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Day 6
Ancient Roman Republic: Julius Caesar
60 B.C. Julius Caesar joined Pompey and Crassus (defeated Spartacus) and formed 1
 Member of the Populares
o supported reform
o supported commoners
59 B.C.
Caesar elected Consul
58 B.C.
Caesar given command of military in Gaul
o conquered into Germania
 but Senate did not give Caesar permission for this
o wanted to be as great as Alexander the Great
o with this victory, nearly doubled the size of Rome
53 B.C.
Crassus was killed by Parthians at a “peace meeting”
 he was duped!
o Parthians cut off Crassus’ head and poured gold down his throat
o “now drink the metal for which you so lusted”
o Crassus’ head was used in a play the next day
Pompey and the Roman Senate became jealous of Caesar’s power and called for Caesar to give up
control of his legions
 Caesar viewed as an “Enemy of the State”
Jan 10, 49 B.C.
Caesar “Crossed the Rubicon”
o southern border of Gaul
o there was a law that it made it treason to cross Rubicon
o automatically declared an “outlaw”
o automatically started a war
o Caesar - ”Let us go where the omens of the gods and the armies of our enemies
summon us! The die is cast”
Aug 9, 48 B.C.
Battle of Pharsalus
 Caesar defeated Pompey
 Pompey fled to Egypt
 Egyptians gave Caesar a box with Pompey’s head in it!
Julius Caesar returned to Rome a hero
 “veni, vidi, vici” – “I came, I saw, I conquered”
46 BC
Caesar made “Dictator for 10 years”
 for all practice purposes this was the end of the Republic
 did not take title of KING to prevent its association with the tyrannical king, Tarquin
44 B.C.
Caesar – “Dictator for life”
 had supporters placed into political positions
 increased Senate to 900 members
o to support his goals and decisions
March 15, 44 B.C. “Ides of March”
 a “Seer” had told Caesar to “beware the Ides of March”
 Caesar’s wife told him not to go to the Capital, she had a vision
 when Caesar got to Capital – man gave Caesar a note that the Senators were going to kill him –
he ignored the note
 Caesar was leaving for Parthia on March 18 and the conspirators feared if they waited Caesar
would return stronger than ever
 Caesar was assassinated
1. Nearly doubled the size of Roman territory
2. expanded Roman citizenship
a. granted citizenship to many provinces that had helped him
3. pardoned (no “reign of terror”) many people who had opposed him
4. Julian calendar – later became basis for modern calendar
5. Public works programs to put poor to work
6. Land to poor
formed to avenge Caesar’s death
 Octavian
 Mark Antony
 Lepidus
Over time, a rivalry developed among three
Octavian (took the West) and Antony (took the East) split the empire
 ”this town is not big enough for the both of us”
 Antony fell in love with Cleopatra
Sept 2, 31 B.C.
Battle of Actuim
 Octavian defeated Antony
 To avoid being paraded through Rome at the head of Octavian’s “Triumph”
o Antony committed suicide, falling on his sword
o Cleopatra committed suicide, letting a poisonous snake bite her breast
Octavian returned to Rome the victor
 Senate gave him title “Augustus”
 Augustus preferred term “1st Princeps”
o first among equals
Augustus gradually assumes power of emperor
 regarded as 1ST EMPEROR
1) Civil Wars / Military Loyalty to Generals
 ”Party Politics” between “Optimates” and “Populares”
 Rivalry between Marius and Sulla
 First Triumvirate
 Caesar v. Senate
 2nd Triumvirate
2) Loopholes in the Constitution of circumventing the Senate and using Tribunes and Plebeian Assembly
 Gracchus Brothers
3) Population growth of Rome and inability of government to rule
 slaves (Spartacus)
 immigrants
 allies as full citizens
4) Inequality between classes
 Proletariat