99a islamic sacred knowledge
... backbone of Adam before the creation of the spirit because he is the target of human creation; he is its core root and its middle ring. Now Imam Ali (Ali Abu Talib), may Allah honor his face, and also Ibn Abbas reported, “Allah never sent a prophet from Adam and those who followed him except that he ...
... backbone of Adam before the creation of the spirit because he is the target of human creation; he is its core root and its middle ring. Now Imam Ali (Ali Abu Talib), may Allah honor his face, and also Ibn Abbas reported, “Allah never sent a prophet from Adam and those who followed him except that he ...
From the Rose to the Nightingales Sufi Suhbas
... earth again. But, Cenâb-ı Haqq will create a new body again for his servant, that is, for the spirit. “The resurrection (revival) after the death = wa’l ba’su ba’da’l mawt” … On the resurrection day, human beings will be revived. At that revival, Cenâb-ı Haqq will create new bodies for the spirits. ...
... earth again. But, Cenâb-ı Haqq will create a new body again for his servant, that is, for the spirit. “The resurrection (revival) after the death = wa’l ba’su ba’da’l mawt” … On the resurrection day, human beings will be revived. At that revival, Cenâb-ı Haqq will create new bodies for the spirits. ...
Muhammad : The Messenger of Allah
... my cousin," and there have with replied, "He is my him?" I replied, with him?" Manaf in the caravan except was none of Bani Abd Abd Mana! myself. him come nearer." He then Caesar said, "Let him myself. Caesar my ordered behind me near my my companions companions stand behind ordered that my "Tell hi ...
... my cousin," and there have with replied, "He is my him?" I replied, with him?" Manaf in the caravan except was none of Bani Abd Abd Mana! myself. him come nearer." He then Caesar said, "Let him myself. Caesar my ordered behind me near my my companions companions stand behind ordered that my "Tell hi ...
30 Short Friday Khutbah - Muslim Library Muslim Library
... It was narrated that a man came to the Prophet and said to him, “O Messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me than myself, my family and children. Sometimes, when I am at home, I remember you, and I cannot wait until I come and look at you. When I contemplate about my death and your death, I kno ...
... It was narrated that a man came to the Prophet and said to him, “O Messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me than myself, my family and children. Sometimes, when I am at home, I remember you, and I cannot wait until I come and look at you. When I contemplate about my death and your death, I kno ...
(Tasawwuf / Irfan) Are they same? Yes.
... The aim of the International Sufi Center (Regd.) Bangalore is to create awareness among Muslims about the truth of Sufism or Tasawwuf or Irfan as part and parcel of the beliefs of Ahle Sunnat wal Jama’at and that its practices are as per Holy Quran and percepts of Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasa ...
... The aim of the International Sufi Center (Regd.) Bangalore is to create awareness among Muslims about the truth of Sufism or Tasawwuf or Irfan as part and parcel of the beliefs of Ahle Sunnat wal Jama’at and that its practices are as per Holy Quran and percepts of Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasa ...
General Rules of Jurisprudence Lesson 2
... said: As long as the earth lasts, there will be a knowledgeable from among us knows the truth from the falsehood, he (AS) said, that TAQIYAH was not legislated except to secure with it the blood shed, so if it reaches to the bloodshed then there is no TAQIYAH, by Allah if you are called for our supp ...
... said: As long as the earth lasts, there will be a knowledgeable from among us knows the truth from the falsehood, he (AS) said, that TAQIYAH was not legislated except to secure with it the blood shed, so if it reaches to the bloodshed then there is no TAQIYAH, by Allah if you are called for our supp ...
brief history of the shia ismaili imams
... by Abu Jahl, who suggested that a number of courageous men, chosen from different families, should sheathe their swords simultaneously in the Prophet’s bosom, in order that the responsibility of the deed might rest upon all, and the relatives of the Prophet might consequently be unable to avenge it. ...
... by Abu Jahl, who suggested that a number of courageous men, chosen from different families, should sheathe their swords simultaneously in the Prophet’s bosom, in order that the responsibility of the deed might rest upon all, and the relatives of the Prophet might consequently be unable to avenge it. ...
Imam Mahdi (as) The Just Leader of Humanity
... nothing of Islam. Besides, some of them have limited religion to the mosque, and, hence, its reality has very little impact upon their actions and behavior. In the life outside the mosque, that is, in the market place or at work, there is no trace of their Islam. They do not regard ethical behavior ...
... nothing of Islam. Besides, some of them have limited religion to the mosque, and, hence, its reality has very little impact upon their actions and behavior. In the life outside the mosque, that is, in the market place or at work, there is no trace of their Islam. They do not regard ethical behavior ...
... Severe calamity from the direction of their ruler will befall my people during the Last Days. It will be a calamity which, in severity, shall be unprecedented. It will be so violent that the earth with injustice and corruption will shrivel for its inhabitants. The believers will not find refuge fr ...
Imam Sayed Moustafa al-Qazwini
... found our fathers following,’ even though their fathers had no knowledge whatsoever and no guidance.5 When it is said to them, ‘Follow what Allah has sent down.’ They say, ‘Nay! We shall follow what we found our fathers following.’ Would they do that even though their fathers did not understand anyt ...
... found our fathers following,’ even though their fathers had no knowledge whatsoever and no guidance.5 When it is said to them, ‘Follow what Allah has sent down.’ They say, ‘Nay! We shall follow what we found our fathers following.’ Would they do that even though their fathers did not understand anyt ...
Grade 5 History - Fatima Islamic Society
... We, at San Jose, looked at material from London-Stanmore, London-Hujjat, Vancouver, Minnesota, Toronto and Irvine's Islamic institutions, as well as that available at various web-sites to compile age appropriate textbooks for use by our students. We thank the institutions that were kind enough to pr ...
... We, at San Jose, looked at material from London-Stanmore, London-Hujjat, Vancouver, Minnesota, Toronto and Irvine's Islamic institutions, as well as that available at various web-sites to compile age appropriate textbooks for use by our students. We thank the institutions that were kind enough to pr ...
Grade 6 History - Fatima Islamic Society
... and educational purposes only. A fee no higher than the cost of copying may be charged for the material. Note from School of Ahlul’Bait: The Publishers and the Authors have made every effort to present the Quranic verses, prophetic and masomeen traditions, their explanations and the material from th ...
... and educational purposes only. A fee no higher than the cost of copying may be charged for the material. Note from School of Ahlul’Bait: The Publishers and the Authors have made every effort to present the Quranic verses, prophetic and masomeen traditions, their explanations and the material from th ...
Inquiries About Shi`a Islam
... Noble Quran and the authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF). While none can deny that the schools of thought have juristic (fiqh) differences, these differences should not prevent adherents to these schools from acknowledging and respecting each other’s opinions, for the leaders of th ...
... Noble Quran and the authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF). While none can deny that the schools of thought have juristic (fiqh) differences, these differences should not prevent adherents to these schools from acknowledging and respecting each other’s opinions, for the leaders of th ...
Al-Ridha - Islamicbooks.info
... generous person, 1. Was famous for helping others when in need. 2. The needy and disadvantaged, and those under financial pressure were gladly assisted. 3. Al-Ridha's generosity was better expressed during the darkness of the nights, so that no one would see him when giving. Al-Ridha held the poor ...
... generous person, 1. Was famous for helping others when in need. 2. The needy and disadvantaged, and those under financial pressure were gladly assisted. 3. Al-Ridha's generosity was better expressed during the darkness of the nights, so that no one would see him when giving. Al-Ridha held the poor ...
Hanafi Fiqh Exposed
... Aboo Ḥanifa also known as 'Nuʿman ibn Thabit,' was the founder of the present day Hanafi sect of the 'Ahl us Sunnah.' The Hanafi school is the oldest and by far the largest from the four schools along with the Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali. It is also important to mention, Fiqh Hanafi was the official m ...
... Aboo Ḥanifa also known as 'Nuʿman ibn Thabit,' was the founder of the present day Hanafi sect of the 'Ahl us Sunnah.' The Hanafi school is the oldest and by far the largest from the four schools along with the Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali. It is also important to mention, Fiqh Hanafi was the official m ...
Yasir Qadhi - An Explanation Of The Shahadah 1-2
... It is the people of knowledge who truly fear Allah, the Exalted and no one can fear Allah and have the true taqwa except for the ‘alim, as Allah says in the Qur’an: “Verily the people who truly fear Allah, from amongst my slaves are the people of knowledge.” Therefore, it comes as no surprise that t ...
... It is the people of knowledge who truly fear Allah, the Exalted and no one can fear Allah and have the true taqwa except for the ‘alim, as Allah says in the Qur’an: “Verily the people who truly fear Allah, from amongst my slaves are the people of knowledge.” Therefore, it comes as no surprise that t ...
The Love of Allah - Noor Allah Productions
... be hypocrites and we wouldn’t even know it. Someone who is known to have done a lot of bad deeds must have done something good that pleased Allah SWT right before he died, and thus will enter Paradise. So the first thing we have to do is to build a connection between us and Allah, build our good man ...
... be hypocrites and we wouldn’t even know it. Someone who is known to have done a lot of bad deeds must have done something good that pleased Allah SWT right before he died, and thus will enter Paradise. So the first thing we have to do is to build a connection between us and Allah, build our good man ...
7. Method of Zikr-e-Qalb (In Naqshbandia Owaisiah)
... Receiving these Prophetic blessings is an important objective of all Sufi orders. Following illustration comprise detail of Noor-e-Nubuwwat. “Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never ...
... Receiving these Prophetic blessings is an important objective of all Sufi orders. Following illustration comprise detail of Noor-e-Nubuwwat. “Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never ...
Artwork Kalimah Allah New.indd - Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia
... is higher than Him? It does not at all cross the hearts of intelligent people to make comparisons like that. Hence the form of questions was pure mockery and defamatory as it was unlikely the questions had been asked in earnest or wanted answers.” Allah SWT’s decree: ...
... is higher than Him? It does not at all cross the hearts of intelligent people to make comparisons like that. Hence the form of questions was pure mockery and defamatory as it was unlikely the questions had been asked in earnest or wanted answers.” Allah SWT’s decree: ...
Lectures on Ashura
... after the needs of the people, protects their human rights and promises a life of prosperity in this world and the Hereafter. Imam Husayn (P) and his companions did not become martyrs after being slain, but they were martyrs even during their lifetime. Martyrdom is not attained only through death bu ...
... after the needs of the people, protects their human rights and promises a life of prosperity in this world and the Hereafter. Imam Husayn (P) and his companions did not become martyrs after being slain, but they were martyrs even during their lifetime. Martyrdom is not attained only through death bu ...
Fundamentals Of Islam - shia sunni Muslims explained
... another person healthy, etc. in all such cases we must believe that all of such cases are based on Allah’s knowledge and wisdom even though we may not be aware of the wisdom of such decisions. It is stated in some Hadith, or traditions, that Moses (A) asked Allah to let him know something about His ...
... another person healthy, etc. in all such cases we must believe that all of such cases are based on Allah’s knowledge and wisdom even though we may not be aware of the wisdom of such decisions. It is stated in some Hadith, or traditions, that Moses (A) asked Allah to let him know something about His ...
The Importance Attached to Tawhid by the Prophet, Peace and
... to Him. He should be sincere to Allah both inwardly and outwardly, in all his actions, deeds, and intentions. Allah, Glorified be He, says to His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him: Say (O Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him): “Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my ...
... to Him. He should be sincere to Allah both inwardly and outwardly, in all his actions, deeds, and intentions. Allah, Glorified be He, says to His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him: Say (O Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him): “Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my ...
Advance Study Guide Age: 14-17 years old
... Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.” Source: Sahih Muslim 2586 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Imam ...
... Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.” Source: Sahih Muslim 2586 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Imam ...
- Al-Birr Foundation
... submits to the will of Allah). A Muslim is required to do all that Allah and His Messenger (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) have asked to do, and to keep away from doing things which Allah and His Messenger (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) have told not to do. For example, Allah an ...
... submits to the will of Allah). A Muslim is required to do all that Allah and His Messenger (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) have asked to do, and to keep away from doing things which Allah and His Messenger (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) have told not to do. For example, Allah an ...
... commencement and termination time prescribed for each prayer, Jibreel then said, “O Muhammad! These were the designated times of the Prophets before you, and the (prayer) time is what falls in between” (Reported by Abu Dawud and others, from the hadith narrated by ibn Abbas, http://www.alharamain.go ...
... commencement and termination time prescribed for each prayer, Jibreel then said, “O Muhammad! These were the designated times of the Prophets before you, and the (prayer) time is what falls in between” (Reported by Abu Dawud and others, from the hadith narrated by ibn Abbas, http://www.alharamain.go ...
Ali al-Hadi

Alī ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Alī (Arabic: محمد بن علی علی ابن; 828-868 C.E. ) commonly called Ali al-Hadi and Alī an-Naqī was known as al-Hadi. He was the tenth of the Twelve Imams after his father Muhammad al-Jawad and before his son Hasan al-Askari. He remained in Medina teaching until the age of 30 when he was summoned to Samarra by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mutawakkil. There he was treated roughly by the caliph and his successors until, according to Shiite accounts, he was poisoned through intrigue of Al-Mu'tazz the Abbasid caliph, in 254/868, and was buried in Samarra.