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Katerina Christopoulos
Golden Greece Essay
Period 3
Among the Golden Age of Greece, as known as the age of
Pericles had excelled in the age of glory and brightness. It was
the time of peace and prosperity with little but no wars. In
Athens, the Athenians advanced in art, science, literature, and
economy. These aspects had consumed a great civilization with
prospect. After the vast victory against the Persians, Athens
and their help by other city-states in Greece were verifying into
their age of something newly. Its glorified city embraced its
stage into the Golden Age. Athens vast spurt of new ideas and
creativity had created themselves as the people of extraordinary kind. The golden age under the standardized rule of
Pericles of Greece (Athens) as viewed to advance in poetry,
drama, math, and science. These prospects have allowed
Athenians to come to hope and knowledge upon themselves.
Greece had a golden age in Mathematics and Science.
These two aspects were precluded as an important task of an
Athenian person. A man known for his mathematic skills and
knowledge was the well-known man Pathaogorus. He had
developed the theory to find the equal sides of a right triangle.
His theory led to as a2+b2=c2. In the modern world we use this
mathematic theory in math. At most of the time, this theory is
configured to be used for constructing the roof of a house. This
is because 2 sides of a roof are 2 equal triangles. Pathaogorus
Katerina Christopoulos
Golden Greece Essay
Period 3
theory has accomplished many solving for a mathematical
equation. Another knowledge male person was Archimedes.
Archimedes configured the determination of pi. He
approximately valued pi at 3.14. In the modern day, if you plug
in the symbol pi it will come out as a decimal. The prospect of
pi is used to determine a circumference and area of any
circular objects. In Athens, science was valued as a varied
subject to wisely know in a manner. A medical scientist,
Hippocrates was known as the “father of medicine”.
Hippocrates had many acknowledgments of medicine clearing
the statement of there were natural causes not supernatural
cause to cure illnesses of people of rare diseases. A myriad of
doctors were encountered to take the Hippocratic Oath
swearing to cure harm people and not manually kill them in an
abrupt manner. This precluded test would test doctors and
their knowingly knowledge of the world of the medical world.
Greece had a golden age in Poetry and Drama. In the world
of poetry, Homer was the one of all. He was known for his
great storytelling and was a blind man. But how could a man
so precise be able to write poetry. He composed/ wrote his
epics, narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds. Between 750
and 700 B.C. he wrote the Iliad and Odyssey about the
occurrence of the Trojan War and adventures of a warrior on
Katerina Christopoulos
Golden Greece Essay
Period 3
his way home from the Trojan War. His popular epics stood as
a lesson of virtue and life’s happenings. Another famous poet,
was Sappho. Sappho was a female poet, who wrote a variety of
love poems. The great masters inherited her great works. She
was a mentor to young women poets. Her vast work was well
known to people in the ancient times and was greatly admired
throughout her time. She composed one of her works the
Hymn to Aphrodite and other works as concluded. In the
world of drama, there were plays composed of comedies and
tragedies. Aristophanes was a dramatist who wrote plays on
comedies. His comedies flourished in ancient Athens. He wrote
at least thirty-six comedies. Famous works composed by
Aristophanes were The Knights: the local Athenian leader as
greedy and dishonest slave of a low-mild old gentlemen (the
Athenian people come back to life) and The Birds, inspired by
the Peloponnesian War. In vast language of drama, there were
tragedies of mournful situations. A Greek tragic dramatist
Euripides wrote 92 of his well most play. His first set of plays
were produced and finalized in 441 BC. In his plays, he
displays provoking problems and conflicts between his
characters that at some points, the audience was quite
disturbed of the visual contact of violence. Many of Euripides
characters were less heroic. Two plays he composed of were
Katerina Christopoulos
Golden Greece Essay
Period 3
The Frogs and Cyclops. In Conclude, both poetry and drama
finalized the creation of entertainment in the civilization of
Ancient Athens.
In conclude, the Golden Age of Greece came to a finalized
end with the Peloponnesian War. Greece excelled and had
their glorified moments under the age of Pericles. As seen in
their highly improvement in poetry, drama, math, and science.
These skills had led Athens to become a self-sufficient citystate. Creating of new prospects led exclusive moments that
precluded in the Athenian lifetime.