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Understanding Climate Change
Part 6
Energy and Climate Change Mitigation
In the previous article we examined the global framework that is in place for addressing climate
change. This week we will examine climate change mitigation actions with special focus on energy
use and alternative energy options.
Global energy usage
Energy is one of the key building blocks of sustainable development. It is a major requirement
for the production of food, shelter, clothing and medicine. It is also fundamental for most industrial
activity, including agriculture, mining, transport, manufacturing, and construction, as well as for
residential uses. Without energy, society is not able to meet basic human needs, to improve living
standards and to undergo economic development.
Member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – a
group of 30 developed and high-income developing countries, account for the largest share of
current world energy consumption, accounting for 51% of total world energy consumption in 2006
(US Energy Information Administration,2009). China and India are the fastest-growing non-OECD
economies, and they will be key world energy consumers in the future. In 1990, these two countries
accounted for about 10% of the world’s total energy consumption , but in 2006 their combined
share was 19%.
Projections of future energy consumption by the International Energy Agency (IEA), 2008, suggest
that world marketed energy consumption will grow by 44% over the 2006 to 2030 period, assuming
a scenario in which current laws and policies remain unchanged throughout the projection period.
Sources of energy
The different sources of energy are generally grouped in two major categories – renewable and nonrenewable sources.
Non-renewable energy supplies which include fossil-fuels were formed over millions of years
through the decomposition and geological compression of organic matter.
Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas, and are non-renewable fuel sources. They are
hydrocarbon-based fuel sources which release carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse gas which
contributes to global warming, when they are burned for energy production.
Currently, natural gas and coal together account for the largest share of total world electricity
generation, at more than 60% of global electricity supply. Renewable energy comes from natural
sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are continually and naturally
replenished. Renewable energy sources do not emit greenhouse gases, and are therefore not
implicated as causes of climate change.
1 Renewable energy sources are the fastest growing energy source for world electricity generation. For
the period, 2006 to 2030, world renewable energy use for electricity generation is projected by the
IEA to increase by an average of 2.9 percent per year and the renewable share of world electricity
generation is projected to rise from 19 percent in 2006 to 21 percent in 2030.
Much of the world increase in renewable electricity supply is fuelled by hydropower and wind
power. Other renewable energy technologies are not expected to be economically competitive with
fossil fuels over the projection period, assuming no substantial changes in current energy laws and
policies, with the exception of a few niche markets.
Energy usage and climate change
The production and consumption of energy are major contributors to global greenhouse gas
emissions, which lead to climate change.
According to Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC
FAR ),2007, the energy supply sector contributed about 26% to total anthropogenic (humaninduced) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in 2004. Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of
fossil fuels comprised approximately 57% of total GHG emissions in the same year. (See Figure 1)
Figure 1 : Global anthropogenic green house gas emissions (Source : IPCC FAR, 2007)
World CO2 emissions are projected to increase by 39% between 2006 and 2030. Much of the
increase in carbon dioxide emissions is likely to occur among the developing, non-OECD nations,
where economic growth is strong and there is heavy reliance on fossil fuels.
In the absence of national policies and/or binding international agreements that would limit or
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, world coal consumption is projected to increase by 2030 at an
2 annual rate of 1.7%. However, the outlook for coal, in particular, could be altered substantially by
any future legislation that would reduce or limit the growth of greenhouse gas emissions.
Mitigation of climate change through energy reforms
Burning of fossil fuels for energy production is the biggest current contributor to greenhouse gas
emissions. Policies and measures to improve energy efficiency reduce reliance on fossil fuels and
increase the contribution of renewable energy to total energy consumption, are therefore essential in
combating climate change.
A number of policy measures and instruments are available, including reduction of subsidies on
fossil fuel; taxes or carbon charges on fossil fuels, tradable permits for carbon dioxide emissions;
producer subsidies for renewable energy, demand-side management and various regulatory
Climate change policies related to energy efficiency and renewable energy are often economically
beneficial, and can improve energy security and reduce local pollutant emissions as well as reducing
global greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy usage and status in Guyana
Guyana is very dependent on imports of fossil fuels for its energy needs. According to the Guyana
Energy Agency (GEA), the country’s oil consumption is approximately 10,400 barrels per day (bpd),
which represents approximately 0.012% of current world oil consumption. The country is heavily
reliant on the importation of petroleum products, which account for about 70% of primary energy
supply. Petroleum imports for 2008 represented about 44% of Guyana’s official Gross Domestic
Product (GDP).
A national GHG inventory for Guyana which was prepared as part of Guyana’s Initial National
Communication (INC) in Response to its Commitments to the UNFCCC (2002), shows the carbondioxide emissions by sub-sectors within Guyana’s energy sector for 1998 (Refer to Figure 2 ). The
report indicates that the energy sector (fuel combustion activities) contributed to CO2 emissions of
1446 Gg in 1994, making it the major sectoral emitter in the country.
Overall however, , the report revealed that Guyana is a net sink country for CO2, as the country
removes more emissions than it gives off due to the large expanse of forests which store carbon
(carbon sinks).
In previous articles it was emphasized that Guyana, as a Non-Annex I party that has signed on to
the Kyoto Protocol, is not legally obligated to reducing GHG emissions.
3 Figure 2. Carbon-dioxide emissions by sub-sectors within Guyana’s Energy Sector for 1998 (Source:
INC, 2002)
Nevertheless, the country has taken key steps towards implementing actions to reduce emissions.
One of the key objectives of Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) is to examine
how the country can move along a low carbon development path. An important approach towards
enabling this is the development of alternative energy systems in Guyana to reduce the use and
dependence on fossil fuels.
Alternative Energy Opportunities in Guyana
The low carbon development strategy identifies several alternative energy options that could be
supported in Guyana. Significant efforts are being made at this stage to develop these options and
some of the major ones are discussed below.
Hydro power - In Guyana, the hydropower potential is approximately 7,000 Mega Watts (MW).
Presently, 67 potential sites have been identified in the country, with the most advanced being the
Amaila Falls with a proposed capacity of 150MW (GEA, 2010). Major developments in the site are
expected by the end of 2010. It is expected that the Amaila Falls will meet all of the country’s
domestic power needs in the near to medium term. .
Wind Power - In Guyana, wind power can be used for many purposes including: generating
electricity, performing agricultural tasks and pumping water for domestic use. A wind farm with an
installed capacity of about 13.5 MW (to supply fuel to the local grid) has been proposed by a private
company for Hope Beach on the East Coast. The project is currently in its final stages of financial
Solar Power - Guyana’s tropical climate and average daily solar irradiation makes the country
suitable for solar power. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems are presently used primarily in the
hinterland regions, where grid power is not available and buildings are far apart. Solar water heating
is also beginning to be used for domestic water heating.
4 Bagasse - Sugar factories have traditionally burned the bagasse generated from sugar cane in boilers
to supply the electricity and steam to power factory operations. A 30MW bagasse powered cogeneration facility has been set up at the Skeldon sugar factory.
Biofuels – Several biofuel projects have been set-up in Guyana including a semi-commercial pilot
plant which is currently producing biodiesel from palm oil in Region 1.
Biogas - The use of methane in Guyana has been largely underdeveloped at this stage. There are a
number of potential sites in the country including poultry and cattle-rearing farms. Potential exists
for the use of landfill-based methane gas as a source of energy.
Biomass - The logging and sawmilling industries in Guyana generate significant amounts of waste
which can be converted to energy.
Effective and efficient use of energy – A reduction in demand for energy would reduce the
amount of money spent on fuel and electricity in the home; can make more financial resources
available for social development; would delay the need for additional capital-intensive generation
capacity and their associated costs; and would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other
emissions into the atmosphere. There are many ways by which countries can reduce dependency on
fossil fuel based sources of energy. However, for many developing countries that can represent a
great challenge especially as it relates to funding such initiatives. It is therefore important that the
most appropriate options are chosen and support be provided to developing countries through
global initiatives such as the UNFCCC process.
Next week we will examine Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in
Developing Countries (REDD Plus) which is another approach to mitigating climate change.
*Information used in this feature was extracted from the following reports and sources: The Guyana Energy Agency
(GEA) , The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 (IPCC FAR),
Guyana’s Initial National Communication (INC) in Response to its Commitments to the UNFCCC (2002), The
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2008,
US Energy Information Administration’s International Energy Outlook 2009
Prepared by the Office of Climate Change, April, 2010
For additional information, please contact:
Office of Climate Change, Office of the President
Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown
Tel. 223-5205
Email: [email protected] , Web Site: