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Anatomy and Physiology
Lecture Notes – Cardiovascular System: The Cardiac Cycle and Blood Pressure”
Cardiac Cycle
o Heart muscle contracts and blood is
ejected from the ___________ to the ventricles
o Heart relaxes and fills with blood to be ejected
during the nest systolic contraction
o Commonly known as the SA Node
o Located in the right atrium and is the ________________________ of the heart
o Specialized muscle cells
o Automatically generate electrical impulses
 Electrical impulses are generated through ________________________
o “speedy” route: ________________ _________________ ________________ ______________
o ______________________________
 Commonly known as the AV node
 passes the signal from the SA node to the ventricles, causing a delay in the cardiac cycle.
o Permits the atria to complete the ________________________ before
ventricular systole begins
o Bundle of His fibers travel down the interventricular septum the _____________
o Purkinje fibers carry impulses from the bundle of His into the _____________________
Resting Heart Rate
Active Heart Rate
To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on
the thumb side of your wrist. When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by 4 to
calculate your beats a minute.
Normal Heart Rates (Resting Heart Rates)
o ____________________________
o ____________________________
o ____________________________
o ____________________________
o ____________________________
Equine: ____________________________
Elephant: __________________________
Guinea Pig: _________________________
Human: ____________________________
Auscultation is _______________________________
o Auscultated through the chest wall with a stethoscope
o Canine/feline hearts lie between the _____ and ____ ribs
o Equines/ruminants heart lies between _____ and _____ ribs
Cardiac Rhythm is typically described as _________________
o ___________ is called S1
 Associated with the simultaneous closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves at the beginning of
ventricular systole
 Mitral valve better heard on the right side of the chest
 Tricuspid valve better heard on the right side of the chest
o ___________ is called S2
 Associated with the closure of the semilunar valves at the beginning of the ventricular diastole
 Aortic valve best listened to on the left
 Pulmonary valve best heard on the left also
Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is the _____________________________________
o _______________________
 Amount of blood ejected with each cardiac contraction
o _______________________
 How often the heart contracts
Cardiac Output Equation: _______________________ = ___________________ x ________________
EDV= End diastolic volume – amount of blood in the ventricle right before ventricular contraction
ESV = End systolic volume – amount of blood in the ventricle right after ventricular contraction
COMPLETE Practice Questions 1-4 to calculate Cardiac Output
1. HR = 108 beats/min
SV= ________mL
CO= __________mL/min
EDV = ______ ESV = ______
2. HR = 140 beats/min
SV= ________mL
CO= __________mL/min
3. HR = 100 beats/min
SV= ________mL
CO= __________mL/min
4. HR = 70 beats/min
SV= ________mL
CO= __________mL/min
*Starling’s Law Video
Affecters of Cardiac Output
o O2 demand increases
o Heart begins to contract more forcefully, this is called ___________________
o _____________________________ drops rapidly
o Decreased preload
 _____________________ do not fill completely
o _________________________ occurs because of blood loss
o _________________________ occurs due to small blood vessels in organs and tissues dilating at the
same time
Other affecters
o Autonomic nervous system (fight or flight)
 Increases CO due to epinephrine
o Anesthesia can stimulate parasympathetic nervous system
 Decreases CO due to acetylcholine
Blood Pressure
The pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force
and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls.
Ideal Blood Pressure (BP) = _________________
Recorded as two numbers:
o Measures pressure in the arteries during contraction
o Measures pressure in arteries between heartbeats
Veterinarian also use the _________________________________
MAP calculation:
MAP = SBP + 2 (DBP)
To calculate a mean arterial pressure, double the diastolic blood pressure and add the sum to the systolic blood
pressure. Then divide by 3. For example, if a patient’s blood pressure is 83 mm Hg/50 mm Hg, his MAP would be 61 mm
Hg. Here are the steps for this calculation:
MAP = SBP + 2 (DBP)
MAP = 83 +2 (50)
MAP = 83 +100
MAP = 183
MAP = 61 mm HG
Complete Questions 1-4 to find MAP
1. BP = 110 mmHg
2. BP = 96 mmHg
vvvvv 40
3. BP = 83 mmHg
4. BP = 120 mmHg
ECG is short for ____________________________________________
o ECG is a graph of the ___________________________________________
 Monitoring __________________, _______________________ AND ______________________
o Most commonly used to identify arrhythmias in veterinary medicine
Normal ECG consists of multiple waveforms called _________________________
o Each complete cardiac cycle consists of ___, _______ AND ____________
P WAVE: ________________________________________________________________________
QRS Complex: ________________________________________________________________________
T Wave: ________________________________________________________________________