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In the Name of the Most High
Imam Ali
Ali: The Continuation of the Prophet’s Legacy P.1
Imam Ali’s Life in Service of Islam
Imam Ali and the Shia -Sunni “Split”
Understanding the Roles of Imam Ali
Historical Research on Imam Ali’s Words
Frequently Asked Questions about Islam
The Ahlul Bayt
Prophet Muhammad and his
immediate family members
are referred to as the “Ahlul
Bayt.” Their contribution towards Islam is remembered
with great pride, and they
hold a special place in the
hearts of Muslims.
Ali: The Continuation of the Prophet’s Legacy
Two of the most common
names in the world today are
Muhammad and Ali (Peace Be
Upon Them). Muhammad is
the Messenger of Islam, but
who is Ali? Why is he revered?
What is his role in history, and
how does his life continue to
impact modern society?
Jesus. Prophets are considered
to be brothers to one another,
and all members of the same
true religion of God, passing
on the same message throughout history. While the Prophets acted as Messengers of
God and leaders of humanity,
the Prophethood ended with
Prophet Muhammad. After
him, however, God chose to
leave pious and just leaders on
Earth, each one bestowed with
the title of “Imam,” which literally means “Leader.”
Understanding the importance of Ali for Muslims will
help give a clearer picture of
Islam, which is one of the
world’s largest and fastestgrowing religions. Ali’s very
message builds bridges of unProphet
derstanding, and replaces mis- joined by his daughter Fatima,
trust with friendship.
his son-in-law Ali, and his
grandchildren Hasan and
A “Prophet” is what is used Husain (Peace Be Upon Them),
to describe a Messenger of embarked upon a journey to
God. Throughout history, vari- bring peace, harmony, and
ous Prophets have been sent friendship to the world. Their
by God to represent His affairs actions changed the course of
on Earth. They include histori- history forever. However, it all
cal figures such as Adam, began with Ali’s continuation
Noah, Abraham, Moses, and of the Prophet’s legacy.
What is the IIC?
The Islamic
Information Center
(IIC) is a non-profit
grassroots organization that was established to inform
the public about
the true image of
Islam and the beliefs of Muslims
through mass
Who runs the
The IIC is run by
our chairman,
Imam Syed Naqvi,
and our committees, and is supported by our volunteers. The IIC
currently has 5075 people actively
working in these
Read quotes by
Imam Ali regarding Islam, life, and
his attitude towards worship.
Read more about
why 1.2 billion
Muslims regard
Imam Ali as one
of the most influential men in
Page 2
After Imam Ali’s assassination, he
was buried in Najaf, Iraq. In the
centuries following his death, this
shrine (left) was built to honor
him. Najaf has consequently become one of the literary, academic, and scientific centers of
Islamic thought. It is also one of
Islam’s most revered Holy Sites.
Imam Ali’s Life in Service of Islam
Imam Ali stands as a
prominent figure in Islamic
history for his wisdom, selflessness, and early devotion to monotheism and
Islam. He was
born in the
year 600 AD
to his parents
Abu Talib, and
daughter of
Asad. The circumstances of
his birth are
since several
Arab historians
noted that he
was born in the ancient
Ka’ba, known to Muslims
as the “House of Allah” and
the direction toward which
they pray to proclaim the
oneness of God. This unusual birthplace foreshadowed Imam Ali’s passionate devotion to monotheism.
After the death of this
parents, Muhammad was
raised by his cousin Ali’s
family. They were raised
as brothers, placing Ali under the direct tutelage of
the Prophet of Islam at a
young age, even before
Prophet Muhammad an-
nounced the religion of Islam. Once Muhammad began his prophetic mission,
Imam Ali was the first male
to accept his message of
Islam, second only to Khadijah, the wife of Prophet
Muhammad. Again, his decision was extraordinary
given his young age: although he was considered
a mere youth, he proclaimed the oneness of God
and pledged to support the
Prophet at a time when
most of his wealthy relatives scoffed his invitation
to Islam.
From that point onwards,
Imam Ali remained closely
Prophet, willing
to contribute in
any way to protect the message of Islam
and its Prophet.
One of the earliest and best
instances of such
a sacrifice came
on the eve of
the historic Hijrah, the migration of the Muslims out
of Mecca. When a plot aiming to kill the Prophet in his
slumber was uncovered,
Imam Ali took his place and
slept in the bed, thereby
saving his life. Imam Ali continued to play several such
crucial roles; his skill, wisdom, and forethought were
evident in debates and negotiations between Muslims
and other Arab tribes.
Page 3
Two years after migrating from
Mecca, Imam Ali requested the hand of
Lady Fatima Zahra, the Prophet’s daughter, for marriage. With her consent, they
were married and would have four children that were beloved in the eyes of
the Prophet. Furthermore, Imam Ali and
L a d y
Z a h r a
would become one
of a truly
In the last days of the Prophet’s life,
he made a final pilgrimage to Mecca. On
the return trip, he stopped all the caravans with him in the field of Khumm.
There, during his sermon he declared
that “Imam Ali is the Master of all those
men and women whose Master I
am." Two verses from the Qur’an were
revealed at this event, one before and
one after the Prophet’s declaration, confirming that this message was one inspired and directed by God. Imam Ali
was beloved by God, and chosen as a
suitable leader for the community.
Ironically however, he was denied this
divine-right position. Soon after the
prophet’s death, much strife broke out
amongst the people, and others were
selected to lead as caliphs of the young
Muslim nation. Imam Ali would not be
elected by
this party
until the
third caliph had
been murdered.
the fourth
caliph for
a short duration. He took firm steps to
establish fairness and order through social and economic reform, dismissing
scrupulous tax collectors, corrupt officers, and any who had abused their positions. He faced much opposition for his
unwavering sense of justice, and his position was also greatly coveted. Imam Ali
was soon assassinated during the Islamic
morning prayer services. One of the
greatest champions for equality, truth,
and justice left this world tragically, but
still in state of submission to God.
Why are there so
many ways to spell
the same name?
In the Arabic language,
the spelling and pronunciation of these names is
quite clear; however,
when transliterated into
English, a variety of
spellings may result depending upon the conversion method used.
Page 4
Imam Ali and the Shia-Sunni “Split”
Although the terms Sunni and Shia (also referred to as
“Shi’ite”) have taken on a very geopolitically charged
meaning in the modern context, they originate from the
disagreements in early Muslim communities over the role
of the Holy Prophet’s household in Islam. One of the most
notable breaking points can be traced back to the issue of
succession following Prophet Muhammad’s death.
A major event, known as Ghadir Khumm, is recorded by
scholars of both denominations. This occasion marks the
Prophet’s final message to Muslims after his last pilgrimage. In this speech, he
indicated that his death
was imminent, and that
he would be giving final
instructions to the Muslim community within
that speech. Accordingly, he gathered a
crowd of hundreds of
thousands to hear his
message. He brought
Imam Ali by his side,
raised his hand and famously
whomever I am a Maula
of, then Imam Ali is his
Maula.” This claim, and
specifically the use of
the word “Maula” have
been interpreted differently by Muslims. Some chose to
believe that the word Maula meant friend. Common practice and scholarly analysis, however, suggests something
more: that the Prophet used Maula to mean “leader,” and
thereby publically declared his successor.
After this proclamation, the final verse of the Holy
Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It was a message from God, indicating that the Prophet’s mission was
finally complete. The verse “And on this day, I have perfected religion for you” (Qur'an, 5:3) showcased Imam Ali’s
For those who knew and supported Imam Ali, there
could have been no better person to charge with the heavy
duty of leadership after the death of the Prophet. In his
speech at Ghadir Khumm, the Prophet said that if
[Muhammad] was the city of knowledge, then Imam Ali
was its key. A lifetime of publically and privately learning
directly from the Prophet rendered him intimately familiar
with the Prophet’s wisdom on gnosis, reason, the Qur’an,
and the Sharia (Islamic law). To his supporters, Imam Ali’s
succession seemed to be part of Allah’s divine will, and not
merely based on the whims of the people. This event would
later evolve into a political split with cultural repercussions.
The supporters of Ali, in Arabic, were called “Shia”, and
were known even before the speech of Ghadir Khumm.
Other factions of Muslims felt otherwise. They wanted to
elect their own leaders, and became known as “Sunnis.”
Their leaders were called “Caliphs,” and from them arose
the historical Muslim “dynasties.” Ironically, Imam Ali was
elected as the fourth
Caliph, and is regarded
as the last of the
“Righteous Caliphs.”
The split later eschewed many philosophical differences. As
Muslim scholars studied
Islamic philosophy in
the centuries following
the Prophet’s death,
two distinct types of
views arose. The Sunni
scholars held a variety
of beliefs, and classically
were unable to reconcile one particular philosophy as the “true
Islamic belief.”
Functionally, this gave rise to more than a dozen subsets
of Sunnism. On the other side, the Shias maintained a close
focus on Imam Ali and his direct successors. These successors, or “Imams,” were able to speak with authority on
Prophet Muhammad’s teachings. Not only were they revered in the academic community for their strict logical
methods in study, but they were the descendants of
Prophet Muhammad himself, and were accordingly focused
on their great-grandfather’s teachings as a matter of familial heritage. Because of this relationship between the Shias
and the Imams, and between the Imams and the Prophet, a
single unified philosophy arose, and has continued to define Shi’ite thought into modern times.
Regardless of the philosophical differences, Shi’ites and
Sunnis have always maintained a strong focus on unity. As
expected, within history there have been a exceptions to
the rule, but it is not only “uncommon” for Shias and Sunnis
to live harmoniously in large sized communities, it is often
Page 5
Understanding the Roles of Imam Ali:
Imam Ali as a Leader, Scientist, and Friend
Ali ibn Abu Talib was
one of Islam’s greatest heroes. He was the fourth
Caliph, and the first
Imam—which is why
he carries the distinction of being referred to as Imam
Ali. Ali is not only
beloved to Muslims
because of his great
achievements and
faith, but because
he was beloved to
the Prophet as well.
From the day Imam
Ali was born, his life
became inseparably
Prophet’s life, and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)
was like a brother to him.
When Ali’s mother
emerged with her newborn
from inside the Kaaba
where he was born, the
prophet awaited their arrival. As Muhammad cradled
Ali in his arms, the infant
opened his eyes for the
first time, and the Prophet
named him Ali—the exalted
was taken in by his uncle,
Abu Talib, soon after he
was orphaned. Abu Talib
was also Ali’s father. When
Ali was five years-old, there
was a famine that placed
an economic strain on his
father. Because Abu Talib
had an extensive family, he
entrusted the Prophet with
Ali’s guardianship. For almost 30 years, the Prophet
guided the leader emerging
in Ali. The Prophet educated Ali about all aspects
of life, contributing to the
future distinctiveness of
the Imam as an incredible
In the Nahjul Balagha,
Peak of Eloquence, Imam
Ali comments on his upbringing by the Prophet
and the influence it had on
“The Holy Prophet brought
me up in his own arms and
fed me with his own morsel. I followed him wherever he went, like a baby
camel which follows its
mother. Each day, an aspect of his character would
beam out of his noble soul
and I would accept it and
follow it as a command.”
Ali was only ten years
old the Prophet came to
him with the message of
Islam, and Ali professed
himself a believer. He was
the first male to do so. Ali
was a constant companion
to the Prophet, and acquired a great deal of
knowledge from his teachings.
Prophet once
told Ali, “You
stand to me in
the same relation in which
Aaron stood to
Muhammad held such
high regard for
Ali that he entrusted him to
marry his beloved daughter, the Lady
The Imam Ali held great
distinction as a scholar,
leader, and magnanimous
gentleman. There are many
aspects of his life that Muslims and non-Muslims alike
admire and use as a model
for their own lifestyle.
Imam Ali was a man of
great wisdom. His academic
ranged from poetry to theology to scientific thought.
He was an incredible orator, and his sermons are
extremely powerful and
passionate. In fact, a large
number of his sayings were
compiled in the Nahjul
Balagha. Ali was one of the
first to contribute to metaphysics, or the divine science, and Arabic grammar.
“Allah” vs.
In the Arabic language, “God” is
simply translated
as “Allah.” In fact,
the Arabic version
of the Bible uses
“Allah” as the word
for God. It is
simply a difference
in language, not a
difference in belief. Countless
Christians and
Jews worship
“Allah” just as their
counterparts in
other countries
worship the same
Quotes About Imam Ali
Thomas Carlyle
(1795-1881) Scottish historian, critic, and
sociological writer.
“As for this ... Ali, one cannot
but like him. A noble-minded
creature, as he shows himself, now and always afterwards; full of affection, of
fiery daring. Something chivalrous in him; brave as a lion;
yet with a grace, a truth and
affection worthy of Christian
[On Heroes, Hero-Worship,
And The Heroic In History,
1841, Lecture 2: The Hero as
Prophet. Mahomet: Islam.,
May 8, 1840)]
Washington Irving
(1783-1859) Regarded as the
“first American man of letters”.
"He was of the noblest
branch of the noble race of
Koreish. He possessed the
three qualities most prized by
Arabs: courage, eloquence,
and munificence. His intrepid
spirit had gained him from
the prophet the appellation
of The Lion of God, specimens of his eloquence remain in some verses and sayings preserved among the
Arabs; and his munificence
was manifested in sharing
among others, every Friday,
what remained in the treasury. Of his magnanimity, we
have given repeated instances; his noble scorn of...
He also studied the esoteric
facets of the Quran.
Imam Ali’s ardor for academia was a considerable
part of his personality, and
his wise and carefully expressed opinions contributed to his greatness as a
Imam Ali was an amazing
leader in battle, governance,
and religion. His dealings
amongst his people in a just
manner, and his advice of
matters on religion and
state were sought by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
geous giver. He has been
recorded on numerous occasions to have given away his
last meal or last blanket to
those less fortunate than
him. The Imam led an extremely simple life, even
during his rule as Caliph. He
believed that one should
focus on God and not on
worldly possessions. He had
no servants in his home, and
he and his wife, the
Prophet’s daughter Fatima,
did all the housework. He
ate simple meals consisting
of flour and water, and he
gave away the riches he received as gifts or in battle to
others. Some historians believe that he was kind to a
fault, while many others
consider him flawless. In
either case, there is no
doubt of Imam Ali’s generosity to others and humble
lifestyle. He is quoted has
saying, “One who gives a
little, is given a lot.”
Imam Ali was the fourth
Caliph and the first Imam of
Islam. He was a successful
leader, even though his
reign as Caliph and Imam
were pitted with turmoil. He
was a patient man who did
his best to rule mercifully.
Imam Ali was an outra-
cept the prophet’s word from
God at the tender age of ten,
Imam Ali grew up to be a man
of deep-rooted faith. His complete submission to God’s will
and unshakable belief in his
faith made Imam Ali a great
religious authority as well as
an example for all Muslims to
look up to. Ali’s devoutness
can be seen in the simple life
he led. He lived, breathed, and
spoke through a lens of faith:
“Faith is experience by the
heart, avowal by the tongue,
and action by the limbs.” Imam Ali
On many occasions, Imam
Ali is referred to as The Lion of
God, or the Lion-hearted. He
exhibited both tremendous
courage and mercy throughout his life. Imam Ali was famously known as someone
whom the poor and the rich
could always turn to for help,
and never expect to be refused.
As the first male to ac-
Page 7
Quotes About Imam Ali
Historical Research on Imam Ali’s Words
Imam Ali is one of history’s most studied of Islam’s heroes. In fact, hundreds of
sermons and letters written by Imam Ali
were compiled after his death and published in a book entitled “Peak of Eloquence” (or in Arabic “Nahjul Balagha”).
This book provides a snapshot of Imam
Ali’s life and dealings with the people. The
sermons, however, contain a code of conduct and philosophy that more than one
billion Muslims subscribe to, even today!
The following sermon has been extracted from this widely available book,
showcasing Imam Ali’s style of speaking.
Sermon 85: “On Preparing for the Next
World” (Heaven)
“Allah knows hidden matters and is aware
of inner feelings. He encompasses everything. He has control over everything and
power over everything. Everyone of you
should do whatever he has to do during
his days of life before the approach of
death, in his leisure before his occupation,
and during the breathing of his breath before it is overtaken by suffocation, should
provide for himself and his journey and
should collect provision from his place of
halt for his place of stay.
So remember Allah, O' people, about what
He has asked you in His Book to take care
of, and about His rights that He has entrusted to you. Verily, Allah has not created you in vain, nor left you unbridled,
nor left you alone in ignorance and gloom.
He has defined what you should leave behind, taught you your acts, ordained your
death, sent down to you ‘[the Qur'an] explaining everything’ (Qur'an, 16:89), and
made His Prophet live among you for a
long time till He completed for him and for
you the message sent through the Qur'an,
namely the religion liked by Him, and clari-
fied through him His good acts and evil
acts, His prohibitions and His commands.
...everything false and mean,
and the absence in his conduct
of everything like selfish intrigue."
He placed before you His arguments and
exhausted his excuses upon you. He put
forth to you His promises and warned you
of severe retribution. You should therefore
make full atonement during your remaining days and let yourselves practice endurance in these days. These days are fewer
as against the many days during which you
have shown obliviousness and heedlessness towards admonition. Do not allow
time to yourselves because it will put you
on the path of wrong-doers and do not be
easy-going because this will push you towards sinfulness.
[Lives of the Successors of Ma-
O' creatures of Allah! The best adviser for
himself is he who is the most obedient to
Allah, and the most deceiving for himself is
he who is the most disobedient to Allah.
Deceived is he who deceived his own self.
Enviable is he whose Faith is safe. Fortunate is he who takes lesson from others,
while unfortunate is he who fell victim to
his desires. You should know that even the
smallest hypocrisy is like believing in more
than one God, and keeping company of
people who follow their desires is the key
to obliviousness from religion, and is the
seat of Satan.
the poetic vein himself, and
Be on your guard against falsehood because it is contrary to Faith. A truthful person is on the height of salvation and dignity, while the liar is on the edge of ignominy and degradation. Do not be jealous,
because jealousy eats away Faith just as
fire eats away dried wood. Do not bear
malice because it is a scraper (of virtues).
And know that desires make wit forgetful
and make memory oblivious. You should
falsify desire because it is a deception, and
he who has desires is in deceit.”
homet, London, 1850, p. 165]
"He was one of the last and
worthiest of the ancient Moslems, who imbibed his religious enthusiasm from companionship with the Prophet
himself, and followed to the
last the simplicity of his example. He is honourably spoken
of as the first Caliph who accorded some protection to
Belles-Lettres. He indulged in
many of his maxims and proverbs are preserved, and have
been translated in various languages. His signet bore this
inscription: 'The kingdom belongs to God'. One of his sayings shows the little value he
set upon the transitory glories
of this world, 'Life is but the
shadow of a cloud - the dream
of a sleeper'."
[Lives of the Successors of Mahomet, London, 1850,
pp. 187-8]
Islamic Information Center
Since 2002
Page 8
Frequently Asked Questions
About Islam
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529 14th St. Suite 1292
Washington DC. 20045
What does Islam mean?
Islam means peace achieved through the submission to the Almighty God.
Los Angeles Office
1761 W. Romneya Ave,
Suite#C, Anaheim, CA
If Islam steps from peace and understanding, why are there certain so-called Muslims who
do not believe in peace?
People are like that because of their ignorance. Islam believes in a philosophy of co-existence: live
in peace, and let others live in peace. If one doesn't believe this, it is due to ignorance.
Contact Information
Phone: 202-347-6405
Fax: 202-347-6406
[email protected]
What is the Qur'an and what is it about?
The Qur'an is the last revelation of God among the divine revelations such as the Psalms, Torah,
and the Bible. It is a comprehensive book that talks about every aspect of creation. Holy Qur'an.
"There is not a wet or dry thing on the earth that is not in the Qur'an."
Islamic Information Center
What does Islam say about those who die who are not Muslims, but still posses good
(IIC) is a non-profit grassvirtues, ie. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, and so forth?
roots organization that Islam is philosophically based on justice. Whoever does good will be rewarded by God either in this
life or in the next.
was established to inform
the public about the true
What is a ‘Muslim’?
image of Islam and the
who submits to his Creator only.
beliefs of Muslims through
mass media.
How does someone become a Muslim?
A person must completely believe in God, follow the Prophet, and engage in good deeds.
The mission of IIC is to
provide an accurate
Why is Islam so demanding on rules and restrictions, like praying five times a day?
source of Islamic InformaIslam wants followers to always have love and remembrance of God. In this way, we are continually
tion and to correct misreminded of His Mercy.
conceptions about Islam.
Do Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have different origins?
IIC disseminates information about Islam in accor- No, we believe Judaism, Christianity and Islam have the same origin, each believing in monotheism.
dance with the Divine
teachings of the Holy
How did Muhammad become a Prophet and a Messenger of God?
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was the last in a chain of Prophets chosen by God.
Information Packet Team:
Does Islam tolerate other beliefs?
Islam is the most tolerant philosophy as the Qur'an rightly says:
"There is no compulsion in religion."
Imam Syed Naqvi
IIC Chairman
Rahat Husain
Executive Director
Tasneem Anjarwalaa
Sabira Saiedi
Why is the family structure so important to Muslims?
Family is the foundation of society, through which society may achieve tranquility.
What is the status of women in Islam?
Islam believes in the equal status of men and women. As mothers, women are given an even
higher status. Our traditions say: “Paradise lies under the feet of your mother.”
Farwah Zaidi
Production Editor
IIC Information Packet Series ©
Your source for authentic information about Islam and Muslims.