Download Lecture Guide Molecules • Ions • Atoms I. Development of the Atomic

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Lecture Guide
Molecules • Ions • Atoms
I. Development of the Atomic Theory
What elements did Greeks believed composed matter?
Write a statement on the contribution of each of the following:
V. Molecules and Ions
What are the different types of compounds?
What are the six ways of representing a chemical?
How are ions formed? What part of an atom is altered?
II. Parts of the Atom
Write a statement on the contribution of each of the following:
Michael Faraday
J.J. Thomson
R.A. Millikan
What is the oxidation state of elements in the following family:
Restate the Octet rule in your own words
E. Rutherford
What are the subatomic particles of an atom and e which subatomic
particle has the highest mass? Which has the largest charge?
III. Atoms and Elements
Discuss the development of the atomic theory and personality
responsible for each theory.
How much more massive is the proton compared to the electron.
What is the Principle of Neutrality? Why is it important?
Name the eleven oxyanions with the suffix –ate. What are the
charges of each?
How does the suffix of an oxy-anion change when oxygen are
removed or added?
Which part of the atom is responsible for an atom’s volume?
What is the name of the all the chlorinated oxy anion acids?
Which part of the atom is responsible for chemistry?
Define the following (A, Z, chg) and then determine these values for
Why are the atomic mass of an element as indicated by the periodic
table are generally not whole number integer.
IV. Periodic Table
Who is given credited for conceiving the Periodic Table?
The periodic table is also referred to as a map of ….
What elements are found in the west portion of the periodic table?
What elements are found in the east portion of he periodic table?
What is the difference between a period and a family?
How is the criss-cross trick used to determine the formula of an
ionic compound?
What is the mechanism by which covalent compounds are formed?
There are three types of compounds. Two are ionic and one is
covalent. Discuss the rules of how compounds are classified in
these categories?