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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. dictator
b. patrician
c. plebeian
d. Scipio
e. veto
1. a wealthy landowner
2. an artisan, shopkeeper, or owner of a small farm
3. the Latin word for “I forbid”
4. Roman general who helped win the Second Punic War
5. a ruler with complete control over the state
6. The houses of the wealthy Romans were built around a(n)
a. vault.
b. atrium.
c. promenade.
d. colonnade.
7. Traditional legend says that Romulus and Remus founded the city of
a. Sicily.
b. Rome.
c. Aeneas.
d. Latium.
8. Hadrian was a good emperor who helped improve Roman cities.
a. True
b. False
9. This cruel emperor murdered many people and appointed his horse as consul.
a. Nero.
b. Tiberius.
c. Caligula.
d. Claudius.
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Actium
b. Brutus
c. latifundia
d. Julius Caesar
e. triumvirate
10. a large farming estate
11. a political alliance of three people
12. military hero and Rome’s most famous leader
13. the battle in which Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra
14. a senator who planned to kill Caesar
15. The Romans overthrew which group and set up the republican form of government where people were treated
a. Etruscans
b. Tarquins
c. Latins
d. Greeks
16. Roman builders used rows of arches in their buildings to form a curved ceiling, or
a. colonnade.
b. vault.
c. aqueduct.
d. dome.
17. In addition to having a strong army, the Romans also
a. ruled with no concern to those they conquered.
b. ruled wisely and effectively.
c. ruled with extreme harshness.
d. ruled ineffectively.
18. One reform of Julius Caesar’s that still affects us today is the move to accept a/an
a. economy that ends the use of slave labor.
b. public jobs program.
c. military-run government.
d. 12-month calendar.
19. The most important element in Rome’s strong economy was
a. pottery.
b. glassmaking.
c. metalworking.
d. agriculture.
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
20. Whom did Rome fight in the Punic Wars?
a. the Phoenicians
b. Sicily
c. Carthage
d. Greece
21. The reforms of ____________________ did not work because he wasn’t a strong enough emperor to enforce
22. They were brothers who fought to bring reforms to the early Republic.
a. Tiberius and Gaius
b. Antony and Marcus
c. Marius and Sulla
d. Pompey and Crassus
23. The Germanic general named ____________________ seized control of Rome and ruled it for almost 15
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. anatomy
b. Appian Way
c. gladiator
d. satires
e. Spartacus
24. first major Roman road linking Rome to southeastern Italy
25. works that poke fun at human weaknesses
26. the study of body structure
27. gladiator who led a slave rebellion
28. person who fought animals and other people as public amusement
29. The ruling class and top officials of the Roman Republic were the
a. patricians.
b. plebeians.
c. artisans.
d. shopkeepers.
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
30. While this Roman emperor fought battles away from Rome, his wife, Julia Domna, was in charge of political
affairs in Rome.
a. Septimius
b. Zeus
c. Ptolemy
d. Augustus
31. The fall of Rome began with poor leadership, attacks by invaders, and
a. earthquakes.
b. a declining economy.
c. an evil emperor.
d. an overabundance of food.
32. The Visigoths warred with which other invading tribe?
a. Greeks
b. Philistines
c. Etruscans
d. Huns
33. Italy has attracted settlers for thousands of years because of its
a. central location and climate
b. rugged mountains.
c. isolation.
d. plentiful rainfall and thick forests
34. Adopted around 451 B.C., Rome’s first code of law was called the
a. New Roman Law.
b. Forum.
c. Rule of Law.
d. Twelve Tables.
35. This wife of Augustus had a say in Rome’s politics even though women did not have full citizenship rights.
a. Hera
b. Livia
c. Aphrodite
d. Athena
36. Under Emperor Trajan, the Roman Empire’s European boundaries were set at
a. Britain in the east and Mesopotamia in the northeast.
b. Ireland in the northeast and Mesopotamia in the east.
c. Britain in the northwest and Mesopotamia in the east.
d. Ireland in the east and Mesopotamia in the northeast.
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
37. The “five good emperors” were Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Pius, and Aurelius.
a. True
b. False
38. The reign of Augustus began a long era of
a. peace and prosperity.
b. conflict.
c. civil war.
d. discontent.
39. The Etruscans were skilled in
a. making pottery.
b. building aqueducts
c. gymnastics
d. metalworking.
40. Rome finally fell when groups of which people invaded from northern Europe?
a. Egyptian
b. Celtic
c. Slavic
d. Germanic
41. As the value of Roman coins decreased, people began to ____________________ again.
42. The best-known early Roman dictator of the Republic was
a. Romulus.
b. Livy.
c. Remus.
d. Cincinnatus.
43. Emperor Vespasian began construction of this famous Roman sporting site.
a. Hadrian’s Wall
b. Mount Vesuvius
c. the aqueduct
d. the Colosseum
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Apennines
b. Etruscans
c. legion
d. republic
e. Roman Confederations
44. a group of 6,000 soldiers
45. a people that played a major role in shaping Roman civilization
46. a form of government in which its citizens vote for its leader
47. a mountain range that runs the length of Italy
48. a system that gave conquered some peoples, such as the Latins full Roman citizenship
49. The political leader Cicero called for a representative government with limited powers and was against
a. the Greeks.
b. republican government.
c. citizenship rights.
d. dictators.
50. The members of Rome’s Second Triumvirate were Lepidus, Antony, and
a. Cicero.
b. Octavian.
c. Cincinnatus.
d. Cleopatra.
51. In A.D. 410 this Visigoth leader captured the city of Rome.
a. Alaric
b. Augustulus
c. Odoacer
d. Theodoric
52. During the “Pax Romana,” Rome experienced a serious decline in its power.
a. True
b. False
53. Caligula, Tiberius, and Pompey are known as the Julio-Claudian emperors.
a. True
b. False
54. Augustus created a permanent professional army to protect the empire.
a. True
b. False
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
55. In Roman theater male actors wore ____________________ so that they could play different roles.
56. The Visigoths became tired of the Romans’ demands, rebelled, and defeated the Roman legions at
57. Many Roman cities surrounded a marketplace and public square, also called the
a. Public Space.
b. Town Square.
c. Meeting Place.
d. Forum.
58. Rome’s lower classes saw Julius Caesar as a
a. priest.
b. hero.
c. bad leader.
d. landowner.
59. In 494 B.C. what did many Roman plebeians do to protest for equal rights?
a. stopped paying taxes
b. went on strike
c. burned government buildings
d. moved to another country
60. As Roman emperor, who moved the empire’s capital to Constantinople?
a. Diocletian
b. Theodosius
c. Constantine
d. Alaric
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
Answer Key
1. b
2. c
3. e
4. d
5. a
6. b
7. b
8. True
9. c
10. c
11. e
12. d
13. a
14. b
15. a
16. b
17. b
18. d
19. d
20. c
21. Diocletian
22. a
23. Odoacer
24. b
25. d
26. a
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
27. e
28. c
29. a
30. a
31. b
32. d
33. a
34. d
35. b
36. c
37. True
38. a
39. d
40. d
41. barter
42. d
43. d
44. c
45. b
46. d
47. a
48. e
49. d
50. b
51. a
52. False
53. False
54. True
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Name: Class: Date: Ver: 1
Lesson Quiz 11-1 The Founding of Rome
55. masks
56. Adrianople
57. d
58. b
59. b
60. c
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