* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ENGLISH ICT MATHS •Adventure stories • E – Safety • Place value •Non-chronological reports • Word processing skills, Topic research •Comparing and ordering numbers • Instructions • Recounts PE •Stories by the same author •Invasion games – throwing and catching skills •Persuasive writing • Gymnastics - balancing As Historians and Geographers we will: • Investigate the characteristics of life during the Stone Age RE • Judaism •Suggest reasons for particular events and ways of living •Data handling • Different units of measurement • Problem solving Let’s Rock! and What a load of rubbish! Autumn Lower KS2 •Use maps and atlases to locate countries •Identify physical and human features of a location. • Using factors • Christianity •Place events on a timeline • Understand the role of an archaeologist • Mental and written methods of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division Cycle A As Scientists we will • Recognise and name different rocks • Understand how different rocks were made • Suggest suitable uses of different rocks according to their properties •Magnets Music • Rhythm • Singing assembly - Thursday As Artists and Designers we will •Develop our drawing skills • Use different mechanisms such as levers to create a moving book •Create series and parallel circuits •Create a 3D sculpture