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Highlands Middle School
Earth Science: Mr. Babicz
1 Weather Vocabulary
Using the word bank below, Topic 7 in your Earth Science workbook, and your glossary found in the back of
your workbook, match the words with their correct definitions.
Air Mass
Atmospheric Pressure
Cold Front
Cyclonic Storm
Dew Point
Jet Stream
Occluded Front
Planetary Wind Belt
Relative Humidity
Stationary Front
Station Model
Warm Front
Water Vapor
Weather Variables
Instrument used to measure air pressure.
The ratio of the amount of water vapor the air can hold.
A large low-pressure storm.
The interface between two different air masses.
A large mass of air with similar temperature and moisture.
A band of high speed, easterly moving winds.
The boundary of an advancing warm air mass.
The temperature at which air become saturated.
Instrument used to measure wind speed.
The boundary of opposing wedges of cold air masses.
A line connecting points of equal pressure.
Gaseous water in the atmosphere.
The weight of the atmosphere. Also known as air pressure.
Falling liquid or solid water.
A circle on a weather map that has multiple weather variables
The boundary of an advancing cold air mass and a warmer air
East-West zones on Earth where the wind blows from one
direction most of the time.
Instrument used to measure dew point and relative humidity.
A condition of the atmosphere such as temperature, pressure,
wind, etc.
When a boundary between two air masses remains
2 Weather vs. Climate
____________________ is the study of _________________ and the _______________.
“Some people are weatherwise, but most are otherwise.” -_____________________
Weather is the specific _____________ _____________ at a particular time and place.
__________ time & ___________ area.
Climate is the _____________ weather or atmospheric conditions. __________ time &
___________ area.
Climate is what you expect…
Weather is what you get!
Weather Observations & Inferences
In the space provided, jot down some general observations from the following pictures.
Infer what you believe is happening in the atmosphere.
Observation & Inference #1
Observation & Inference #2
Observation & Inference #3
3 Atmospheric Variables
____________ in the atmosphere that describe the current weather.
1. _________________
2. _________________ (moisture in the air)
3. _________________ (weight of air)
4. _________________ (blows from high pressure to low pressure)
5. _________________ (rain, snow, sleet, hail, freezing rain, etc.)
6. _______________________ (atmospheric transparency)
Insolation: ________coming ________ar radi________
The ________ is the source of energy for almost all heat in the atmosphere.
Conduction: Heat from Earth _____________ air.
Absorption of ______________ by water vapor and gas.
Absorption of ____________ radiation. (Long wave)
4 ___________ Effect causes __________.
In the North, winds bend to the __________.
In the South, winds bend to the __________.
This is caused by Earth’s ________________ on its __________.
Energy Transfer within the Atmosphere
-Heat energy is transferred within the atmosphere
by _____________.
-Differences in air _______________ cause
differences in ______________.
-Winds move from _______ pressure to _______
5 Windward & Leeward
Windward side of the mountain generally is ________ and has ____________.
___________ side of the mountain is generally dry and a desert.
On the windward side __________ air is
This causes it to________, ________, and
When air cools to the __________ temperature,
______ form, eventually it precipitates.
On the leeward side __________ air is __________ dense.
This causes it to ________, ________, and ________ up.
When air temperature increases, __________ (amount of water vapor) __________ causing the air to become
**The greatest amount of daily
weather takes place in the
Remember Page 14 ESRT!
6 ü Exercise #1 – Layers of the Atmosphere
Directions: Base your answers to the following questions on the “Selected Properties of Earth’s Atmosphere”
graph on page 14 of your ESRT.
1. Using the words “increases, decreases, or remains the same,” correctly complete the following
a. As elevation in the troposphere increases, the atmospheric temperature
b. As elevation in the stratosphere increases, the atmospheric temperature
c. As elevation in the mesosphere increases, the atmospheric temperature
d. As elevation in the thermosphere increases, the atmospheric temperature
e. As elevation above sea level increases, the atmospheric pressure
f. As elevation above sea level increases, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere_
2. Which layer of the atmosphere do we live in?
3. Explain why clouds are generally observed to form only in the troposphere.
4. What is the atmospheric pressure at sea level?
5. At approximately what height in the atmosphere would the atmospheric pressure be at 0.1 atmospheres?
List the four layers of the atmosphere (temperature zones) and determine the thickness of each layer.
Layers of the Atmosphere
Thickness (km)
7. The four layers of the atmosphere are separated by “pauses.” What change occurs in the pattern of
atmospheric temperature at the “pauses?”
8. a. At approximately what elevation does the coldest temperature occur in the atmosphere?
b. What is the name given to this point in the atmosphere?
9. What is the temperature at the stratopause?
10. What is the temperature at the mesopause?
7 Air Pressure
Air pressure is the _______ of air. Air pressure, ____________ pressure, ____________ pressure.
Air pressure is measured using a _____________.
Units: __________ (mb) & __________
Conversion Practice
1004.0 mb = ________ inches
30.12 inches = _________ mb
One atmosphere (atm) = _______mb = _______ inches
Pressure Graph #1
As temperature increases, air pressure _________.
As temperature decreases, air pressure _________.
8 Pressure Graph #2
As water vapor increases, air pressure _________.
As water vapor decreases, air pressure _________.
DEMO #1: Jot down what you OBSERVE and INFER.
DEMO #2: Jot down what you OBSERVE and INFER.
ü Exercise #2 – Workbook Review Questions
1. Answer questions #1-5 on pages 172,173 in your workbook in the space provided below.
2. Remember to look back at the reading from the previous pages in the chapter, your ESRT, and your
1. __________
3. __________
2. __________
4. __________
5. __________
9 Wind & Ocean Currents
Wind is the ____________ movement of air _________ to Earth’s surface.
Wind is described using ________ and ________.
Wind Instruments
Wind speed (velocity) is measured using an ______________.
Wind direction is measured using a ___________ _________.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Winds are named based on where they are ____________ ___________.
A wind blowing FROM the west would be called a ____________ wind.
A wind blowing FROM the north would be called a ____________ wind.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------**The difference in air pressure is called the air
pressure ________.**
Winds blow from areas of ______ pressure to areas of ______ pressure.
The closer together the isobars, the __________ the winds.
10 ______________ Breeze
______________ Breeze
11 ___________ Effect causes __________.
In the North, winds bend to the __________.
In the South, winds bend to the __________.
This is caused by Earth’s _______________ on its __________.
ü Exercise #4 – Planetary Wind Belts
1. On the diagram above, label areas of high and low pressure.
2. Next, draw your winds from ___________ pressure to ___________ pressure. Be sure to remember the
coriolis effect: Winds in the north bend to the ____________ and winds in the south bend to the ____________.
Convection Cells
Unequal distribution of __________ on Earth results in unequal __________ and differences in air pressure.
12 Ocean Currents
ESRT Page 4
Ocean currents are a direct result of the transfer of energy from the movement of the
prevailing ____________.
Relative Humidity & Dew Point
Water vapor is the _____ form of water. It is also called __________ _______.
Water vapor enters the atmosphere by ___________, ____________, and _____________.
Evaporation and transpiration are called _______________.
_____________ – solid to gas.
The primary source of evaporation for moisture in Earth’s atmosphere is the _______.
13 Factors affecting Evaporation
a. As temperature increases, evaporation _________.
a. As surface area increases, evaporation ________.
b. As temperature decreases, evaporation ________.
b. As surface area decreases, evaporation _______.
a. As saturation of air increases, evaporation _____.
a. As wind speed increases, evaporation _________.
b. As saturation of air decreases, evaporation _____.
b. As wind speed decreases, evaporation _________.
Humidity is the amount of _______ ________ content in the ____________.
The ______ of water vapor in the air to the maximum amount it can hold (moisture capacity) is
_________ humidity.
Expressed in percent (%).
Factors affecting Relative Humidity
a. As temperature increases, relative humidity _______.
b. As temperature decreases, relative humidity _______.
14 As temperature __________, the ability to hold water
If temperature remains __________ and water vapor is added, relative humidity
The Dew Point is when ____ ____ in the air reaches its ________.
When the Dew Point is reached, relative humidity is _____%
When air reaches the dew point, we have ______ on the ground
when the temperature is ______ 32° F.
When air reaches the dew point, we have ______ on the ground when the temperature is
_______ 32° F.
Factors affecting Dew Point
a. As water vapor increases, dew point temperature ______________.
b. As water vapor decreases, dew point temperature ______________.
15 How to Measure…
Sling _______________
Take the dry bulb temp. (_________ ________________)
Take the _____________ between the dry and wet bulb. (wet bulb _________)
Page 12 ESRT!
ü Exercise #3 – Workbook Review Questions
3. Answer questions #2-11 on pages 178-179 in your workbook in the space provided below.
4. Remember to look back at the reading from the previous pages in the chapter, your ESRT, and your
2. __________
6. __________
10. __________
3. __________
7. __________
11. __________
4. __________
8. __________
5. __________
9. __________
16 Cloud Formation
A cloud is a collection of _______________ ______________ or solid ____ ________.
The process of _____________ causes water to change into water ________ and move into the
Adiabatic Cooling
As this air rises, it ________ because air pressure is ___________.
The change in pressure results in a change in _____________.
As air rises, its temperature ___________.
This process is known as __________ cooling.
When the air cools below the dew point temperature at Earth’s surface, condensation forms _______ _____ and
____________ forms solid frost.
17 Time for a demo… In the space provided, write a brief description of the materials being used.
In the space provided, jot down your observations from the demo.
In the space provided, write down what you observed happening in the jar after the smoke from the match was
put into it?
**Smoke, dust, pollution, aerosols, etc. in the atmosphere are called _______________________________.
________________________________are needed for the condensing water vapor to cling on to.**
If condensation nuclei are present then…
In the atmosphere, when the temperature is _______ 0°C, water _________ form. As these droplets
group together they form _________.
If the atmosphere is _______ 0°C, ice __________ form. As these
droplets are grouped together they form _________.
The height at which the _____________ is equal to the dew point
temperature is known as the ________ _________ _________ level.
Inside the cloud, tiny water vapor droplets ________________ with each
other until they grow heavy enough to fall to the ground as
______________________. (Rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, hail, etc.)
18 Watch again…
In the space provided, write a few sentences explaining what happened inside the jar. You must use the following words in your paragraph: cool air, warm air, evaporation, condensation, expand, air pressure, water vapor, and condensation nuclei. _________________________________
Draw a diagram of the experiment. Be sure to label it with key words
such as cool air, warm air, evaporation, condensation, expand, air
pressure, water vapor, and condensation nuclei.
What did the smoke represent? Explain its purpose in the creation of the cloud.
What part did the ice play in the creation of the cloud?
If the cloud droplets in the jar grew and grew by bumping into one another, what do you think would have
happened in the jar?
19 ü Exercise #6 – Cloud Base Altitude
Dry Bulb
Wet Bulb
Dew Point
Cloud Base
Questions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. How does air temperature affect the ability of air to hold water vapor?
2. List two ways to increase relative humidity.
3. If the air temperature equals the dew point temperature, what is the relative humidity?
4. As air temperature drops and reaches the dew point, what will happen to the excess water vapor that cannot
be held by the air?
5. If air temperature and dew point grow closer at ground level, what will happen to the height of a cloud?
6. If the air temperature equals the dew point temperature, what will form?
7. Why is there often dew on the ground in the morning during the summer?
20 On the graph below, plot the “Relative Humidity” on the x-axis and the “Difference” between
the wet bulb and dry bulb on the y-axis. Then, draw a “best fit” line between the points on your
8. According to your graph, what happens to the relative humidity as the difference between the dry bulb
and wet bulb temperature increases?
9. What happens to the relative humidity when the difference between the dry bulb and dew point
10. What happens to the cloud base altitude as relative humidity decreases?
21 22 Clouds & Precipitation
Clouds are classified based on _______________ in the atmosphere and ___________.
Cloud Height
— ______________: Cloud base starts __________ 6000 meters.
— ______________: Cloud base between 2000 meters and ____________ meters.
— Strato: Cloud base ______________ than 2000 meters.
_________: “hair”, wispy, stringy clouds
___________: “pile or heap”, puffy, lumpy-looking
__________: “layer”, featureless sheets
___________: “cloud”, low, gray rain clouds
— Falling of _____ or _____ water from clouds toward the surface.
— Liquid falls under the influence of ________.
— Rain, drizzle, snow, sleet, freezing rain, and hail.
— Measured using a _____ ________.
— Measured in ________, usually inches or centimeters.
Air Masses
_______________ - a large mass of air which has similar _______________ and ____________ characteristics.
____________________: the location where an air mass comes from.
23 Air
(Warm/Cold) (Dry/Wet)
ü Exercise #8 – Air Masses
On the map provided…
a. Label the air masses with the correct symbol and name.
Ex. cA, Continental Arctic
b. Shade in the air masses with the following colors.
cA: Purple
cP: Green
cT: Orange
mT: Red
mP: Blue
24 25 Fronts
_____________ -the boundary between two different air masses.
________ Front: Advancing _______ mass pushing forward that forces warm air to _______.
Precipitation during a __________ front is __________ and ___________. (Think summer time thunderstorms.)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------________ Front: Advancing _________ air mass _________ over a retreating cold air mass.
Precipitation during a ______ front is ______ and _______. (Think long rainy days.)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------____________ Front: Advancing _________ front catches up to a retreating cold air mass
forcing _________ air to _________.
Precipitation during an ______________ front is _________ and __________ then turns into __________ and
26 ________________ Front: Two air masses of ______________ characteristics remain in
the __________ position.
Precipitation during a _________________ front can last up to several ______________.
ü Exercise #9 – Workbook Review Questions
1. Answer questions #14-21 on pages 203-204 in your workbook in the space provided below.
2. Remember to look back at the reading, your ESRT, and your notes.
14. __________
17. __________
20. __________
15. __________
18. __________
16. __________
19. __________
21. __________
Hurricanes and Tornadoes
A hurricane is a ___________ ________________.
They can be up to _________ miles across and have winds __________ __________ __________.
They last for over a __________ and move approximately _________ mph over open oceans.
Hurricanes are ______ pressure systems that form over __________ or subtropical waters.
They gather heat and energy through __________________ with ____________ ocean water approx
26 degrees C.
They typically form between _________ and _________ degree latitudes __________ and
__________ of the _________________.
27 The _______________________ is needed to create the spin in the hurricane.
CE becomes too weak near the equator, so hurricanes rarely form there.
Hurricanes rotate in a __________ ______________ direction around an ______. (Calmest part.)
Storm ______________ are one of the most devastating elements of a hurricane because they can
cause _______________.
Hurricanes are categorized _____ through _____, by the ________________________ Scale.
- Measured by the amount of ____________ and ____________ speed.
Tornadoes are Rapidly spinning column of air that form over____________ .
Varies in size from a _______________ to over ____________
meters in diameter.
_____________ a few minutes to an hour. Speeds of 200 mph.
A tornado begins in a severe _______________ called a
Very ________________ inside the funnel.
A __________ is needed, a place where __________ moist air meets
cold ________ air.
ü Exercise #10 – Workbook Review Questions
1. Answer questions #27-39 on pages 209-212 in your workbook in the space provided below.
2. Remember to look back at the reading, your ESRT, and your notes.
27. __________
32. __________
37. __________
28. __________
33. __________
38. __________
29. __________
34. __________
39. __________
30. __________
35. __________
31. __________
36. __________
Station Models
Station Models are used to place a _____________ amount of weather information in a ___________ area.
Page ________ ESRT!!
Write the rule for barometric pressure in the space provided below:
28 ü Exercise #11 – Station Models Practice
Example #1
Dew Point:______________
Air Pressure:_____________
Barometric Trend:________
Wind Direction:___________
Wind Speed:____________
Cloud Cover:_____________
Present Weather:___________
Dew Point:______________
Air Pressure:_____________
Barometric Trend:________
Wind Direction:___________
Wind Speed:____________
Cloud Cover:_____________
Present Weather:___________
Example #2
29 Example #3
Temperature: 72°F
Dew Point: 54°F
Air Pressure: 1049.9 mb
Barometric Trend: +1.7↑
Wind Direction: North
Wind Speed: 20 knots
Cloud Cover: 50%
Visibility: 1.5 miles
Present Weather: Drizzle
Precipitation: 0.5 inches
Temperature: 41°F
Dew Point: 41°F
Air Pressure: 958.6 mb
Barometric Trend: -0.9↓
Wind Direction: NE
Wind Speed: 10 knots
Cloud Cover: 100%
Visibility: ¼ mile
Present Weather: Fog
Precipitation: 2.5 inches
Example #4
30 ü Exercise #12 – Workbook Review Questions
1. Answer questions #1-43 on pages 212-217 in your workbook in the space provided below.
2. Remember to look back at the reading, your ESRT, and your notes.
1. _________
13. _________
14. _________
15. _________
16. _________
17. _________
6. _________
18. _________
19. _________
20. _________
21. _________
10. _________
22. _________
11. _________
23. _________
12. _________
24. _________