Download Mader Chapter 5 Membrane Structure and F

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AP Biology – Mader Chapter 5
Membrane Structure and Function
1. Describe the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure. Cite the evidence that
supports this model.
2. Tell how the phospholipids are arranged in the plasma membrane. What other lipids
are present and what functions do they serve?
3. Describe how proteins are arranged in the plasma membrane.
What are their various functions?
What evidence do scientists have that proteins can drift within this “fluid
4. Define diffusion.
What factors can influence the rate of diffusion?
What substances can diffuse through a differentially permeable membrane?
5. Define osmosis. Describe and draw what happens to an animal cell when placed in
isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions.
6. Describe and draw what happens to a plant cell when placed in isotonic, hypotonic,
and hypertonic solutions.
7. Why do most substances have to be assisted through the plasma membrane? How does
facilitated transport differ from active transport?
8. Draw and explain a diagram that shows how the sodium-potassium pump works.
9. Describe and contrast three methods of endocytosis.
10. Give examples to show that cell surface modifications help plant and animal cells