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Use of GUI and stand-alone
AC motor section
Install software & setup the environment
Stand alone
Start GUI & jumper setting
Set motor parameter (type, control mode, V/F curve,
startup settings, real-time settings)
Starter kit with ST7MC on board
Indart board connected to PC with usb 2.0 cable
ICC isolation board
AC power supply
AC motor
GUI software
Setup environment
To use GUI the starter kit must be connected through an Indart board with a PC.
ICC isolator must be used to avoid high voltage present in the starter kit to
damage the PC.
Starter Kit
Flat cable
Motor is connected to the starter kit by phase lines and tacho sensor.
Setting of the Voltage provide by AC source is based on motor characteristics.
Starting GUI & Starter Kit jumper setting
Start the GUI and select the 3-Phase
AC Induction Motor
Jumper Setting for AC Induction
S1 on 35V Only
W13 Closed (Tacho input)
W14,W15 (in hall sensor position)
W16 Open
J8 (1-2,3-4,…,7-8) all jumper closed
After jumper setting the starter kit can be powered on
Motor type
GUI Settings
We can set the Selni induction motor (default setting) or other 3-Phase motor
Selni motor
• 230 V AC Induction Motor
• 1 Poles Pair
• Tacho sensor periods per
revolution 8
GUI Settings
Other 3-phase induction motor
If we choose other motor we
must set:
• The number of poles pair
(1 or 2)
• The (eventually)
tachometer periods per
Speed regulation
Speed regulation can be done in open loop or closed loop.
Open loop settings
In open loop speed regulation
we set the stator frequency
and the voltage amplitude
If we check the ratio button
the voltage amplitude is set
according to V/F Curve.
Otherwise is set by the
Voltage edit box
We can read the reported
frequency read by Tacho
sensor and the Slip
Speed can be expressed in Hz or in RPM
Closed loop settings
A PI regulator, with constant slip control, is used to
perform the regulation in closed loop. We can set
the Integral Coefficient (Ki), Proportional
Coefficient (Kp) and the regulator Sampling Time
In closed loop speed regulation we
set the Target Rotor Frequency
and the Slip Frequency
• The slip value to be entered here should be the slip giving optimum efficiency for
the given target rotor frequency and motor characteristics.
The PI will adjust the stator voltage and frequency according to this slip frequency,
the target frequency and the V/F curve.
V/F Curve
We can set Min Voltage,
High or Low Frequency..
This curve fix the relation between Voltage
Amplitude and Stator Frequency to avoid the break
down zone of the motor.
• This curve is divided in three zones.
One from 0 to Low Frequency where the Voltage amplitude is fixed to Min Voltage.
One from Low to High Frequency where the Voltage follow a linear increasing
behavior from Min Voltage to 255.
The last zone where the frequency is over the High Frequency where the voltage is
fixed to 255.
• The amplitude parameter voltage run from 0 to 255 and indicate the duty cycle max
in the generated sine wave signal. A value of 255 mean a sine wave signal generated
with amplitude equal to mains (230 Volts)
Start-Up Settings
Soft start
Open Loop
Closed Loop
Time laps between two
voltage increments (1/255)
Through V/F curve
Max duration
Max duration
In this point rotor frequency reach Min rotor
frequency to validate closed loop
The Max duration is the product
of Voltage and Slew Rate
In both case the Stator Frequency is imposed during the Soft Start
Advanced settings
Frequency of PWM outputs
Sets the min/max values for the
stator frequency.
Indicates what action to be
performed after STOP order
• Free Wheeling: upon stop order
This sets the dead time-between high and low
side switches to avoid cross conduction
motor will continue spinning freely
• DC Current Braking: active
breaking to stop motor quickly
During DC Current Braking two of the three bridge legs are grounded and a
complementary PWM with duty cycle of “Brake level” (maximum 50%) is applied
on the switches of the third leg.
After “Brake time” the motor is free wheeling.
Save the setting & start motor
The setting can be saved and
restored next time
During run time, some parameter, like Rotor Speed,
Slip Frequency and the reported voltage applied,
can be read from GUI. On the right side there is some
indicator to indicate some failures.
When push “Start” the GUI stores the program
and the parameter on the Microcontroller and
start to run the motor
• With the indicator on the right side of the Feedback group we can monitor the status
of Power Stage:
• Over temperature, over current or bus over-voltage
• and we can monitor the motor status
• Startup fails or Motor Stalled
Stand Alone
Compilator: Cosmic, Hiware
Settings relative
to the application
Software library
Starter Kit
Software library is common for all
AC induction motor application
Stand Alone
When we press the “Generate *.H files” button the GUI create config.h and
MTCParam.h, with the current settings used, to be included into software AC
induction motor library to make an executable stand alone software that can be used
without connection with the PC.