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Chapter 3 – The Dynamic Earth Review Ques9ons Environmental Science –  The thin layer at Earth’s surface where life exists is called the a) 
geosphere. atmosphere. hydrosphere. biosphere. –  What is the cool, rigid, outermost layer of the Earth? a) 
The asthenosphere The geosphere The lithosphere The mesosphere –  The thin layer of the Earth upon which tectonic plates move around is called the a) 
mantle. asthenosphere. lithosphere. outer core. –  The collision of tectonic plates creates what geologic feature? a) 
earthquakes mountains faults volcanoes –  Seventy-­‐eight percent of the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of a) 
oxygen. hydrogen. nitrogen. carbon dioxide. –  The ozone layer is located in the a) 
stratosphere. mesosphere. thermosphere. troposphere. –  What determines the weather we experience on Earth? a) 
Movement of water over land masses. Gases trapping heat near Earth’s surface. AbsorpHon of radiaHon by the atmosphere. Air constantly moving through Earth’s atmosphere. –  What is the difference between evaporaHon and condensaHon? a)  EvaporaHon is the first stage of the water cycle; condensaHon is the last stage. b)  EvaporaHon is the change from water to vapor; condensaHon is the change from vapor to water. c)  EvaporaHon is the process where water is heated by the sea; condensaHon is the process where water droplets fall from clouds. d)  EvaporaHon is the process where water vapor forms droplets; condensaHon is the process where water vapor forms clouds. –  ConvecHon is defined as the a) 
transfer of energy across space. direct transfer of energy. trapping of heat near the Earth by gases. transfer of heat by currents. –  Which of the following statements is true? a)  The world ocean covers 70% of Earth’s surface. b)  The world ocean is the body of water south of Africa. c)  The world ocean has liPle effect on Earth’s environment. d)  The world ocean consists of the AtlanHc and Pacific Oceans. –  Which of the following gases is not a greenhouse gas? a) 
water vapor nitrogen methane carbon dioxide –  Currents at the surface of the ocean are moved mostly by a) 
heat. salinity. wind. the mixing of warm and cold water. –  Which of the following statements about the biosphere is not true? a)  The biosphere is a system closed to maPer. b)  Energy enters the biosphere in the form of sunlight. c)  Nutrients in the biosphere must be conHnuously recycled. d)  MaPer is constantly added to the biosphere. –  How do volcanic erupHons affect global climate? a)  The ash buries crops, which affects photosynthesis. b)  The ash mixes with water to produce destrucHve mudflows. c)  The ash blocks sunlight, which reduces average temperatures. d)  The ash falls to the ground and produces dust storms. You should be able to… Sec9on 1 (Geosphere): –  Describe the composiHon and structure of the Earth. –  Describe the Earth’s tectonic plates. –  Explain the main cause of earthquakes and their effects. –  IdenHfy the relaHonship between volcanic erupHons and climate change. –  Describe how wind and water affect the Earth’s surface. Sec9on 2 (Atmosphere): –  Describe the composiHon and layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. –  Explain three mechanisms of heat transfer in Earth’s atmosphere. –  Explain the greenhouse effect. You should be able to… Sec9on 3 (Hydrosphere and Biosphere): –  Name the three major processes in the water cycle. –  Describe the properHes of ocean water. –  Describe the two types of ocean currents. –  Explain how the ocean regulates the Earth’s temperature. –  Discuss the factors that confine life to the biosphere. –  Explain the difference between open and closed systems.