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Solar System
Solar System
The family of the sun is known as the solar
system. It consists of Sun ,eight planets, about
100 known satellites ,like moon& asteroids
,meteors & comets
The Inner Planets
• Mercury is the closest
planet to the sun.
• It is very hot during
the day and freezing
cold at night.
• Its surface is covered
with craters.
• It is the second
planet from the sun.
• It is the brightest
• It is almost the same
size as Earth.
• It is the 3rd planet from
the sun.
• It is the only planet
with life because it is
just the right
• It is made up of mostly
• It has oxygen which is
a gas that humans and
other animals need in
order to live.
• It is the fourth planet
from the sun.
• It is known as the red
• There was probably
water on Mars a long
time ago.
The Outer Planets
• Jupiter is the 5th planet
from the sun and the
largest planet in the
Solar System.
• It has a great red spot.
• It known as the “Gas
• It has at least 39
• It is the 6th planet from
the sun and the 2nd
• It is known for its rings
which are made of icy
chunks of rock.
• It has at least 32
• It is the 7th planet
from the sun.
• It is four times larger
than Earth.
• It is mostly made up
of gas and liquid.
• It has rings.
• It is the 8th planet
from the sun.
• It is Uranus’ twin
although it is a little
• It is named after the
roman god of the
• Was the 9th planet
and is the farthest
planet from the
sun. (Now a dwarf
planet, no longer
considered a planet
in our solar system
• It is very small and
it is very cold there.
• It has just one
• They are small planet like solid
object found in solar system .
• The main belt lies between
orbit of Mars and Jupiter.
• Small icy bodies
• Travel past the Sun
• Give off gas and dust as
they pass by
Ques1-Name the largest planet in solar
Ans. 1--Jupiter is the largest planet in solar system.
Ques2 - Name the smallest planet in solar
Ans2- Mercury is the smallest planet in solar system.
Ques3- what is the path taken by the
planets to go around the sun called?
Ans3- The path taken by the planets to go
around the sun is called orbit.
Ques4-Name the planet which has a reddish
Ans4- Mars has a reddish appearance
Ques5-Name the planets according to
their increasing size
• Ans5- The planets according to their increasing
size are:• Mercury
• Mars
• Venus
• Earth
• Neptune
• Uranus
• Saturn
• Jupiter
Ques6-Name the planets according to
their distance from sun
• The planets according to their distance from sun
are:• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Neptune
Ques7-why do the planets not twinkle
like stars at night?
• Ans7- The planets do not twinkle like stars at
night because :• They do not have their own heat and light .
• They shine, as they reflect the light of sun
Ques8- why is the earth called the blue
• Ans8- when astronauts first saw the earth
from space ,it looked blue in colour due to the
presence of water all over it .So the earth is
called the blue planet or watery planet.
QUES9- What is the significance of the
sun in the solar system?
Ans9 -The significance of the sun in the solar
system are :–
• The sun is the main source of heat and light
for all forms of life on earth.
The gravitation pull of the sun keeps all the
members of the solar system together.
Ques10- How is the earth a unique planet in the
solar system?
Ans10Earth is a unique planet in the solar system because:1. Location- The best location , with reference to the sun .
2. Favourable environmental condition for the survival of
various forms of life.
3.Adequate water- The presence of adequate water in the
oceans which provides ideal conditions for the origin and
evolution of life.
4. Presence of an atmosphere- which protects the earth
from harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from the sun .
Tick the correct answer
(a)The planet known as the “Earth’s Twins” is
i) Jupiter
(ii) Saturn
(iii) Venus
(b)Which is the third nearest planet to the Sun
i. Venus
ii. Earth
iii. Mercury
(c) All planet move around the sun in a
i. Circular path
ii. Elongated elliptical path
iii. Rectangular path
(d) The pole star indicates to the direction
to the
i. North
ii. South
iii. East
(d)Asteroid are found between the orbit of
(i) Saturn and Jupiter
(ii) Mars and Jupiter
(iii) The Earth and Mars
Fill in the blanks.
(a) A group of stars forming various patterns is called a
(b) A huge system of stars is called______.
(c) ______is the closest celestial body to our earth.
(d) ______is the third nearest planet to the sun.
(e) Planets do not have their own_______ and_______.