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World History
Review for Chapter 13 Test
30 questions: multiple choice and matching
Section 1
1. Which leader halted the Muslim invasion of Western Europe at the Battle of Tours?
Charles Martel
2. What was the result of the Treaty of Verdun? The division of Charlemagne’s empire into
three parts.
3. The achievement for which Charlemagne is most remembered was? Building an empire
larger than any since the Roman empire.
4. What was the significance of Pope Leo III crowning Charlemagne emperor? It joined
Germanic power with the Church and the heritage of Rome.
5. What was the name for a community of Christian men who gave up all private
possessions to serve God? Monastery
6. Which Carolingian leader reunited Western Europe and was crowned Emperor by Pope
Leo III? Charlamagne
Section 2
1. What system of government was based on the exchange of land for protection and
services? Feudalism
2. What was a lord's estate called? Manor
3. What was the bargain made between a lord and a vassal? The lord would grant land to the
vassal in exchange for military service.
4. How were feudalism and the manor system related? Feudalism was a social order and the
manor system was the economic system that supported it.
5. During the Middle Ages, what was a grant of land from a lord to a vassal called? Fief
Section 3
1. Which code were knights expected to follow? Chivalry
2. According to the code of chivalry, a knight fought for (3): His Lady, his Feudal lord, and
His Heavenly Lord.
3. Eleanor of Aquitaine achieved her fame in part because she became: Queen of England.
4. Explain the role of women during the Middle Ages. Their roles remained limited to the
home and convent.
5. What was a mock battle that served as a training exercise for young knights called?
Section 4
1. What was the body of rules and regulations governing religious practices such as
marriage? Canon Law
2. What was the practice of the appointment of church officials by kings and nobles called?
Lay Investiture
3. Why was the interdict an effective weapon for a pope to use against a king? It cost the
king the LOYALTY of his subjects, who feared for their own souls.
4. What issue did Pope Gregory VII and the German emperor Henry IV fight over? Secular
appointment of Bishops
5. Why did Henry IV stand barefoot in the snow for three days begging forgiveness of Pope
Gregory VII? The Bishops whom Henry had appointed switched allegiance to the Pope.
6. The Concordat of Worms resolved a power struggle between which two groups? The
Holy Roman Emperor and the Church
7. What was the major long-term effect of ongoing conflicts among German princes and
between German kings and the pope? Germany did not become unified during the Middle
8. The German-Italian Empire later became known as? The Holy Roman Empire.
9. What was the act of taking away a person's right to membership in the Church?