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God And Allah Are Not The Same Deity:
A Very Basic Comparison of Christianity and Islam
Christianity and Islam both teach that there is one God over all creation. But does this mean
that they are one and the same?
It has been claimed for a few centuries, but more adamantly in recent years, that the god of
Islam, called "Allah", is the same as the God of Christianity. There is some superficial truth to
this statement. But there are important observations to throw doubt on this assertion.
The god of Islam is taught in Islam's holy book, the Koran, and in Islam's holy interpretation of
the Koran, its traditions called "the Hadiths", that Allah is inconceivable and untangeable, that
direct dealings with human beings are quite limited. Muslims are taught that it is impossible for
Allah to become human, since Allah's essence is so far removed from anything earthly. Allah is
so much unlike people & so far removed from physical realities that there can be no real
contact with human beings other than hearing and answering prayers. Not even the Muslim
heaven itself can be united with Muslims on earth.
The God of Christianity is revealed in similar ways to be inconceivable and in essence
untangeable. But God is also known to have many direct dealings with His children. Both of
these concepts are taught in the Bible and Holy Tradition. Christians are taught that it is
possible for God to become Human, since God can do anything without contradiction, even
creating man in His image. God's relationship with mankind is therefore transcendent and
immanent, so that He can have two natures- one that is Divine and one that is Human- yet He is
not divided or separated by these natures. This became visible in Jesus Christ, who was the preexisting Word that became human flesh (John 1), whose birth, life, death, and resurrection
were prophesied and witnessed by a multitude of people. Hence, Heaven and earth are united
and purified by the Cross and Resurrection of the God-Man.
The Muslim god has a factual origin in Pagan religions, where Allah was a moon god for a
specific tribe. After eliminating all other gods and goddesses in favor of making Allah the only
god, as well as modifying its worship, Muslims kept using the crescent moon as a symbol of
their religion, which they still do. But Christians do not have any history of Paganism behind the
Creator. In fact, Paganism considered the God of the Bible to be odd or unacceptable.
The Mohammedan god, Allah, as Muslims are taught, is said to abhor the idea of divine
intimacy with mankind, especially of such a powerful relationship that God can become Man
and/or that God is of two natures- divine and human. But the basis of Christianity is the fact
that God is the Word and the Word is God, and that a totally transcendent god cannot be
realistically asserted without falling into doctrinal and logical contradictions. These basic
differences are important when claiming that Allah and God are the same deities.
Similar to the issue of the two natures, or lack thereof, is the Muslim belief that Allah is so
singular, that Allah’s transcendence and unity is absolutely one. If it can be said that Allah is
able to sit or stand, or appear as a man, or associate eternally with something else, then Allah
cannot be one god or one in essence, according to Islam. Thus, Allah is non-relational, being so
singular that it cannot even relate to itself. It is one in the absolutist sense.
The belief that Allah is one and cannot relate to itself forces Islam into a serious problem. This
problem is love. Since Allah is purely one, this god cannot love itself, due to the reality that love
is a relationship of persons. If a thing should love itself, it would have to utilize at least two
distinctions within itself. Love requires more than one person in order to exist as love.
But Muslims refuse to allow Allah to be anything but an absolute singularity, a god that is
purely one. This means that before creation, Allah did not love himself or anything, since there
was only the one god, Allah. But after Allah created all things, then suddenly Allah loved his
creation and mankind, according to Islam. Allah changed his nature from non-love to love and
he needs people in order to love something. Such a change and such a need are proof that the
Muslim god is man-made, since God cannot change and does not need other creatures in order
to be love. Even Islam admits that a god that changes is not God.
The Christian God, which comes from the Jewish God before the Pharisees changed Judaism
in the 2nd century, is Trinitarian. God can love Himself before He created all things. Because the
true God is relational, this means that God is love eternally, before and after creation. The
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit love each other as God in One Essence. Indeed, God can talk
to God, as the Old Testament and New Testament reveal. In Islam, Allah cannot talk to Allah
because Allah is an absolute singularity, a thing that has no ability to relate to itself. Indeed,
Allah’s power to have relationships is based on creatures, not on himself.
Moreover, since Allah is a sheer singularity, the Muslim experience of love is a master-slave
relationship. And this manifests between Muslims as they treat friendship and marriage as
master-slave relationships. Even ex-Muslims publicly state this fact. Meanwhile, Christians
experience divine love and human love as self-denial, as a sacrificial act in thinking of others
first and not of the self first.
The Mohammedan god, Allah, is said to be one in essence, though the Koran also teaches that
the Divine Throne and the Koran are co-eternal with him (in surahs 13:1-3 and 43:1-2), thereby
proving that Allah is not one, but co-exists in essence with an eternal, uncreated chair and an
eternal, uncreated book. God and man, heaven and earth, are not united, but they are separate
and dependent on the arbitrary and contradictory whims of Allah. Thus, absolute submission to
Allah is the goal of every Muslim in imitation of Mohammed, who was allowed to break Allah’s
commandments when no one else was allowed to do so. (One example of this was his sudden
revelation from Allah that he could marry 12 women, rather than 4 women, as the Koran
commands every other man to do. Another example is the Koran's insistence that no person be
compelled to become Muslim, yet Mohammed constantly forced people to become Muslim or
die. There are countless other profound contradictions like these in the Koran and Hadiths, all
of which Allah allowed.) Because Islam condemns the Christian Trinity and then has its own
trinity, so is it contradictory with holiness, which consists of conflicting moral standards, such as
one for Muslims and one for non-Muslims.
But the Christian God is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, revealed in perfect conformity
with prophetic revelation, human history, and divine mysticism. God and man, Heaven and
earth, are united and saved by Christ Jesus on the Cross through His Resurrection. Hence,
spiritual perfection is the goal of every Christian in imitation of the God-Man, who gave life to
all by giving His life for others, remaining obedient to God's standard of Truth required of all
living beings. As consistent as Christianity is with the Holy Trinity, so is it consistent about God's
revelations of attaining spiritual perfection, which is natural to every soul. When God became
man in Jesus Christ, tens of thousands witnessed His fulfilled prophecies, miracles and
Resurrection. But no one witnessed Allah, except what Mohammed claims had happened.
All of these important differences between Islam's god and Christianity's God are profound
enough to dispel any suggestion that Mohammed's god and Christ's God are one and the same
deity. The Muslim god is so transcendent that he only maneuvers nature and people's wills
without their consent or knowledge or foreknowledge, remaining very aloof from every soul on
earth, while the Christian God is both transcendent and immanent, even potentially immanent
and interactive within each soul. The conflict between Heaven and earth, visible and invisible,
corruption and incorruption, is expressed in Christianity through the relationship of the Holy
Trinity and the two natures of Jesus Christ, while this conflict is empowered by Islam’s rejection
of an eternally divine relationship, forcing Allah to possess a contradiction, a change in its being,
which is ignored, dismissed, or unsatisfactorily explained by Muslims.
Most importantly, the God of the Bible is relational love eternally. The god of Islam is claimed
to be love eternally, but it refuses to allow any relationship of actual love to exist before
creation was made, which means Allah is not love eternally. Hence, the God of the Bible is
unchangeable, but the god of Islam changes its nature once creation is made. Allah is therefore
a man-made god not to be associated in any way with the Biblical God.
It is unfair to equate the True God and the True Religion with a false god and a false religion.
Allah and God are not the same, and anyone who repeats such a sentiment must be confronted
and corrected, so that the Truth may continue unmixed with lies. Yes, it is true that Christianity
teaches that there is one God and that He is transcendent and inconceivable, and yes, Islam
does teach a trinity. But Islam does not teach that Allah is immanent or that the Kingdom of
Heaven is within each believer, nor does Christianity teach that the Trinity includes impersonal
objects, like a chair and a book, nor that divine love is created. These differences exponentially
expand as all the doctrines of Islam and Christianity are explored. God and Allah are different
entities, possessing opposing forms of love, each teaching quite different spiritual goals; and
only one of them is the True Creator. Either this Creator has a consistent standard of Truth, like
the God of Christianity, or he makes up truths as he goes along, like the god of Islam. It can't be
both, as so many today insist on believing and saying.