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Name of a subject
Medical Biology
Head of the
Dr hab. Bożena Kiziewicz
Didactic classes at the unita
Elective courses
The prerequisite requirements for the implementation of the didactic classes at the
department and a way of final evaluation
The aim of teaching on medical biology (knowledge, skills or carriage which students
should assimilate).
The aim of teaching on medical biology course is give broad knowledge in field of
dependency between organisms in ecosystem with special place of human existence.
Students are obligated to be familiar with parasites body plans, routes of parasite invasion,
intermediate and definitive hosts, reservoirs of parasites and effects of
infection of particular parasites. Students are obligated to conquer the knowledge of basics
of genetic, clinical genetic, molecular genetic and population genetic. They have to know
how to use the rules and genetic principles in practice.
Base on laboratories and lectures they should be prepared to pas practical exam recognition
of given parasite under microscope using specific atlases and dichotomous keys. Use rules
and genetic principles in resolving genetic crosses and genetic tasks. Students have
knowledge about parasites, routes of invasion definitive and intermediate host, reservoirs
of parasites and effects of infection of particular parasites. Students have knowledge of
basics of genetic, molecular genetic and population genetic and the influence of physical
and chemical mutagens on the environmental pollutions and the influence of different
carcinogens on the human body. Students are obligated to understand the differences in
complication of genomic structure of prokaryotic organisms and viruses and eukaryotic
organisms. They should be able to use this knowledge to prevention, diagnosis, and
therapeutics in medicine.
The assimilated knowledge is checked by oral questioning, partial test, projects and written
final exam of medical biology.
1. Differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, Structure and function of cell,
cellular respiration, ATP synthesis, electron transport, protein transport, cytoplasmic
inheriting, defects of the human nuclear and mitochondrial genome.
2. DNA and RNA structure, DNA replication, expression of genes: transcription and
translation in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes. Mechanisms of the regulation of genes. Bases
of biotechnology, methods used in biotechnology and medicine.
3. Cell cycle, cell division, mitosis and meiosis. Properties of the human genome and
mitochondrial genome, chromatin structure, nucleosome structure, gene silencingpprocesses of gene regulation, DNA supercoiling, plasmids in bacteria and in eukaryotic
organisms, bacterial chromosomes. The biological importance of topoisomerase, telomeres
and aging, eukaryotic cell division and cell cycle, mitosis, sexual reproduction: meiosis
and gamete production (spermatogenesis, oogenesis). Regulation of the cell cycle. Animal
Development, stages of development, embryonic development, gastrulation: Hox genes
function, cell migration, organogenesis and growth.
4. Ecology, biodiversity, major body systems, levels of organization, homeostasis,
metabolism, biological organization, populations in ecosystem, ecological interactions,
trophic cascades, ecological succession, photosynthesis - respiration trophic structure,
food Chain, energy flow, biogeochemical cycling. Population ecology capacity density,
history of human population growth, density and distribution of populations, eactors
affecting human pop density.
5. Parasitism. Ecological interactions: parasitic relationships, humans and parasites-history,
background info on parasites, parasite modes of entry, spread and tropisms, mechanisms
for evading the host response.
6. Parasitic Protists: classification, structure, anatomy, life cycle, specialization, habitat,
adaptations, examples
7. Parasitic helminthes, classification, Platyhelminthes, Trematoda, Cestoda, structure,
anatomy, life cycle, specialization, habitat, adaptations, examples
8. Parasitic helminthes, classification, Nemathelminthes, Nematoda, structure, life cycle,
specialization, habitat, adaptations, examples
9. Parasitic Arthropoda, structure, life cycle, specialization, habitat, adaptations, examples,
vectors of diseases (examples).
10. Sex determination in humans and other organisms, patterns of gene inheritance,
Mendel’s Laws, monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, determining probability of getting a
specific type of offspring, Punnett Square, multiplying the probability gamete, nonMedellian genetics with examples, modifying and regulator genes, gene interactions
Epistasis and other examples, X linked inheritance in humans sex-limited and sexcontrolled genes, genomic imprinting, penetrance and expressivity. The study of tissuestypes of tissue.
11 Functions of blood, blood cells, blood coagulation, blood groups, the ABO system,
universal donor and recipient, the Rhesus (Rh) antibody, blood antigens, prevention of
hemolytic, disease of the newborn.
12. Human karyotype and mutations, chromosomes: normal and aberrant structure and
karyotypes, human sex chromosome phenotypes, X linked inheritance in humans, genetic
amoralities, genetic disorders with examples: autosomal dominant autosomal, homozygous
recessive sex linked diseases changes in number of chromosomes, genetic and
environmental conditioning of cancers.
13. Chosen issues from the population genetics. The Hardy Weinberg law of equilibrium,
When the Hardy-Weinberg law fails to apply. Mendel’s laws. The genetic counseling and
analysis of origins.
1. Structure of animal and plant cell. Microscope and measuring, microscopic
observations and drawing, Bürker camera, epidermis of Alium cepa (onion),
Tradescantia (day-flower) or Solanum sp., squamous epithelium of frog.
Ecology. Human population as ecological unit. Property and characteristic of
human population: generation, mortality, biotic abiotic factors, types of interactions
between populations, ecological tolerance, toxic and mutagenic factors and their
influence on human life. Poison and narcotic plants. Venomous animals. Greatest
3. Animal and human evolution.
4. DNA and RNA structure in Prokaryotes and in Eukaryotes, DNA, RNA structure,
replication, from DNA to protein. Students project. History of DNA discoveries.
5. Cell cycle: phases in cell division, mitosis and meiosis.
6. Human karyotype. Mutations, human karyotype, autosomal mutations, heterosomal
mutations, cancer genetics. Human cytogenetic, mendelian laws, sex heredity,
mendelian population, Hardy-Weinberg law.
7. Lab. in Regional Center for Transfusion Medicine.
8. Parasites of Protozoa - Phylum Sarcomastigophora: Giardia
Trichomonas vaginalis, Dientamoeba fragilis, Trypanosoma
Trypanosoma equiperdum, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania donovani,
tropica, Leishmania major, Leishmania aethopica, Leishmania
Leishmania brazilienzis.
9. Parasites of Protozoa - Phylum: Apicomplexa, Ciliophora. Rhizopoda. Entamoeba
histolityca, Acanthamoeba castellanii, Naegleria fowleri, Plasmodium vivax,
Plasmodium falciparum, Toxoplasma gondii, Cryptosoporidium parvum,
Balantidium coli.
10. Parasites of helminthes – Phylum Platyhelminthes: Schistosoma hematobium,
Schistosoma masoni, Schistosoma japonicum, Fasciolopsis buski, Fasciola
hepatica, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis lelineus,
Heterophyes heterophyes, Metagonimus yokogawai, Paragonimus westernami,
Taenia saginata, Taenia solium, Diphylobotrium latum, Echinococcus granulosus,
Echinococcus multilocularis, Hymenolepis nana, Hymenolepis diminuta,
Dipylidium caninum.
11. Parasites of helminthes - Phylum Nematoda: Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius
vermicularis, Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati, Anisakis simplex, Strongyloides
stercoralis, Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, Dranunculus medinensis,
Trichinella spiralis, Capilaria philippinensis, Trichuris trichiura, Wuchereria
bancrofti, Brugia malayi, Brugia timori, Loa loa, Mansonella ozzardi, Onchocerca
12. Introduction to Ecotoxycology. Parasitic Arthropoda; Ecogenetics,
Ecotoxycology: Parasitic arthropods: Pediculus humanus, Pthirus pubis, Triatoma
infestsans, Rhodnius prolixus, Cimex lecturalius, Anopheles sp., Phelebotomus sp.,
Lutzomia sp., Glossina palpalis, Musca domestica, Xenopsylla cheopis, Pulex
irritans, Ctenocephalides canis, Ctenocephalides felis, Ornithonyssus bacoti, Ixodes
ricinus, Argas reflexus, Dermanyssus gallinae, Demodex folliculorum,
Neotrombicula autumnalis, Sarcoptes scabiei, Psoroptes equi, Dermatophagoides
farinae, Acarus siro, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, Glycophagus domesticus,
Lepidoglyphus destructor.
13. Ecogenetics, Ecotoxycology Bioterrorism; students project, Cannibalism,
Bioterrorism; Alcoholism and other addictions (mechanism).
A form of classes’ crediting:
1. A way of evaluation individual labs
On each laboratory students are evaluating on oral questions, written small tests,
projects and reports of referring to particular subject. Partial test are assessed according
to the pointed scale. The number of points from all credits amounts to 100, and they are
changed to marks. Rules of evaluation are obligatory.
2. A way of evaluation seminars
Not regard
3. A way and a form of final evaluation the whole course at the unit
Students pass practical and final exam- opened and closed test. Final exam is assessed
according to the pointed scale and changed to marks. Rules of assessing points and
marks are obligatory. Marks from final exam are written in student index.
4. A form of exemption from an exam
On medical biology we provide form of exemption of final exam. The number of
points from all credits amounts to 100. Student who will receive 95 or more points has
right to the early term (zero term) of the Final Exam
Textbooks for the Medical Biology Course
1. The obligatory books for obtaining a basic knowledge of a subject (max 2 books)
Buczek A. 2010. General Biology –Vol. 1, 2
Buczek A. 2010. Parasitology for medical students
2. The optional books (max 2 books)
Guerrant R. L. 2005. Tropical Infectious Diseases. Elsevier Health Sciences, Philadelphia
Campbell N. A. 2006. Biology. Pearson Education Inc., CA 94111, San Francisco
a – write down the number of didactic hours
b – the Dean ‘s Office puts in the table