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Evolution: Evidence of Change
MuGfiple Choice Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.
1. Most scientists now agree that the Earth is about
a. 6,000 years old.
b. 3 million years old.
c. 150 million years old.
£dV/2 billion years old.
2. A pair of homologous structures is
a. wing and leg.
b. arm and hand.
c. flipper and shoulder.
(djarm and wing.
3. Animals that are trapped in tar pits may become fossils because the tar protects
the animal from
(atdecay. b. enemies. c. drying out. d. being preserved.
4. Similarities among living organisms are best explained by Darwin's concept of
fa?) descent from a common ancestor,
b. complexity of organisms,
i c. ascent with change through time.
d. common chemical pathways.
S. Ihe term lesist ciosely related to the others is
,/ .. a. radioactive decay: tk argon. " " c. hdlf-life. d. utanium-238.
6. Thq largest divisions of titne in the geologic tim^ scale are
a. eras. / b. periods. c. centuries. d. epochs,
T. The majority of all fossils are found in
a. amber. b. sand, (cl) sedimentary rock. d. running water.
8. The half-life of pptassium-40 is
i./ GO.OOO^ears. /! / \
bj 3.2 Hiilllon years!
g c. l .3 billidn years. - /
d. 4.5 billion years.
9. In a rock column, the fossils in the lowest layer are the
a. youngest, (by oldest. c. best preserved. d. least preserved.
10. In The Origin of Species Darwin maintained that modern organisms have been
produced through
a. fitness. b. adaptation. (fcjevolution. d. diversity.
Completion Complete each statement on the line at the left.
' iThe'preserved remains pf'-ancient organises.are - -
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Evolution: How Change Occurs
Multiple Choice CHoose the letter of the answer that best completes each statement.
1. A scientist who proposed that evolution resulted from the inheritance of acquired
characteristics was
a. Charles Lyell. c. Theodore Dobzhansky.
b. Thomas Malthus. /d/dean Baptiste de Lamarck.
2. The fossil record indicates that several times in the past, huge numbers of species have
disappeared suddenly in a phenomenon known as
a. speciation. c. convergent evolution.
b. divergent evolution. (dumass extinction.
3. Evolution does not occur unless something upsets a population's
a. genotype. (cTgenetic equilibrium.
b. phenotype. d. camouflage.
4. Divergent evolution is also known as
(ai)adaptive radiation. c. genetic recombination,
b. speciation. d. survival of the fittest.
5. A reason why two species of birds in the same area might not breed with each other is
that they
have different courtship behavior.
b. occupy the same niche.
c. lack behavioral barriers.
d. are geographically isolated.
. 6. Farmers change the gene pool of a population by
(ah artificial selection. c. natural selection,
b. adaptive radiation. d. convergent evolution.
7. In the artificial selection of cows for better milk, breeders choose cows with desirable
a. gene frequencies. c. variations.
{b) mutations. - d. acquired traits.
8. All the individuals of the same species in a given area form a
a. gene pool. c. phenotype.
b. niche. (depopulation.
9. The fact that most maple seeds never grow into mature trees is in keeping with
a. artificial selection.
b. Lamarck's explanation of evolution.
(c)the Malthusian doctrine.
d. Lyell's observations.
10. The controversial theory proposed to explain gaps in the fossil record is
a. gradualism. c. natural selection.
fbT punctuated equilibria. d. inheritance of acquired traits.
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Classification Systems
Multipl© Choice Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.
1. Scientists who specialize in the classification of organisms are
(a^taxonomists. b. anatomists. c. biochemists. d. paleontologists.
2. The only taxon in which the biological characteristics are clearly identifiable
is the
a. kingdom, (b) species. c. phylum. d. class. •
3. In general, the greater the difference in the cytochrome c between two species, the
a. later they diverged,
fbtfearlier they diverged.
c. closer they are related.
d. greater their similarity.
4, The taxon with the largest number of different types of organisms is the
a. class. b. genus. c. species. (dTphylum.
5. An organism that has many nuclei and separate cells that are not divided/by cell
walls is in the kingdom / \ / \
a. Monera.x b. Protista. c. Plantae. d. Fungi.
6. In our presept taxonomic system, the most clear-cut division is between the
'¦ a. Protista/and Fungi. ' / ; 'V..
\ b. Monera and Protista,
c. Plantae and Animalla.
d. Fungus and Plantae.
7. A one-celled organism that has no nucleus and a cell wall that does not contain
cellulose is a (an)
<( a. moneran.
15. animallike protist.
c. plantlike protist.
d. funguslike protist.
8. The first taxon that is out of order is the
a. kingdom. b. phylum, (cyorder. d. class.
9. The organisms at the base of the evolutionary tree are
fTa) monerans. c. animallike protists.
b. plantlike protists. d. funguslike.
10. Mosses and ferns are in the same kingdom as
a. fungi. IcTjflowering plants.
b. funguslike plants. d. plantlike protists.
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