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Ivy Tech Community College North Central- Global Studies Program
Name: Erin Larrabee
School: Ivy Tech Kokomo
Course Number and Title: Biology 101
Module Title: viruses, bacteria and infectious diseases
Description of the Module: Introduce the class to the topic of viruses and bacteria (structure of viruses vs. bacteria and
their pathways of invasion)
Educational Objectives of the Module (should constitute a minimum of 12% of the course):
1. What is a virus vs bacteria cells
2. Be able to identify the different structures of a virus vs bacteria
3. Understand how viruses and bacteria infect their host
4. Understand how infectious diseases affect different areas and how each area may deal with these infectious
diseases differently
Outline of Lectures/Discussions: Powerpoint presentation over the chapter
The chapter goes over
1. structure of virus vs bacteria
2. difference between how they reproduce
3. how they interact with cells differently
4. how virus cause infectious diseases
5. international travel how does that open up more of a risk to us
Listing of Resources Used to Support the Module (readings, videos, podcasts, documentaries, etc.):
Lecture book- goes over the topic of viruses and bacteria- Biology: Guide to Natural World
online resources- going over infectious diseases
Description of the Assignments Used to Facilitate an Understanding of the Module Objectives (writings, interviews,
reflections, experiential projects or field work):
There will be a formal powerpoint presentation delivered to the class to go over the topics that are to be
understood in this module
There will be a Presentation assigned to groups to go over an infectious diseases and the areas they are found
Evaluation/Testing Used to Assess the Comprehension of the Module: The students will do a group project. They will
chose an infectious disease research it and give a powerpoint presentation to the class
Outline of project ruberic
1. Introduce the infectious disease your group chose example Avian flu
1. Identify the causes
2. transmission of the disease
3. life cycle of the virus
4. symptoms of the infectious disease
2. Identify the different areas of the world that have been affected by this is it an endemic, sporadic, epidemic,
or a pandemic explain
1. why are these areas affected
2. when did the cases occur
3. how many people have been affected by this
4. explain how these different areas deal with this epidemic and the outcome of it
example is there a difference in funding or materials to combat this from area to area
Resources (Bibliography) used to Develop/implement the Module:
Lecture book and online resources- Biology: Guide to Natural World