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I. Introduction
Our focus for this Unit on Diagnostic Radiology is to understand how x-ray
technology is used for diagnostic purposes and to become familiar with the diagnostic
procedures, safety precautions, and many careers in the Radiology area. Students will
benefit from learning everything from principles behind the technology to their roles
as health care workers in this job cluster.
II. Goals
A. The students will appreciate how the use of radiology testing has changed
diagnostic medicine and impacted the quality of patient care.
B. The students will understand principles of technology for x-rays, CAT
scans, MRI’s, and ultrasounds.
C. Students will recognize the various career opportunities available to them and
educational levels required for these careers.
III. Objectives
A. Lesson 1- Body Planes & Anatomical Directions
(Std 1.0,1.3,1.7.0, 9.0)
1. TSW identify three body planes and appropriately color code each plane.
2. TSW define, pronounce all body planes & directional terms.
3. TSW demonstrate application of planes & directions to diagnostic procedures
and to their use in future careers.
B. Lesson 2- Overview of Radiology
(Std 1.0-1.7)
1. TSW define radiology, x-rays, and electromagnetic radiation and explain
how they are used in diagnosis.
2. TSW compare 4 x-ray pathways and projects for the most common x-rays.
3. TSW discuss the electromagnetic spectrum & identify where x-rays, gamma
rays, and radioactive elements are located.
C. Lesson 3– Contrast Medium and Invasive vs. Non- Invasive Procedures (Std 1.2)
1. TSW compare invasive & non-invasive diagnostic procedures.
2. TSW explain how contrast medium looks on imaging.
3. TSW choose appropriate contrast medium for 3 imaging tests.
D. Lesson 4- X-ray Positioning, Patient Preparation, Vocabulary (Std 1.0,1.3,1.4)
1. TSW communicate instructions and procedures to patients.
2. TSW explain risks of various imaging procedures to patients.
3. TSW choose appropriate positions for x-rays based on physician’s orders
E. Lesson 5- MRI, CAT scans, and Ultrasound
(Std 1.0-1.7,7.0,9.0)
1. TSW describe requirements to become a Sonographer or MRI technician.
2. TSW report on principles of ultrasound, MRI’s and CAT scans.
3. TSW evaluate critical thinking/problem solving scenarios.
F. Lesson 6- Nuclear Medicine
(Std 1.0-1.7,7.0,9.0)
1. TSW compare radioisotopes used for nuclear medicine procedures.
2. TSW explain radioisotopes and which organs they are used to evaluate.
3. TSW define & illustrate ‘half-life’ by activity with m&m’s (“Get a half-life”)
G. Lesson 7- Therapeutic Radiology
(Std 1.0-1.7,7.0,9.0)
1. TSW relate principles of radiation to treatment of cancer.
2. TSW define vocabulary related to therapeutic radiology.
3. TSW explain treatment procedures and safety risks.
H. Lesson 8 –Radiation Safety
(Std 1.4)
1. TSW report on risks of various imaging procedures.
2. TSW explain safety precautions associated with radiology work
3. TSW describe three levels of safety precautions & regulations.
I. Lesson 9 – Review Day & Unit Test
(Std 1.0-1.7, 7.0,9.0)
1. TSW recognize definitions of all radiology terminology & discuss
10 diagnostic imaging procedures.
2. TSW apply knowledge to case studies and choose correct responses.
3. TSW put into practice the skills of patient positioning & safety skills.
4. TSW successfully apply & write principles of radiology on a Unit test.
J. Lesson 10 – Field trip to Baptist Center for Health Sciences (Std 1.0-1.7)
1. TSW put into practice the skills of preparing the imaging unit, taking an
x-ray , developing it and evaluating the resulting image.
2. TSW create a sonogram by using ultrasound equipment.
3. TSW evaluate the use of therapeutic radiology in cancer treatment.
4. TSW investigate career opportunities in the Radiology field.
IV. State Competency StandardsA. Med Diagnostics
Standard 1.0 Students will interpret a diagnostic imaging request, select
appropriate equipment, and identify basic anatomy on images.
Std 1.1 Evaluate pt history, services
Std.1.2 Resources/imaging systems
Std.1.3 Demonstrate role of the professional
Std.1.4 Apply radiation protection
Std.1.5 Prepare imaging unit
Std.1.6 Evaluate image for quality
Std.1.7 Identify anatomy on images
Standard 2.0 TSW apply communication skills to transmit information
Standard 8.0 TSW maintain patient comfort, monitor status & report results
Standard 9.0 TSW examine range of diagnostic services
B. Health Science
Standard 1.0 TSW know & apply academic subject matter
1.1 TSW know patient forms
1.2 TSW perform math operations/conversions needed
1.3 TSW use medical terminology correctly
1.4 TSW employ principles in assessing health
Standard 7.0 TSW analyze existing 7 potential safety hazards to clients, coworkers & self . Use safe work practices.
Curriculum Standards found at:
V. Duration
The Radiology Unit will take approximately two weeks (10 lessons).
VI. Strategies & Procedures
A. Lesson 1- Body planes & Anatomical DirectionsTSW take notes from Overhead transparencies, color planes on handouts, apply
terms using activities with food, perform a mock x-ray in a group activity.
TTW lecture, explain terms, give examples, relate material to careers, illustrate,
and facilitate group activities.
B. Lesson 2- Overview
TSW identify vocabulary from lecture & discussion, summarize imaging
procedures, visualize electromagnetic spectrum, compare 4 x-ray pathways.
TTW explain diagnostic imaging; classify x-rays, gamma rays, radioactive
isotopes on the EM spectrum summarize career options, show x-ray paths.
C. Lesson 3- Invasive vs Non-invasive procedures
TSW differentiate the kinds of procedures from notes, participate in a
discussion, read & organize a diagram of procedures and work in a cooperative
group to prepare a poster about imaging & choose types of contrast medium.
TTW use notes, examples, discussion, technology (websites), and role-plays
to demonstrate material.
D. Lesson 4- X-ray positioning & Patient preparation
TSW identify & describe patient positions from overhead transparencies, then
Role-play giving patient instructions for procedures and choosing correct
positions for diagnostic tests, and complete workbook pages.
TTW distinguish positions & uses for procedures, integrates communications
skills into pt prep & role-plays, relates testing to patient’s med history.
E. Lesson 5- MRI, CAT scans, Ultrasounds
TSW use notes, text and Mosby’s to research principles of these tests, explain
terminology in a discussion, and read/analyze case scenarios.
TTW facilitate discussion, group research, and suggest & evaluate responses
to problem solving cases. TTW invite a Guest Speaker for a short talk.
F. Lesson 6 –Nuclear Medicine
TSW name & describe radioisotopes from notes, evaluate procedures &
choose the most logical isotope to use, demonstrate half-life in a fun,
discussion /activity with m & m’s .
TTW guide the comparison of isotopes, plan & illustrate the activity and point
out the out-come of half-lives related to those used in Nuclear medicine.
G. Lesson 7-Therapeutic Radiology
TSW support the choice of superficial or megadoses of radiation for different
malignancies by investigating, predicting treatment & prognosis.
TTW guide discussion, analysis of cancer information, and internet exploration
for new & innovative treatments, such as exploring the gamma knife for brain
H. Lesson 8- Radiation Safety
TSW demonstrate steps in radiations safety by notes, discussion, worksheets and
situations with possible contamination.
TTW identify 3 specific areas of safety and outline steps in each area. TTW
oversee students’ investigation of TN Dept. of Environment & Conservation,
Division of Radiologic Health website on the internet for State guidelines
& regulations for health care employees.
I. Lesson 9- Review Day for Unit Test
TSW play Jeopardy to review all terms, procedures, safety & complete a
study guide for the Unit Test.
TTW choose appropriate materials for review and facilitate the game.
J. Lesson 10- Field trip to BCHS
TSW complete hands-on activities to satisfy state competency standards in
Radiology and compare Baptist’s program with other schools offering Radiology
Degrees or certificates.
TTW point out and summarize experiences & equipment in radiography,
therapeutic radiation and ultrasound areas. TTW assign a career project.
VII. Assessments
A. Lesson 1 – Students will be assessed on participation, worksheet completion,
correct responses to questions, & the group activity- correctly placing Barbie
in position for x-rays . This will be a 100 point daily grade.
B. Lesson 2- Performance indicator for this lesson would be completion of vocab.
assignment and correct responses on the 4 x-ray pathways.
C. Lesson 3- Four groups will create a poster with diagnostic tests classified into
Invasive or non-invasive categories. A grade will be taken for the group work.
D. Lesson 4- A 50 point quiz grade will be given today for a skill test on properly
aligning / positioning the patient for a radiology test & role plays.
E. Lesson 5 – Student’s responses to questions about how MRI’s & CAT scans
work will show their understanding. Four case studies with problem solving
type scenarios will be graded. By now, I can tell if a learner is progressing along
with the terminology & skills needed for successful completion of this Unit.
F. Lesson 6- This is the most fun assessment of the Unit. The m & m activity
demonstrates half-life in a way they can visually see and appreciate. They
complete a graph showing their results and get a grade for this.
G. Lesson 7- By this time in the Unit they are ready for a short quiz (matching) on
diagnostic tests. A test grade is given and the therapeutic radiology lesson is
assessed on participation in the discussion & internet research.
H. Lesson 8- A notebook grade is taken this week for organization & having notes.
I. Lesson 9 – (Review) A daily grade is given for answering questions and
participation. Score is kept for the teams and the winners get either candy or
bonus points. The Unit Test is a 100 point test.
J. Field Trip- Students are given a daily grade based on behavior and a
summary of their favorite area at BCHS. A report on a career in this cluster
will be graded as a project (weighted heavier than a test grade).
VIII. Materials & Media
A. Lesson 1- Diversified Health Occupations Textbook Simmers, Louise.
Clinical Procedures for Medical Assisting Textbook, Prickett
Overhead projector & transparencies
Body diagram (handout) & markers, paper & pen
E.L. Fudge cookies & French bread
dolls, film, penlights or small flashlights
x-ray light box, x-rays or other imaging films
B. Lesson 2- DHO textbook, overhead projector, transparencies of EM spectrum
picture/transparency of 4 x-ray pathways
dry erase board, markers
paper, pen, list of vocabulary terms
C. Lesson 3- DHO & Clinical Procedures Textbooks
Poster board, markers, Medical dictionary
D. Lesson 4- Quiz, paper, pen
Sack with different x-ray ‘orders’, flashlight
x-ray film, light box
chairs, lab coats, stethoscopes for “props” for role play
E. Lesson 5 – Overhead projector, transparencies
paper, pen, Mosby’s Medical Dictionary
copies of case studies for problem solving
F. Lesson 6- handout with definitions, Overhead projector, transparencies
paper, pencils, chart of elements
Story for half-life activity, 25 baggies with 50 m&m’s in each
paper plates, small cups
G. Lesson 7- overhead projector & transparency, computer
textbooks, internet sites, paper, pen
pop quiz
Radiation safety notice from State of TN
H. Lesson 8 – notebook, text, paper, pen
I. Lesson 9- dry erase board, markers
set of 25 Jeopardy questions
treats for winners
J. Lesson 10-Baptist field trip (use their equipment)
Career research handout
IX. Reteaching
In the case where Reteaching is necessary, I prefer to use methods where the student
is active in participation of a game such as Jeopardy, Bingo, word search, crossword
puzzles, practicing hands-on performance skills or listening to a guest speaker in
that profession. Much of this class is skills, terminology, and concepts new to the
learner, so many times we need to reteach the material. Repetition using visual aids
(videos or microscope slides), computer activities (CD Rom games ) & group poster
projects are effective tools for my class, since I have so many visual learners. I also
use many team or group activities. The students must understand they will be part
of a Health Care Team for patient management, and they must be a willing learning
EnrichmentTwo of my students benefit from some type of enrichment. I have many reference
books, computer aids (such as “Cardiac Arrest”, “Heart & Lung Sounds”, “Medical
Terminology Challenge”) and Current Events in Health Care to offer added material
and challenges to these students. I use the students to help me in demonstrations and
hands-on skills where other students need help. Many times there are questions about
diagnostic medical procedures or medications that these students can research &
report on to the class ,by using the computer or in Mosby’s or Taber’s Medical
ModificationsTwo of my students need mild modifications. One is handicapped and has some
physical & mental limitations and the other is an ESL student. Both are very
interested in Health Care Careers and work hard to succeed. Some modification is
needed on critical thinking/problem solving scenarios (higher order skills) and some
on terminology. These students are well received in the class and get help from
other students as well as modified assignments.