4 billion years of earth history. Part 1 begins with a discussion of
how Earth formed, and the development of the conditions necessary to support life. Finally,
the earliest forms of life are described.
Part 2 focuses on the Paleozoic Era and the explosion of diverse invertebrate life (organisms
without backbones) through to the rise of fishes, amphibians, and the first reptiles.
Unit 3
Unit 3 describes earth history up to the present. Part 1 follows the reptiles through the
Mesozoic Era, along with the progress of plants, marine invertebrates and early mammals.
Part 1 ends with the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous Period, during which
dinosaurs became extinct.
Part 2 describes the diversification of mammals that occurred once the dinosaurs
disappeared. The role tectonics plays in climate change is discussed. Finally, human origins
and development are discussed, from early Cenozoic ancestors through to the social and
environmental challenges that face us today.
Your Instructor
Dr. Karla Panchuk
Contact Information
[email protected]
(306) 492-2394
If you contact me by email, I will respond to your email within 2 business days. If you do not have
access to email, please contact me as soon as possible by phone so I know the best way to get
in touch with you.
My dedicated office hours for telephone contact are:
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Please note that my work takes me out of my office on a regular basis. If you are unable to take
advantage of my office hours, please let me know, and we can arrange an alternate time for a
phone call. You may also leave a message at any time on my voice mail.
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
I attended the University of Saskatchewan for my BSc and MSc, and did my doctoral work at
Pennsylvania State University. My research involves applying geochemical clues from the rock
record to understand how the Earth system works, and how it has changed through time. I use
computer models to test hypotheses about events in Earth history that have left their chemical
fingerprints behind in rocks all over the planet. I have taught geochemistry, computer modeling,
and introductory geology on campus at the U of S, and I have previously instructed distanceeducation geology students at Athabasca University.
Required Resources
Levin, Harold, and King, David Jr. (2017). The Earth Through Time, 11th Edition. Hoboken, NJ:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-1-119-22834-9.
Textbooks are available from the University of Saskatchewan Bookstore:
A note about older editions: The 9th and 10th editions of The Earth Through Time (by Harold
Levin) can be used for this class, however the page numbers and headings won’t necessarily be
the same as in the course materials. If you choose to use an older edition, you will be
responsible for finding the relevant readings when headings and pages do not match.
Other Required Materials
Course Materials print package (Course Guide/mailed from DEU)
Class Schedule
1-2 (Jan. 4 18, 2017)
Unit 1, Part 1 –
Introduction to Deep
Chapter 1: p. 3-12.
Chapter 2: p. 15-30
Chapter 3: p. 33-51
Unit 1, Part 2 –
Interpretation of
Sedimentary Rocks,
Plate Tectonics, and
Chapter 4: p. 53-82
5-6 (Feb. 2 –
17, 2017)
Unit 2, Part 1 – The
First Four Billion Years
Chapter 8: p. 215-248
Feb 20-25
Family Day and U of S Winter Midterm Break
3-4 (Jan. 19
– Feb. 1,
Evaluation Due Date
Assignment #1
Feb. 1, 2017
Chapter 5: p. 85-126
Chapter 6: p. 129-167
Chapter 7: p. 169-212
Chapter 9: p. 250-273
No evaluation due
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
7-8 (Feb. 27
– Mar. 10,
Unit 2, Part 2 – The
Paleozoic Era
(Mar. 13 –
24, 2017)
(Mar. 27 –
Apr. 6, 2017)
Chapter 10: p. 274-301
Chapter 11: p. 302-333
Evaluation Due Date
Assignment #2
March 3, 2017
Chapter 12: p. 334-381
Unit 3, Part 1 – The
Mesozoic Era
Chapter 13: p. 382-413
Chapter 14: p. 414-462
Assignment #3
Unit 3, Part 2 – The
Cenozoic Era
Chapter 15: p. 465-500
March 31, 2017
Chapter 16: p. 502-538
Chapter 17: p. 540-565
Exams run April 7, 8 & 10, 2017. Exact date & time
Note: If for any reason the Class Syllabus Reading List does not match the Module Reading
List, the Class Syllabus shall be taken as correct.
Grading Scheme
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Assignment #3
Final Examination
Information on literal descriptors for grading at the University of Saskatchewan can be found at:
Please note: There are different literal descriptors for undergraduate and graduate students.
More information on the Academic Courses Policy on course delivery, examinations and
assessment of student learning can be found at:
The University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter is intended to define aspirations about the
learning experience that the University aims to provide, and the roles to be played in realizing
these aspirations by students, instructors and the institution. A copy of the Learning Charter can
be found at:
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
Evaluation Components
Basis of Evaluation
The module assignments comprise a total of 50% of the final grade, each module contributing
equally to this portion of your grade. The final examination is worth 50% of the final grade.
Complete the following assignments after you have studied each unit in your Course Guide.
Your responses to the assignment questions should be thoughtful and well written. Be sure that
you draw on the information from the readings to support your answers—write as though you
are explaining the concepts to another student. Students often wonder how much they should
write for each answer. A good rule of thumb is that for each point the question is worth, there
should be one fact or concept.
Your responses must be written in your own words – in your own authentic voice. Answers that
are not in your own words will not receive credit. The following is a list of things that don’t count
as answering in your own words:
Copying directly from a source (textbook, Internet, etc.)
Copying a sentence and then modifying it by changing a word to its synonym, or
changing the tense of verbs
Making a new sentence by copying parts of the original sentence and arranging them in
a different order
Copying a sentence and then modifying it by omitting some of the words
Stringing together phrases copied from the source. In this case a sentence isn’t being
copied, but all of the content of the answer is derived by copying from the source.
In this class there are many technical terms, and complex names for different organisms. You
don’t have to avoid these words, nor should you, but you do have to use your own words around
them in your answers.
Sometimes it’s helpful to quote material directly. Show what you have quoted by using quotation
marks, and indicate where the quote came from (e.g., the page in the textbook, or a url). Using
quotes should not be a substitute for answering in your own words. To receive full credit, it must
be clear from your answer that you understand what the quote means.
Assignment Due Dates
You are strongly encouraged to meet the due dates on the Class Schedule so that you will stay
on a realistic schedule for completing the class. If unforeseen circumstances arise, an
extension on an assignment may be arranged by contacting the instructor prior to the
due date. Late assignments will be heavily penalized according to the formula described under
Overdue Assignments.
Overdue Assignments
Overdue assignments will be assessed a penalty of 5% per day up to a maximum of 50%.
Assignments will not be graded if received after the date of the final exam unless the instructor
has granted a formal extension.
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
You may find it useful to read the assignment for each unit before beginning that unit. This not
only helps you to identify key points in the readings (sometimes one can get bogged down in
details), but if you answer the questions after completing the appropriate section, it also can help
you stay on schedule. (The assignment indicates which sections of the class material apply to a
particular set of questions.)
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
Assignment 1
Chapter 1: The Science of Historical Geology
Chapter 2: Early Geologists Tackle History’s Mysteries
Chapter 3: Time and Geology
The Geologic Time Scale is based on the relative dating of rock sequences scattered all over
the world. Without the principles of superposition, original horizontality, original lateral
continuity, uniformitarianism (actualism), fossil succession and cross-cutting
relationships the necessary correlation and relative dating required to build the time scale
would not have been possible.
1. Each of statements a through d contain one factual error. For each statement, state the
error and explain the reason or reasons why the statement is wrong.
a) The geologic time scale is a way of breaking Earth's history into segments. The
beginning and ends of the segments are usually related to an important event in
Earth history, such as the date of a major extinction. If we want to know were a
particular rock layer fits within the geologic time scale, we have to know its age in
years because there is no other means to determine where a rock fits into the
geologic time scale. (5 points)
b) We can use observations of how the Earth works now to explain how it might have
worked in the past. This is based on the principle of uniformitarianism, which states
that the Earth has always looked the way it does now. (5 points)
c) During radioactive decay, parent atoms lose parts and turn into daughter atoms. We
can use radioactive decay to find the age of igneous rocks because the rate at which
parent atoms turn into daughter atoms is known. By comparing the number of parent
atoms to daughter atoms, we can get the age. This doesn't work for sedimentary
rocks because the atoms in sedimentary rocks decay at unpredictable rates. (5
d) As mentioned previously, we can't use radiometric dating to find the ages of
sedimentary rocks directly. This means we have no way of estimating the age (in
years) of a sedimentary rock. (5 points)
Chapter 4: Rocks and Minerals
Igneous Rocks were the first rocks to form 4.4 billion years ago and are the most abundant
rocks in the Earth’s crust. The oceanic crust is derived from the “gentle” eruption of basaltic
magma along mid-ocean ridges. In contrast, the continents are typically granitic in composition
and volcanic activity associated with continents tends to be dominated by “explosive” andesitic
2. Each of statements a through c contain one factual error. For each statement, identify
the error and explain the reason or reasons why the statement is wrong.
a) Basalt is a volcanic rock rich in iron and magnesium. It has very fine grains (usually
you can't see them without magnification) because it cools rapidly when mafic lava
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
erupts on Earth's surface. There is only one tectonic setting where basalt forms, and
that is along the mid-ocean ridges where new ocean crust is being made. (5 points)
b) Granite and rhyolite are names of igneous rocks with exactly the same chemical
composition. These rocks are rich in silica. Granite has large grains because it
forms from melted rock that cools within the Earth, whereas rhyolite has small grains
because it forms from melted rock that cools on Earth's surface after a volcanic
eruption. Granite is much more abundant than rhyolite in Earth's crust. If silica-rich
melted rock has a tendency to stay within the Earth rather than erupt, that must mean
it doesn't erupt explosively. (5 points)
c) Earth's mantle is made of ultramafic rocks. Earth's lithosphere has some ultramafic
igneous rocks, but it also has mafic, intermediate, and felsic igneous rocks. Although
geologists will tell you that the mafic, intermediate, and felsic igneous rocks formed
from material that started out as ultramafic, there is actually no known way to start
with an ultramafic igneous rock and end up with an igneous rock of a different
composition. (5 point)
Chapter 5: The Sedimentary Archives
Although igneous rocks are the most abundant crustal rocks, sedimentary rocks are invaluable
in the interpretation of geologic history. Sedimentary rocks are the product of weathering,
erosion, transportation, and deposition and as such they are excellent indicators of
paleoenvironments. They also contain fossils which can provide the means to date and correlate
sedimentary sequences.
3. Each of statements a through d contain one factual error. For each statement, identify
the error and explain the reason or reasons why the statement is wrong.
a) Sedimentary rocks come in a variety of colours. The colours can tell us what the
rocks are made of. For example, black sedimentary rocks can have higher amounts
of carbon. Unfortunately, colour doesn't tell us anything about the conditions that
gave the rock a particular composition. (5 points)
b) Quartz sandstone is formed from mature sediment and greywacke is formed from
immature sediment. Both kinds of rocks can form on the margins of continents. The
difference between having an immature greywacke and a mature quartz sandstone is
that the quartz sandstone is always much older than the greywacke. (5 points)
c) Biochemical carbonate sedimentary rocks form in shallow, clear seawater. This is
partly because many of the organisms that make the carbonate do so through
photosynthesis, so light must be able to get to the sea floor where the organisms live.
Therefore, the main factor that controls where on Earth carbonate rocks form is
whether or not the waters are choppy enough to stir up sediment and make the water
cloudy. (5 points)
d) Two ways to raise sea level are to melt glaciers on land and to melt ice that is floating
in the ocean. When mid-ocean ridges are producing new ocean crust rapidly, it can
cause the ocean floor to swell more than it would otherwise. This pushes water
toward land, effectively raising sea level as well. (5 points)
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Chapter 6: Life on Earth: What do Fossils Reveal?
Evolution is the cornerstone for the interpretation of the fossil record and is accepted by virtually
all scientists as a fact. Charles Darwin and Alfred R. Wallace recognised the importance of
variability in offspring as an important component in the process of natural selection, although
the explanation for the cause of that variability was not established until J. Gregor Mendel
discovered the basic principles of inheritence.
4. The following story describes the "evolution" of Bob's Bottoms, a clothing store. Read
the story and then answer the questions that follow.
Bob's Bottoms sells clothing to cover one's lower extremities. Bob's Bottoms sells jeans
in a variety of colours and cuts. They also sell kilts in dress and utility styles, lederhosen
with leather and canvas suspenders, and sarongs with tie-dye and block print patterns.
Bob's Bottoms was booming with business, so Bob decided to open stores at two more
locations. Both new stores were booming with business too, but over time Bob started to
notice some unusual trends. One of the stores was always running out of jeans, but not
selling any other kinds of bottoms. Eventually the store began to stock only jeans (blue
ones in particular), and the unsold lederhosen, sarongs, and utility kilts were shipped
back to Bob's original store. The unsold dress kilts, however, were shipped to the other
new store, because there the demand for kilts was killer.
The demand for bottoms was so different at each of the new stores that Bob decided to
rename one Bob's Blue Jeans and the other Bob's Fancy Kilts. "It's like two completely
new and different species have branched off from Bob's Bottoms!" he exclaimed to his
Bob later discovered that several months after he opened his new stores, there were
additional developments nearby. Almost all the land around the store that would become
Bob's Blue Jeans was bought up by a wealthy cattle rancher to expand his herd. Bob's
was the only bottoms store in the area, so all of the new ranch employees went there to
get their blue jeans. The MegaSuperLarge Discount HIghland Dance Academy set up
next to the branch of Bob's Bottoms that would become Bob's Fancy Kilts.
a) In the story, "bottoms" are analogous to a species. What are two examples of
individual variations that were present at Bob's original store? (2 points)
b) Some people define evolution as "survival of the fittest," and take this to mean that
the most physically fit individuals in a population are the ones that will survive and
control the characteristics of the population. Given the story of Bob's Bottoms, what's
wrong with that view of evolution as applied to the bottoms (i.e., not individual
stores)? (4 points)
c) Speciation refers to a new species developing as a branch from an existing one.
What is necessary for speciation to occur in nature, and what happened to the
population of bottoms in the story that is analogous? (3 points)
d) The story of Bob's Bottoms is partly an analogy for adaptive radiation. What is
adaptive radiation? Identify what happens to the bottoms which is analogous to the
conditions for adaptive radiation, and explain why. (5 points)
5. Social Darwinism is the name given to different ways that the theory of evolution has
been applied to human society. One example is the idea that it is bad to assist the poor
because assistance would make them reluctant to adapt to the circumstances that made
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them poor, and to improve themselves. Although social Darwinism sounds like an
application of "survival of the fittest," it is in fact very different from how evolution actually
happens in nature. Why? (Hint: How do individual variations arise in nature? Do
individuals adapt, or does something else happen?) (5 points)
6. The fossil record is a source of evidence for evolution. In the fossil record we can see
that different organisms existed at different times in Earth history. Is the fact that
different organisms were present in the fossil record than exist today sufficient in itself to
show that evolution occurred? Why or why not? Keep in mind that something is only
evidence of evolution if it doesn’t require you to assume beforehand that evolution
happens. (3 points)
7. Living organisms can also provide evidence for evolution. What is the evidence? (5
Chapter 7: Plate Tectonics Underlies All Earth History
The differences between the oceanic and continental crust are not limited to their composition
and the processes that form them, they also differ dramatically in age. The maximum age of
today’s oceanic crust is 200 million years; in contrast, the oldest continental rocks are 4000
million years old.
Why the contrast?
From the time plate tectonic activity was set in motion, continental material has been created
and preserved by the processes generated by subduction. As a result, continents continuously
grow in size whereas oceanic crust is continuously recycled.
It all comes down to the difference between the density of basalt and the density of granite.
Isostacy (the condition of vertical balance) dictates that the dense basaltic crust will float lower in
the mantle than the less dense continental crust. So when the two crustal materials collide, the
more dense oceanic crust will be forced beneath the relatively buoyant continental crust. This is
at the heart of plate tectonics and all associated geologic features come back to this.
8. You and a friend are hiking through the mountains. After several hours of walking and
examining the rocks along the way you tell your friend, "These mountains were made
when two continents collided. Collision between ocean crust and a continent couldn't
have made them." What evidence along the path might have convinced you of this? (2
9. Immediately your friend's eyebrows slide up his forehead. "Seriously?" he says, "You
must have missed the lava flows and the rocks built of jumbled angular blocks. That's
what you get for texting while hiking!" Why do your friend's observations contradict your
earlier statement? (5 points)
10. Throughout the summer, you and your friend continue to hike different trails distributed
over a region of 1000s of km. After you last trip of the season, your friend shakes his
head and says, "You know, I was convinced this was an ocean-continent convergence
zone, but since our first trip we've seen terranes of different ages, with different rocks,
and deformed in different ways. Some look like chunks of continent, and some look a lot
like part of a volcanic island arc. It's like fragments have been mashed together in no
particular way to make this part of the continent. At this point I have no idea what
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happened here." What has your friend observed? Do his observations mean that the
region wasn't an ocean-continent collision zone? Why or why not? (5 points)
Assignment 2
Note: For this assignment you will need Timelines 1 and 2. You can download them from
Blackboard along with instructions on how to use them.
Chapter 8: The Earth’s Formative Stages and the Archean Eon
Chapter 9: The Proterozoic: Dawn of a More Modern World
4.56 billion years ago, the Earth was a homogeneous collection of space debris. After another
100 million years of heating generated by intense meteoric bombardment complimented by
growing gravitational compression, the young planet experienced partial melting which
transformed Earth into the internally differentiated planet with a core, mantle and crust.
The Archean Earth looked much different than our modern Earth. Initially, the Earth was too hot
to produce solid rocks as a crust; instead a magma ocean existed. Gradually, some cooling
produced transient patches of primordial crust and Archean plate tectonics was born. As the
patches became more established, descending pieces of crust underwent only partial melting,
which tended to produce more silica-rich magmas erupting and adding to small islands of
crust . . . the first proto-continents.
Archean tectonics would have been much more vigorous than today, the intense heat flow
would have generated much faster rates of mantle convection which would have produced rapid
plate movement and very intense volcanic activity. As a result, the Archean proto-continents
would have been small and steep-sided, lacking the broad stable continental shelves along the
passive margins of modern continents.
A modern style of plate tectonics did not develop until the Proterozoic, during which time
continental masses continued to grow and amassed to produce the first super continent,
Rodinia. By the close of the Proterozoic, Rodinia was breaking apart and the extensive glaciers
covered the continents.
Some of the most significant events of the Archean and Proterozoic involve the evolution of the
Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, and the evolution of the earliest forms of life.
1. The following questions relate to conditions on Earth within the first few billion years of its
a) List the gases that were present in the early atmosphere. Where did the gases come
from? (4 points)
b) On Timeline 1, mark when the first oceans began to form. Why were the first oceans
very acidic? (3 points)
c) Two processes introduced oxygen into the early atmosphere. They are
photochemical dissociation and photosynthesis. How do these processes work? (4
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
d) On Timeline 1, mark the interval where banded iron formations (BIFs) are present.
Mark the first appearance of red beds. What events caused the BIFs to appear, then
disappear, followed by the appearance of red beds? (5 points)
e) On Timeline 1, mark the interval when free oxygen began to accumulate in the
atmosphere, and the point where we can consider the atmosphere to have abundant
free oxygen (i.e., more than 10%). (2 points)
The origins of life and the evolution of the earth’s atmosphere are intricately intertwined.
Experiments have shown that the natural synthesis of amino acids can take place in an
environment rich in methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapour when exposed to UV
radiation and lightning – and lacking in free oxygen. Oxygen is a very toxic substance to simple
organic molecules. So, as hostile as the early Archean environment would have been to some
organisms today, it was ideal for the initiation of life.
Although the levels of oxygen in the atmosphere were very low, there was some oxygen
produced through photochemical dissociation, and even these small amounts would have
proved fatal to the first organic substances. That is why the most likely environment for the
birthplace of life on Earth was Archean mid-ocean ridges. The study of modern mid-ocean
ridges shows that new basalts erupt frequently along these divergent plate boundaries creating
new oceanic lithosphere. Accompanying this process is the establishment of vigorous
convection currents that pull cold seawater into the hot fresh lithosphere, where the seawater is
heated and reacts chemically with the new bassalts. In the cold dark of today’s ocean floor,
scalding hot, chemically enriched seawater re-enters the oceans through vents and volcanic
chimneys where it nourishes complex communities of invertebrates. Archean life could have
been generated anywhere within this chemically enriched hydrothermal system.
2. Organisms can be grouped according to their living strategies- where they live and how
they obtain nutrients for life. For each of the statements below, indicate which group is
described. Some organisms can fit in more than one group. (6 points)
a) These "rock feeders" consume the minerals in rocks by breaking them down to get
the atoms they need. They can live very deep within the Earth, including at very high
temperatures and where radiation is present.
b) These organisms tolerate very high temperatures. They can live in a variety of
settings, such as on Earth's surface in volcanic hot springs, or deep within the hot
ocean crust along mid-ocean ridges.
c) These organisms consume inorganic molecules. They turn them into food through a
variety of processes.
d) These organisms consume organic molecules. They require their food to be "ready
e) These organisms use sunlight to transform carbon dioxide into food (carbohydrates).
Fortunately for us, they release oxygen as a waste product.
f) These organisms consume organic molecules in a unique way. They digest their
food outside of their bodies by secreting enzymes, and then take in the digested
3. The following statement contains one factual error. Identify the error, and explain the
reason or reasons why the statement is wrong. (5 points)
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
The first life on Earth was anaerobic- it evolved to live in conditions where oxygen was
absent. Indeed, oxygen was toxic for these organisms. The first aerobic organisms
(organisms that lived in the presence of oxygen) appeared very suddenly, immediately
able to thrive where oxygen was present. The rise of oxygen in the atmosphere led to
the production of an ozone layer. This is fortunate because the ozone layer protected
early life from harmful UV rays.
Once banded iron formations began to precipitate in the Archean oceans, they were the
principle oxygen sinks for the next 1.5 billion years (see Figure 9-34, p. 271). During that time,
we know oxygen-generating organisms existed because of the volumes of banded iron
precipitated in response to the presence of oxygen. The direct evidence in the fossil record also
begins during the Archean, with a rapid acceleration in the abundance, diversity, and complexity
of life following the appearance of sexually reproducing eukaryotes during the Proterozoic. The
broad continental marine shelves that could develop during the Proterozoic (as a result of the
modern style of Proterozoic plate tectonics) provided an ideal environment for the proliferation of
the first communities of aerobic metazoans.
Over 2000 million years elapsed between the time the first known Archean prokaryotes appear
in the fossil record and the development of the first complex communities of metazoans at the
close of the Proterozoic. The rest of the fossil record, from the dawn of the Paleozoic to today,
spans only 540 million years.
4. Add the following events to Timeline 1. Where the date in years is known, include it with
the event. (6 points)
a) First prokaryotes
d) First molecular fossils
b) First eukaryotes
e) First acritarchs
c) First stromatolites
f) First metazoans
5. The following details describe some of the events in question 4. On your timeline, add
these details to the appropriate events. (6 points)
a) Single-celled organisms without a nucleus
b) Cells in these organisms have a nucleus
c) Size and evidence of a nucleus suggests these are eukaryotes
d) Organic residue from an organism (but not its body or impression). Contains
characteristic chemical signatures
e) Multicellular with differentiated cells (cells are different to make up different tissues
and organs)
f) Structures formed when cyanobacteria are cemented into layers by calcium
Chapter 10: Early Paleozoic Events
Chapter 11: Late Paleozoic Events
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The breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia late in the Proterozoic produced six large continents
and several smaller continental fragments. Of the six larger continents, three directly affect the
development of North America during the Paleaozoic: Laurentia, composed of North America,
with parts of Greenland, northwest Ireland , and Scotland; Baltica, composed of Russia west of
the Urals and most of norther Europe; and Gondwana, composed of South America, Africa,
India, Australia, and Antarctica.
At this point we’ll backtrack a bit to chapters 7 and 9 and the discussion of the Wilson cycles (p.
193 and pp. 252-255). The rock record associated with the Proterozoic orogenies leading up to
the formation of Rodinia preserve evidence of Wilson cycles; similarly, the orogenic events of
the Paleozoic Appalachian region record a complete Wilson cycle.
6. Wilson cycles refer to a cycle of continents splitting apart, an ocean basin developing
between the parts of the continent, and then the ocean basin closing up again, bringing
continents together. Below is a list of rocks that will form as a consequence of a Wilson
cycle. Put them in the order they would appear in the rock record, and then explain why
they would appear in that order. (7 points)
a) Very fine grained clastic sediments (e.g., shales) with fossils of microscopic marine
b) Sandstones with ripple structures indicating they were deposited by rivers
c) Sandstones with ripple structures alternating with lava flows
d) Clastic sediments (e.g., mature sandstone) transitioning to marine carbonate
sediments (limestone)
As the initial rifting phase had already taken place when Rodinia broke apart during the late
Protreozoic, North America was already well into the second phase of the cycle during the
Cambrian Period at the dawn of Paleozoic (Figure 10-4, p. 279). The third phase of the Wilson
cycle is recorded in the Appalachian region by rock sequences generated by three tectonic
events, beginning in the Ordovician and culminating in the Permian when the supercontinent
Pangea was formed.
7. Add the following events to Timeline 2. (4 points)
a) Taconic Orogeny
c) Alleghenian Orogeny
b) Acadian Orogeny
d) Formation of Pangea is
8. The following details describe some of the events in question 7. On your timeline, add
these details to the appropriate events. (4 points)
a) Baltica and the Avalon terrane collide with Laurentia.
b) A volcanic island arc collided with the east coast of North America.
c) Related to the closure of the Iapetus Ocean.
d) Africa and South America (parts of Gondwana) collide with southern Laurentia.
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Chapter 12: Life of the Paleozoic
The late Proterozoic witnessed the appearance of the first multicellular animals. At the dawn of
the Paleozoic, the pace of evolution took a dramatic surge. The tropical conditions and
numerous epicontinental seas supported a vast array of new and evolving invertebrates. Man
invertebrates were docile filter-feeding and sediment-feeding organisms, but there were also
very fierce carnivorous invertebrates. Living within this diverse community of invertebrates were
the first primitive chordates- the first members of the lineage leading vertebrates. Fossils from
the Burgess Shale Fauna (middle Cambrian), near Field, B.C., include specimens of Pikaia (Fig.
12-13, p. 343) and a Cambrian fossil site in China contain two close relatives of Pikaia that date
even earlier in the Cambrian. These two fossil sites are remarkable in that soft-bodied
organisms, like Pikaia, were preserved along with the tougher skeletons and shell of their
The fossil record of vertebrates is much clearer than the ancestral chordates because these
animals possessed hard skeletal parts . . . which dramatically increased the odds of
At the beginning of the Paleozoic, all life existed within the oceans. The continents were barren
and lifeless until the first spore-bearing land plants appeared in the Ordovician and Silurian.
During the Devonian, the first forests appeared and the first primitive amphibians lived their adult
lives on land. By the Carboniferous, seed plants and reptiles had evolved.
During the 291 million years of the Paleozoic, huge evolutionary milestones were achieved. On
the other hand, three major mass extinction events also challenged life . . . in particular, life in
the oceans.
9. The evolution of Paleozoic tetrapods (four-legged animals) begins with the
crossopterygian fish, and culminates in the mammal-like therapsids. Add the first
appearance of the following to Timeline 2. Where the date in years is known, include it
with the event. (6 points)
a) Crossopterygians
d) Reptiles
b) Amphibians (ichthyostegids)
e) Synapsids
c) Amniotic egg
10. The following details describe some of the items in question 9. On your timeline, add
these details to the appropriate events. (7 points)
a) Shell and fluid-filled membranes prevent drying out on land
b) Have been classified as reptiles, but are actually a separate branch
c) Lobe-finned fishes ("fishapods") with sturdy wrist-like bones in fins
d) Developed from crossopterygians
e) Do not need to return to water to reproduce, so spend their lives on land
Ancestor to mammals, had mammal-like skeletal traits. Developed from synapsids
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g) Shared characteristics with crossopterygians. Returned to water to reproduce but
otherwise lived on land.
11. During the Paleozoic there were three mass extinction events. The following questions
address key features of those events.
a) Which mass extinction affected marine organisms partly because they lost their
habitats in warm, shallow seas that flooded the continents? Why did they lose their
habitats, and what else might have contributed to the extinction? (5 points)
b) Which mass extinction affected organisms on land as well as in the seas? What was
different about this extinction that made it affect both terrestrial and marine
organisms whereas the others only affected marine organisms? (5 points)
c) Which mass extinction might be attributable to evolution? How did evolution cause a
mass extinction? (5 points)
d) Add the three Paleozoic mass extinctions to Timeline 2. (3 points)
Assignment 3
Note: For this assignment you will need Timelines 3 and 4. You can download them from
Blackboard along with instructions on how to use them.
Chapter 13: Mesozoic Events
The supercontinent, Pangea, began to break apart early in the Mesozoic Era. This event in
eastern North America is recorded in the rock sequences of that age.
As the fragmentation of Pangea progressed and the Atlantic Ocean was born, this expansion
intensified the compressional forces along the western coast of North America in the Cordilleran
orogenic belt.
1. The statements in a and b each contain one factual error. For each statement, identify
the error, and explain the reason or reasons why the statement is wrong.
a) Features on the eastern coast of North America tell us that when Pangea began to
split apart, basins formed and collected sediment. There are also lava flows and ash
deposits which were deposited by volcanic eruptions from fault block mountains. (5
b) Accretionary tectonics refers to a continent becoming larger because fragments of
crust collide with the continent and stick to it. An accretionary prism is a large
volume of sediment that accumulates in the subduction zone in front of a continent.
The sediments in the accretionary prism eventually get mashed onto the continent
and make it larger, so this also counts as accretionary tectonics. (5 points)
2. Mark the following events on Timeline 3. (6 points)
a) Pangea begins to split apart
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b) The Gulf of Mexico forms
c) Sonoma Orogeny
d) Nevadan Orogeny
e) Laramide Orogeny
Sevier Orogeny
3. The following details describe some of the events in question 2. On your timeline, add
these details to the appropriate events. (5 points)
a) Triggered by a volcanic arc colliding with North America
b) Low-angle thrust faults shortened the crust by 100 km in Nevada and Utah
c) Added 300 km to the width of the continent
d) Formed the structures (faults and folds) present today in the Rocky Mountains
e) Resulted in the formation of large granite batholiths
Chapter 14: Life of the Mesozoic
Tectonic activity along the coastal regions of North America, coupled with extensive inland seas
that periodically flooded the continental interior, provided a diverse range of environments for
Mesozoic life. In addition to providing habitat for marine invertebrates and fierce marine reptiles,
the Mesozoic epicontinental seas helped to produce a warm and uniform climate for evolving
plants and vertebrates on land.
The mass extinction event at the end of the Permian triggered an expansion and diversification
among surviving marine invertebrates. Likewise, the terrestrial vertebrates that survived the
Triassic-Jurassic extinction enjoyed rapid expansion and diversification. This expansion was
dominated by the rise of dinosaurs, but reptile groups also expanded into the marine and aerial
realms. Alongside the dinosaurs, ancestoral birds developed and mammals, that had evolved
from Triassic mammal-like reptiles (therapsids), quietly began their history.
The breakup of Pangea was gradual, and many land links permitted the expansion of related
land animals to now-distant continents.
The Mesozoic Era closed with a mass extinction event that dramatically changed the course of
history for dominant land animals. The dinosaurs and reptile groups that had dominated
environmental niches of the Mesozoic land, sea, and sky were wiped out. This event paved the
way for the expansion of mammals in the Cenozoic Era.
4. Add the following to Timeline 3 (3 points):
a) Appearance of basal archosaurs
b) Extinction of crurotarsans
c) Mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs
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5. The image below is a Venn diagram showing the relationships amongst the organisms
listed below. Indicate which letter corresponds to which organism. You can find more
information on Blackboard about how Venn diagrams work. (11 points)
diapsid reptiles
6. Describe the physical characteristics, types of habitats, and types of reproductive
systems of Mesozoic mammals. (Note: not all of these details are in the same part of the
textbook.) (9 points)
7. Construct a table like the one below. (Make yours a size and shape that works best for
you.) The headings across the top are hypotheses that have been suggested to explain
the extinction at the end of the Mesozoic. In each column list the evidence that supports
that particular hypothesis. (You will need lots of room for this row.) Next, describe the
kill mechanism associated with that hypothesis. (A kill mechanism is the reason why
organisms died.) (15 points)
Bolide impact
Combination of
Kill mechanism
Chapter 15: Cenozoic Events
Plate movements during the Cenozoic Era brought the continents to their current positions. The
Rocky Mountains, Alps, Himalayas, and the Isthmus of Panama are all products of Cenozoic
plate convergence. Ongoing subduction along the western margin of North America is evident
from the earthquake and volcanic activity in that region.
The separation of Greenland from Scandinavia broke the land connection between Europe and
North America, and the separation of Australia from Antarctica created circumpolar ocean
currents that contribute to the extreme frigidity of Antarctica today. This event also deflected
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colder currents northward which contributed to global cooling during the late Eocene, Oligocene,
and Miocene.
The Pleistocene Ice Age has had a direct impact on the topographic features of Canada and
Europe, and altered the climate well south of the ice sheets.
8. The following statement contains one factual error. Identify the error, and explain the
reason or reasons why the statement is wrong. (5 points)
The San Andreas fault is a strike-slip fault that also happens to be a transform plate
boundary. Because of the shearing motion along the San Andreas fault, the Baja
Peninsula is slowly moving northward along the western coast of North America. The
transform boundary has existed here for at least the last 10 million years.
9. There are three key factors that played important roles in the cooling of Earth’s surface
which culminated in the Pleistocene Ice Age. These are Milankovitch cycles (changes in
Earth's orbit and rotation), ice albedo feedback, and an increase in precipitation resulting
from the closure of the Isthmus of Panama. Any one of these factors alone would not
have had a substantial effect, but together the effect was much greater. How would
these factors have interacted to cause so much cooling that they kick-started an ice age?
(5 points)
Chapter 16: Life of the Cenozoic
Chapter 17: Human Origins
Following the Cretaceous extinction event, dinosaurs disappeared and the number of reptile
families was greatly reduced. The environmental niches left vacant were largely repopulated by
the explosive diversification of mammals.
Climate played an important role in the evolution of Cenozoic life. An excellent example is the
cooling and dry trends that produced the first grassland ecosystems. The evolution of hoofed
animals (ungulates) is well documented as an evolutionary response to spreading grasslands;
however, the evolution of primates is also closely linked to this trend.
Populations of our arboreal ancestors experienced isolation as spreading grasslands created
geographic barriers to breeding between populations. Isolation leads to a cumulative shift in the
gene pool, which in turn, gives rise to new species. Moreover, as the size of forested areas
dwindled, so did the available food supply and living space which produced further selection
pressure and adaptive radiation. Eventually, individuals with favourable traits began to adapt to
life on the ground. The open posture suited to a brachiating habit, binocular vision, grasping
hand, and fine motor skills developed by their arboreal ancestors all contributed to the new skill
sets that evolved as ground-dwelling primates adapted and expanded. Finally, the Pleistocene
Ice Age had an impact on the evolution of members of our genus, Homo. The extreme cold and
dangers inherent in hunting- and trying not to become hunted by- the giant mammals of the
Pleistocene further challenged skill and intelligence.
10. Add the following events to Timelines 3 and 4. Where the date in years is known,
include it with the event. (10 points)
a) First prosimians
c) First anthropoids
b) Global cooling (Neogene)
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d) A collision between Africa/Arabia
and Eurasia results in East
Africa becoming dryer and dense
forests changing to grassy plains
g) Homo erectus appears
Cro-Magnons appear
e) Homo species appear
Pleistocene Ice Age
h) Neandertals appear
Australopithecines appear
11. The following details describe some of the events in question 10. On your timeline, add
these details to the appropriate events. (20 points)
a) Start of tool use (crude stone tools).
b) Foramen magnum moved forward indicating upright stance.
c) Some evidence exists of the earliest use of fire.
d) Used tools such as axes and scrapers made of flint and chert.
e) Early modern humans (us).
Transition begins from muzzle to flatter face.
g) Claws replaced by nails.
h) Opposable thumbs and toes appear.
Eyes have moved to the front of the skull, and Y-5 molars appear, distinguishing this
organism from monkeys.
Structure of pelvis indicates human-like upright stance.
k) Made art and had personal ornamentation.
Largest brain of all, including modern humans.
m) Gracile body types (lighter body with smaller teeth) and rubust body types (heavier
bodies with massive jaws and teeth) are present.
n) Brain size increasing, reshaping of birth canal to accomodate larger head.
o) Lived in caves and built shelters of skins, sticks, and bones.
p) Vertical face instead of prognathus (jutting forward) jaw.
q) Bulky skeleton may have helped to conserve warmth in an ice-age climate.
r) First instance we know of for gene for speech.
s) Despite having a reputation as brutal cave men, likely cared for their sick and had
funeral rituals.
Heavy brow ridges
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
Submitting Assignments
Submission forms and pre-addressed envelopes are included in your course materials package.
Assignments may be submitted by mail, fax, in person, email, or through Blackboard. You are
encouraged to submit your assignments electronically through Blackboard.
Options for Submitting Assignments:
By clicking on the assignment links in Blackboard and uploading your work
By fax (with completed submission form) to DEU at (306) 966-5245.
In person (with completed submission form) to the Main Office at the Distance Education
Unit (address below) Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. After
Hours: Via the drop slot located at the top of the central stairwell, on the Fourth Floor of
the Williams Building (address below).
By mail (with completed submission form) to:
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Please note that assignments sent by mail should be postmarked no later than the due date,
and faxes should be sent prior to 4:30 p.m. Saskatchewan time on the due date. You should
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Final Examination
60% of final grade
See Class Schedule
3 hours
The exam is comprehensive, based on the entire class.
The final exam is invigilated and closed-book. It will consist of two sections:
Section A: Matching Terms and Definitions (50 marks)
Section B: 50 Multiple Choice Questions
(50 marks)
The day and time of your final examination will be listed in your PAWS account.
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
Preparing for the Final Exam
Each unit contains a grouping of chapters that reinforce each other in some way. An introduction
for each unit is provided to help you understand the point or the purpose for that grouping.
Likewise, each chapter will be introduced with a brief discussion so you can focus on the
essential elements.
The following unit components are also developed to help you prepare for the final examination:
Key chapter concepts are specifically identified through the Activities and Objectives for
each chapter. Specific activities are identified (memorize, define, describe, explain, list) to
help you tackle the material and differentiate between key concepts and background
information. Definitions are important, both to identify key material and to build the
necessary vocabulary.
Key Terms listed in the Course Guide are useful to quickly identify important material and
test your general understanding.
The assignment’s questions are very important study references. Be sure to study the
material from the assignments, and be sure you have reviewed/corrected material that was
identified in your graded assignment.
Additional Information
All assignments must be completed in order to be eligible for a passing grade in this class.
Students with Disabilities
If you have a diagnosed disability (learning, medical, physical, or mental health), you are strongly
encouraged to register with Disability Services for Students (DSS). In order to access DSS
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GEOL 109.3 The Earth and Life Through Time
Module Objectives
Unit 1: Introduction to Deep Time, Interpretation of Sedimentary Rocks,
Plate Tectonics, and Evolution
Unit 1: Part 1 - Introduction to Deep Time
Chapter 1: The Science of Historical Geology
The Scientific Method
1. Describe the steps that define the scientific method.
2. Define the following terms: hypothesis, theory, scientific law
Deep Time, Plate Tectonics, Evolution
3. Summarize the importance of the three great themes in historical geology: deep time,
plate tectonics, and evolution.
Chapter 2: Early Geologists Tackle History’s Mysteries
Stratigraphic Principles
1. Define the three basic principles of relative dating (stratigraphy):
• Superposition
• Original Horizontality
• Original Lateral Continuity.
2. Describe why Uniformitarianism is such a powerful idea.
3. Explain why actualism is preferred over the strict application of uniformitarianism.
4. Describe the geological significance of an unconformity.
5. State how cross cutting relationships determine relative age.
6. Summarize how natural selection produces evolution in organisms through time.
Chapter 3: Time and Geology
The Geologic Time Scale
1. Define the terms “relative geologic dating” and “actual geologic dating.”
2. Memorize the time units of the Geologic Time Scale.
3. Memorize the accepted dates for the boundaries of the Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic
and Phanerozoic Eons, and the boundaries of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic
Unit 1: Part 2 - Interpretation of Sedimentary Rocks, Plate Tectonics, and
Chapter 4: Rocks and Minerals: Documents that Record
Rock Forming Minerals
1. List the two most common silicate minerals.
2. Name the two most common carbonate minerals.
Igneous Rocks
3. Describe how igneous rocks form.
4. Differentiate between intrusive igneous rocks and extrusive igneous rocks.
5. Describe the relationship between grain size and cooling history in igneous rocks.
6. Explain what Igneous Rocks tell us about Earth History
Sedimentary Rocks
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7. Explain the difference between clastic and carbonate rocks.
8. Explain why bedded chert is associated with volcanic activity.
9. Describe how evaporites form.
10. Describe the conditions that are required for the formation of coal.
11. Explain what sedimentary rocks can reveal about Earth History.
Metamorphic Rocks
12. Explain how metamorphic rocks can change without melting.
13. Describe Contact Metamorphism.
14. Describe Regional Metamorphism.
15. Explain what metamorphic rocks can tell us about Earth History.
Chapter 5: The Sedimentary Archives
Tectonic Setting
1. Define the term tectonics.
2. Describe the tectonic elements of a continent: craton, shield, platform, orogenic belts.
3. Memorize the tectonic features of North America and note the regions of Paleozoic
deformation vs. Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformation.
Environments of Deposition
4. Describe the conditions that produce shades of black in sedimentary rocks.
5. Explain what hues of red indicate about the environment that produced the sediment.
6. Describe the characteristics of a sedimentary environment that could produce each of
the following sedimentary rock types:
• Quartz Sandstone
• Arkose
• Graywacke
• Lithic Sandstone
• Limestone (carbonate platform).
7. Define the term facies.
8. Describe how the location of ancient shorelines can be traced from the examination of
facies in the rock record.
9. Explain how world-wide changes in sea level can be produced by the following:
• Episodes of glaciation
• Changes to the ocean floor.
10. Define the term epicontinental sea.
11. Explain the historical significance of an unconformity in the rock record.
Chapter 6: Life on Earth: What do Fossils Reveal?
Fossil Preservation
1. Explain why the fossil record is incomplete.
2. List the environments that favour fossil preservation.
How New Species Evolve
3. Define the term, species.
4. Explain why it is important to recognize individual variation within a species.
5. Explain how natural selection favours individuals with advantageous traits and destroys
individuals with injurious traits (aka: survival of the fittest).
6. Describe the sources of individual variation within a species: genetic recombination
(sexual reproduction) and mutation.
7. Define the terms: population and gene pool.
8. Explain how isolation of a population over time will produce a new species.
The Case for Evolution
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9. Describe the evidence that supports evolution:
• paleontology: evidence of change over time through the fossil record
• biology: evidence of common ancestors through: comparative physiology
(homologous and vestigial traits), comparative embryology, and comparative
biochemistry (DNA, digestive enzymes, hormone secretions, proteins, antigenic
blood reactions).
Fossils and Stratigraphy
10. Define the term geologic range.
11. Explain why index fossils (guide fossils) are especially useful for correlation.
Fossils as Indicators of Past Environments
12. Define the term paleoecology.
13. Explain how fossils indicate past environments.
Chapter 7: Plate Tectonics Underlies All Earth History
Two Types of Crust: Oceanic and Continental
1. Compare the relative density of oceanic and continental crust.
2. Explain why continents “float.”
Faults (and Folds) and the Forces That Make Them
3. Define the term fault.
4. Describe what normal faults are, and identify the crustal force that produces them.
5. Describe what reverse faults (=thrust faults) are, and identify the crustal force that
produces them.
Note that folds and reverse faults (thrust faults) are produced by the same crustal force.
Plate Tectonics: How the Theory was Developed
Continental Drift: the original hypothesis.
6. Describe the evidence for continental drift: global geography, paleoclimatology, fossils,
rock sequences.
Paleomagnetism: further evidence that continents have “drifted.”
7. Define the term paleomagnetism.
8. Explain how rocks record paleomagnetism.
9. Explain why apparent polar wandering indicates that continents have “drifted” over time.
Today’s Plate Tectonics Theory
10. Define the terms: lithosphere and asthenosphere.
Seafloor Spreading (Divergent Boundaries)
11. Identify the crustal force operating at divergent boundaries.
12. Define the terms: trailing edge and passive continental margin.
13. List the geologic features produced by seafloor spreading (midoceanic ridges).
Transform Boundaries
14. Identify the tectonic settings that produce transform faults.
Convergent Boundaries
15. Identify the crustal force operating at convergent boundaries.
16. Define the term, subduction zone.
17. Identify the features produce at each of the three types of convergent zones: continentalcontinental, oceanic-oceanic, and continental-oceanic.
18. Describe how the accretionary prism (mélange) is formed at continental-oceanic
convergent boundaries.
19. Describe what an ophiolite suite is, and why it represents the zone of contact between
colliding continental and oceanic plates.
What Drives Plate Tectonics?
20. Describe the ridge-push and slab-pull model for plate movement.
21. Describe the nature and surface expression of a thermal plume.
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Verifying Plate Tectonics Theory
22. Describe how regions of normal (+) and reversed (-) magnetizations on the sea floor
across midocean ridges not only confirm seafloor spreading, but also reveal the rate of
Exotic Terranes
23. Define the term microcontinent (= exotic terranes).
24. Describe the role of microcontinents in the growth of continents.
Unit 2: The First Four Billion Years
Unit 2: Part 1 - Precambrian Era
Chapter 8: The Earth’s Formative Stages and the Archean Eon
The Birth of Our Solar System
1. List the observations that describe the solar nebula hypothesis.
2. Describe the process of accretion in the formation of protoplanets.
3. What is the solar wind and how does in explain the different compositions of the “inner”
and “outer” planets.
4. Describe the composition of carbonaceous chondrites.
5. Describe the factors that maintain earth’s temperature range: distance from the sun,
earth’s rotation, earth’s atmosphere.
Differentiation of the Earth
6. Describe how the early accreted Earth differed from the modern differentiated planet.
7. Describe the sources of heat responsible for differentiation: meteorite bombardment,
gravitational compression, and decay of radioactive isotopes.
Evolution of Earth’s Atmosphere and Ocean
8. List the composition of the Archean atmosphere.
9. Describe how outgassing contributed gaseous elements to the atmosphere.
10. Describe the two processes that generate oxygen: photochemical dissociation and
11. Determine when did the change from oxygen-poor to oxygen-rich take place.
12. List the geologic clues that indicate the nature of Earth’s early atmosphere.
13. Describe what the first appearance of red beds and carbonates in the rock record (1.8
billion years ago) tell us about the Proterozoic atmosphere at that time.
14. Explain the origin of the earth’s ocean.
15. Describe the role of submarine volcanoes in the development of ocean chemistry.
Precambrian Rocks
16. Define the terms: shield, platform, and craton.
17. Describe how felsic (= continental) crust is formed.
18. List the process that allows continental masses to grow in size.
19. Describe the appearance of Archean protocontinents.
The Beginning of Plate Tectonics
20. Describe when the first lithospheric plates were formed.
21. Describe how Archean tectonics differs from modern plate tectonics.
The Origin of Life
22. Describe the four essential components of life.
23. Describe the conditions that made the Earth’s early oceans a hospitable environment for
the birthplace of life.
24. Identify where life likely began.
25. Define the term chemosynthesis.
26. Define the term autotroph.
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27. Define the term photoautotroph.
28. Describe why the first anaerobic organisms were threatened by the build-up of oxygen
being generated by the photoautotrophs.
29. Determine the role of iron in rocks with respect to the prevention of a rapid build up of
30. Identify the physiological feature that allowed organisms to cope with oxygen in the
31. Define the term aerobic organism.
Prokaryotes And Eukaryotes
32. Describe the characteristics of prokaryotes.
33. Describe the characteristics of eukaryotes and identify when they first appear in the fossil
34. State the impact of sexual reproduction on the rate of evolution.
Archean Fossils
35. Describe what a stromatolite is, and identify when they appear in the rock record.
36. Describe what a molecular fossil is, and identify when they first appear in the rock
Chapter 9: The Proterozoic: Dawn of a More Modern World
The Paleoproterozoic (2.5 to 1.6 billion years ago)
1. Describe how Laurentia was formed during the Paleoproterozoic.
2. The plate tectonic activity that produced Laurentia is summarized by the Wilson Cycle.
Describe the three steps that define a Wilson Cycle.
3. List the evidence that confirms the existence of an ice age during the Paeoproterozoic.
4. Describe how the formation of iron oxides in banded iron formations (BIF’S) is related to
the activity of photosynthetic organisms during the Paleoproterozoic.
The Mesoproterozoic (1.6 to 1.0 billion years ago)
5. Describe how the extensive basaltic (mafic) rocks in the Great Lakes region indicate a rift
zone existed in Laurentia during the Mesoproterozoic.
6. Describe how the supercontinent Rodinia was formed at the close of the
The Neoproterozoic (1.0 billion to 542 million years ago)
7. Identify when Rodinia began to break apart.
8. List the evidence of continental glaciation during the Neoproterozoic.
Proterozoic Life
9. List the organisms that existed at the beginning of the Proterozoic.
10. Identify the possible reasons for the delay between the first appearance of molecular
fossils (2.7 billion years ago) and the diversification of eukaryotes (1.2 to 1.0 billion years
11. Acritarchs represent the first fossil eukaryotes. Identify when they first appear in the rock
12. Identify when and why arcitarchs began to decline.
13. Define the term metazoan.
14. Identify when metazoans appear in the fossil record.
15. Describe the general appearance of the three types of Ediacaran organisms.
16. Identify why Kimberella is identified as a complex invertebrate.
17. Identify when Kimberella appeared in the fossil record in relation to the “Cambrian
18. Describe what the sudden appearance of Ediacarn fossils may indicate about oxygen
levels in the late Proteozoic.
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Oxygen and the Proterozoic Environment
19. Explain why oxygen began to build up in the atmosphere after 2 billion years ago.
20. Familiarize yourself with the correlation between the following events:
a) The precipitation of Banded Iron Formations corresponding with the presence of
oxygen-producing prokaryotes, stromatolites.
b) The end of banded iron formations corresponding with the formation of red beds and
increased carbonate deposition that marks the beginning of oxygen accumulation in
the atmosphere.
c) The increasing oxygen levels during the Mesoproterozoic and the Neoproterozoic
corresponding with the increase in eukaryotic and metazoan diversity.
d) The explosion of faunal and floral diversity at the close of the Neoproterozoic
corresponding with the dramatic increase in oxygen levels.
Unit 2: Part 2 - Paleozoic Era
Chapter 10: Early Paleozoic Events
Cratonic Features
1. Describe the characteristic features of continental cratons: shields, synclines, basins,
domes and arches.
2. Memorize the locations of the four North American orogenic belts: Cordilleran,
Appalachian, Franklinian, and Caledonian.
3. Study paleogeographic maps for the Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian to appreciate
the extent of shallow seas over North America during the early Paleozoic. Note, also, the
development of mountainous regions in the Franklinian, Caledonian and Appalachian
orogenic belts during the early Paleozoic.
Cratonic Sequences
4. Describe the basis on which Paleozoic rock sequences divided.
5. Name the cratonic sequences.
6. Summarize the two leading explanations for worldwide transgressions and regressions:
glaciation and seafloor spreading.
7. Describe what you would see if you could visit North America during the earliest years of
the Sauk sequence.
8. Describe the sedimentary rocks that were deposited in the Sauk sea during the late
Cambrian. What was the principle organism producing calcium carbonate (limestone) at
that time?
9. Describe the sedimentary rocks deposited in the Tippecanoe sequence during the
Ordovician and Silurian. Why is the St. Peter Sandstone geologically unusual?
10. Describe the development of evaporites in barred basins of the Silurian Tippecanoe Sea.
Orogenic Activity—Cordilleran
11. Summarize the cause of orogenic activity in the Cordilleran orogenic belt during the
Ordovician and Silurian.
12. List the sedimentary rocks that resulted from the subduction zone and associated
volcanic activity in the Cordillera.
Orogenic Activity—Appalachian
13. Summarize the cause of Taconic Orogeny (Middle and Late Ordovician) in the
Appalachian orogenic belt.
14. Contrast sedimentary deposition (list the rock types) along the eastern edge of North
America during the Cambrian and early Ordovician with the sedimentary and volcanic
rock types that resulted from the Taconic Orogeny.
15. State the volume of sediment in the Queenstone clastic wedge and explain what that
tells us about the stature of the Taconic highlands.
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Orogenic Activity—Caledonian
16. Summarize the cause of the Caledonian Orogeny (Middle Ordovician to Devonian).
Early Paleozoic Climate
17. List the unique factors during the early Paleozoic that influenced climatic conditions.
18. Describe the position of the paleoequator during the Cambrian and Ordovician.
19. Identify the rock types that indicate the climate was warm, and periodically arid in North
20. Describe the evidence that confirms North Africa was located over the Ordovician South
Chapter 11: Late Paleozoic Events
Cratonic Sequences
1. The remaining Paleozoic cratonic sequences are described by the following: Kaskaskian
sea (Devonian and Mississippian); and the Absaroka sea (Pennsylvanian and Permian).
2. Describe the sedimentation in the Kaskaskian sequence (as outlined in the Summary).
3. Describe the Pennsylvanian and Permian sedimentation (Absaroka sequence) as
outlined in the Summary.
Orogenic Activity
4. Study paleogeographic maps for the Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and
Permian to note the changing configuration of continental seas and the mountain
building: in the Cordilleran orogenic belt as North America continues to converge on the
Pacific plate; and in the Appalachian and Caledonian orogenic belts as Europe and later
Africa collide with North America.
5. State the sequence of events summarizing the closing of the Iapetus Ocean in the
northern and southern Appalachian orogenic belt (encompassing the Taconic, Acadian,
and Alleghenian orogenies).
Orogenic Activity—Appalachian
6. Describe the Devonian collisions that resulted in the Acadian Orogeny.
7. Describe the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) collisions that caused the
Alleghenian Orogney.
Orogenic Activity—Cordilleran
8. Describe the cause of the Devonian—Pennsylvanian Antler Orogeny.
9. Describe the cause of the Permian-Triassic Cassiar and Sonoma Orogenies.
Late Paleozoic Climate
10. Describe the location of the paleoequator during late Paleozoic.
11. Describe the sedimentation, vegetation, and animal life that thrived near the
12. Name the continent over the South Pole in the late Paleozoic.
13. Explain the possible relationship between late Paleozoic coal formation and the
Gondwana ice age.
Chapter 12: Life of the Paleozoic
The Cambrian Explosion
1. Describe the relationship between possession of hard parts and probability of
2. Describe the significance of the Burgess Shale and Chengjiang fossil sites in the
reconstruction of the Cambrian faunal community.
3. Define the terms chordate and vertebrate.
4. Describe the chordate features exhibited by Pikaia.
Ordovician Diversification
5. Identify the time span that encompassed a tripling of global biodiversity.
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6. Note the diversity and complexity of Paleozoic invertebrates.
7. Explain why corals are important petroleum reservoirs and paleoclimatic indicators.
Advent of Vertebrates
8. Describe the characteristics of vertebrates.
9. Differentiate between amniotic vertebrates and non-amniotic vertebrates.
10. Describe the relationship between amniotic reproduction and the exploitation of
terrestrial environments.
11. List the characteristics of all chordates.
Fish With Bony Skeletons
12. Describe the characteristics of crossopterygian fish that establish them as the link to
non-amniotic tetrapods.
13. Explain the likely selection pressure that encouraged the development of the sturdy limb
and skeletal structure of crossopterygians.
Advent of Tetrapods
14. Define the term amphibian.
15. Describe the modifications characteristic of amphibian tetrapods that allowed them to live
on land.
16. Describe the characteristics of icthyosegids (late Devonian).
17. Describe the characteristics of labyrinthodonts (Carboniferous-Permian).
18. Describe the characteristics that distinguish the oldest fossil amniotes (300 million years
old) as true reptiles rather than amphibians.
19. Determine when the amniotes diverged into reptiles and synapsids.
20. Describe the characteristics of pelycosaurs that point to them as the link to the more
advanced synapsids, the therapsids.
21. Determine when therapsids became abundant.
22. Describe the mammal- like features of cynodont therapsids.
Plaeozoic Plants
23. Describe the importance of Precambrian stromatolites in the early steps toward
continental colonization.
24. Describe the link between chlorophytes and land plants.
25. Describe the importance of a water vascular system in the evolution of land plants.
26. Describe the three major advances of land plant evolution, and indicate when these
advances took place.
27. Note how early Paleozoic land plants altered the environment.
28. Note when the first vascular plants appeared in the fossil record.
29. Note when the first woody vascular tissue is found in the fossil record.
30. Note when the first large trees appear in the fossil record.
Mass Extinctions
31. Discuss the causes of the mass extinctions in the Ordovician, Devonian, and Permian.
Unit 3: Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras
Unit 3: Part 1 - Mesozoic Era
Chapter 13: Mesozoic Events
The Breakup of Pangea
1. Identify the total time required for the fragmentation of Pangea.
The Eastern North America (Appalachian)
2. Describe the tensional tectonic features: type of faulting, sedimentary rock sequences,
and volcanic activity that indicate rifting during the Triassic and Jurassic periods along
the east coast.
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3. Examine the Triassic paleogeographic map to determine the extent of fault-bound basins
and mountains produced by normal faulting along the east coast.
The Western North America (Cordilleran)
4. Define the term exotic terrane, and state how much of the Cordilleran is represented by
exotic terranes.
5. Define the terms accretionary tectonics and tectonic collage.
6. Examine the Triassic and Jurassic paleogeographic maps to identify the approach and
convergence of displaced terranes along the Cordilleran belt.
7. Describe the cause of the Permian—Triassic Sonoma orogeny; list the geologic features
associated with this disturbance (faults, sedimentary deposits).
8. Describe the cause of the Triassic—Cretaceous Nevadan orogeny; list the geologic
features associated with this disturbance (faults, folds, metamorphism, magmatic
9. Describe the geologic features associated with the Middle Jurassic- Early Cenozoic
Sevier orogeny.
10. Describe the geologic features of the Rocky Mountains associated with the early
Cenozoic Laramide orogeny.
The Mesozoic Epicontinental Seas
11. Describe the extent of epicontinental seas during the Jurassic and Cretaceous.
12. Explain how seafloor spreading could be the cause of the Cretaceous epicontinental sea.
Key Tectonic Events Outside North America
Tethys Sea in Europe
13. Describe the geologic features associated with the Cretaceous convergence of Africa
against southern Europe.
14. Describe the Cretaceous events that caused the immense basalt flows of the Deccan
15. Explain the link between the formation of the Deccan Traps and the Cretaceous mass
Chapter 14: Mesozoic Life
Mesozoic Climate
1. Identify the primary global control of climate.
2. List the factors that influence climate.
3. Identify the factors that contributed to cool climates at the end of the Paleozoic.
4. Identify the factors that contributed to warm climates during most of the Jurassic and
5. Identify the factors that contributed to cooling at the end of the Cretaceous.
Mesozoic Invertebrates
6. Identify when recovery of marine invertebrates began to take place following the Permian
extinction (95% of marine invertebrate species).
7. Note the importance of rudistids as reef builders (modern petroleum reservoirs) in the
Jurassic and Cretaceous.
8. Describe the characteristics of ammonoid cephalopods that make them important guide
Mesozoic Vertebrates
Note that although marine communities were largely decimated, many land animals survived the
extinction event at the end of the many land animals survived the extinction event at the end of
the Paleozoic; amphibians, therapsids (mammal-like reptiles), and reptiles cross the era
boundary. The Triassic-Jurassic extinction Event had a more profound effect on land animals.
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9. List the families of land vertebrates that were affected by Triassic-Jurassic extinction
(Note the importance of archosaurs as the reptilian group that gave rise to crocodiles, flying
reptiles, and dinosaurs).
10. Distinguish between the two groups of dinosaurs: saurschia and ornithischia.
11. Differentiate between the saurischian theropods and the saurischian sauropodomorphs.
12. Differentiate between the bipedal ornithischians and the quadrupedal ornithischians.
13. Using Mesozoic reptiles as an example, explain the relationship between adaptive
radiation and diversity.
14. Describe the relationship between basal archosaurs and birds.
15. Identify when the first mammals appear in the fossil record.
16. Describe the evidence used to distinguish fossil mammals from reptiles: tooth
morphology, ear bones, whisker pits, jaw structure, and jaw articulation.
17. List some modern representatives of the two types of mammals: prototherians and
18. Describe the evolutionary adaptations that helped mammals survive through the
Cretaceous extinction event.
Land Plants
19. Note the dominance of cycads as the prominent terrestrial plant up until the late
20. Define the term angiosperm; note the rise to dominance of angiosperms in the
21. Describe the coevolution of Cretaceous insects and ornithischian dinosaurs with
The Cretaceous Crisis
22. Discuss the theories, both extraterrestrial and terrestrial, put forth to explain the
extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous.
Unit 3: Part 2 - Cenozoic Era
Chapter 15: Cenozoic Events
Tectonics and Climate
1. Indicate the percentage of sea floor that has been produced in the Cenozoic.
2. Describe the effect of continental movement on the pattern of ocean circulation and
climate (specifically: the development of the Panamanian land bridge and the separation
of Australia and Antarctica).
3. Summarize the tectonics responsible for the mountain system stretching from the Alps to
the Himalayas.
4. Describe the development of extensive grasslands in response to climate change in the
Basin and Range Province
5. Describe the Miocene events that shaped the Basin and Range province.
6. Summarize the four hypotheses currently being evaluated with regard to the formation of
the Basin and Range province.
Colorado Plateau Uplift
7. Describe the Pliocene events that produced this plateau.
8. Describe how this uplift produced the Grand Canyon.
Columbia Plateau and Cascades Volcanism
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9. Describe the Miocene events that produced the extensive flood basalts of the Columbia
10. Describe the Pliocene to recent events that produced the Cascade Range.
Sierra Nevada and California
11. Identify the orogeny that produced the original magmatic intrusions and folding in this
12. Describe the Pliocene to recent events that have modified this region.
West Coast Tectonics and the San Andreas Fault
13. Describe the initial subduction tectonics of that characterized most of the Mesozoic and
Cenozoic in this region.
14. Describe how the tectonics changed once the Faralon plate and part of the East Pacific
rise (the spreading center) was subducted along the western coast of California.
15. Explain how this chain of events produced the San Andreas Fault and Baja California.
Mediterranean-Himalayan Smash-Up
16. Describe the Eocene to recent tectonics that produced the mountainous regions of the
Mediterranean and Himalayas.
Northern Europe
17. Describe the Cenozoic events that mark the separation of northern Europe and
Rifting In Africa
18. Describe the Cenozoic rifting that produced the African Rift Valleys that extend from the
Red Sea southward for 2/3 of the length of Africa.
Semitropical Antarctica
19. Describe the Miocene event that transformed Antarctica into the ice-bound continent we
know today.
Pleistocene Glaciation
20. Describe the extent and volume of Pleistocene continental ice.
21. Describe how the ice age affected climates in: northern Europe and the United States;
and northern and eastern Africa.
22. Explain how the Pleistocene climate in Africa influenced human evolution.
The Physical Impact of Pleistocene Glaciation
23. Describe the impact on sea level.
24. Explain how the weight of continental ice sheets affects crustal elevation both during and
after the ice age.
25. Describe how the Pleistocene ice sheet altered drainage patterns in North America.
26. Explain how the ice age produced the following features: the Great Lakes, kettles,
extensive sand dunes, rich farmland, pluvial lakes, channeled scablands, and loess.
What Caused The Pleistocene Ice Age?
27. Explain how axial precession, orbital eccentricity, and axial tilt can combine to affect the
amount of solar radiation the Earth receives (Milankovitch Cycles) to produce glacial and
interglacial cycles.
28. List the remaining factors that possibly compounded the effect of the Milankovich Cycles
to bring about the Pleistocene glacial episodes.
Chapter 16: Life in the Cenozoic
Overview of Cenozoic Life
1. Summarize the general trends in the evolution of Cenozoic flora and fauna as outlined in
the Key Chapter Concepts.
Grassland Expansion and Grazing Mammals
2. Describe the evolutionary adaptations displayed by mammals in response to the spread
of prairies.
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5enozoic Vertebrates
3. List the wide diversity of Cenozoic bony and cartilaginous fish.
4. List the Cenozoic amphibians.
5. List the reptile groups that did not survive the Cretaceaous extinction event.
6. List the reptiles that did survive into the Cenozoic.
7. Describe the evolution of snakes in response to changing flora and fauna.
8. Describe how crocodiles have diversified in the Cenozoic.
9. Describe the distinctive skeletal characteristics of birds.
10. Describe the large flightless terrestrial birds of the Cenozoic.
11. Identify the group that survived the Cretaceous extinction event and gave rise to the
mammal of the Cenozoic.
12. Describe the distinctive characteristics of mammals.
13. List the mammal groups and their modern representatives.
14. Describe the various habitats and evolutionary modifications displayed by mammals.
Extinction Of Pleistocene Giants
15. Discuss the theories offered to explain the extinction of Pleistocene giants.
Chapter 17: Human Origins
1. List the characteristics of primates.
2. Explain why the development of the hand and stereoscopic vision were likely
modifications of our arboreal, insect-eating ancestors.
3. Describe the function of modifications to the eyes.
4. Explain how our ancestors brachiating habit made the upright posture of later
descendants possible.
5. Summarize the general trends in prosimian evolution during the Paleocene and Eocene.
Early Anthropoids
6. Describe the skeletal characteristics that define the transition from prosimian to
anthropoids during Oligocene time.
7. Describe the pattern of molar teeth used to differentiate monkeys from apes (and
Miocene Tectonics and Climate Change
8. Describe the influence of Miocene tectonics on climate and vegetation.
Pongids and Hominids
9. Describe the Miocene pongid (monkey), Procunsul Africanus.
10. Note the appearance of Miocene ramamorphs: hominids (apes and humans).
11. Describe the general skeletal characteristics and living habits that characterize the
Pliocene australopithecines.
Genus Homo
12. Describe the evidence that paleontologists use to differentiate between gracile
australopithecines and early representatives of our genus, Homo.
13. State the age of the oldest remains of Homo.
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Learning Climate Change and the Evolution of Homo
14. Describe the environmental change that may have precipitated the transition from
Australopithecine to Homo.
Homo erectus
15. Describe the general physical characteristics of Homo erectus (Early to Middle
16. Describe the impact of increasing brain size on skeletal features of Homo erectus.
17. Describe what is known about the skills and living habits of Homo erectus.
18. Describe the general physical characteristics of Neanderthals (Late Pleistocene).
19. Describe what is known about the skills and living habits of Neanderthals.
Homo floresiensis
20. Describe the general physical characteristics of Homo floresiensis (Late Pleistocene).
21. Describe what is known about the skills and living habits of Homo floresiensis.
Cro-Magnon (Homo sapien)
22. Describe the general physical characteristics of Cro-Magnon (Late Pleistocene).
23. Describe what is known about the skills and living habits of Cro-Magnon.
24. Describe the migration route used by early humans into the new world.
Population Growth
25. Explain the dangerous position our species is in through over-population and poor
environmental management.
Course Author(s)
Cindy Ganes, BSc.
Instructional Design and Course Development
Instructional Designer:
Earl R. Misanchuk, Ed. D.
Revisions 2004:
Margareth Peterson, M. Ed.
Robb Larmer, Technology Assistant
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