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More Heat/Energy problems
q = mCpT
How much water can be heated from 22.0°C to near its boiling point at 98.0°C, if
79.1 x 104 J of energy are added to it? The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g-°C
Large beds of rocks are used in some solar-heated homes to store heat. Assuming the
specific heat of rocks is 0.082 J/g-°C, calculate the amount of heat absorbed by 50.00 kg
of rocks if their temperature increases by 12.0°C.
What would is the final temperature of the rocks from problem 2, if their initial
temperature is 27.4°C and they release 450. kJ of energy?
What is the specific heat of iron metal, if 30.0 kJ of heat energy raises the temperature of
a 1050. g block of iron from 25.0°C to 88.5°C?
The specific heat of ethylene glycol [anti-freeze] is 2.42 J/g-°C. What is q, if the
temperature of 62.0 g of ethylene glycol changes from 40.8°C to 15.2°C?