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Biology 3A Exam 2 Study Guide
The exam will consist of multiple choice, true-false, fill-in (Glycolysis & Citric acid cycle), and several short answers for a total of
100 points Please bring a pencil and a good eraser The following is by no means everything on the test. This guide
emphasizes main topics that are covered on the test in one fashion or another. Study your notes; the test is based on the notes
given in class. Read your book to back up the notes given in class. Concentrate on the topics given in class when reading your
book. Study groups can help -but you need to study not just talk! You will really learn the material if you can teach it to
someone. Review you lecture notes in detail. Highlight new terms & concepts. Use the text to complete and correct your notes.
Don’t forget to use your text glossary & index to help define terms and find subjects. Good Luck!!! Although we try to include
everything on this list, this is by all means not everything on the exam. There may have been a few omissions, if so, please let
us know and we'll include them as you could be tested on the stuff that's omitted. If you haven't started studying yet, what are
you waiting for?
 Know the components of the plasma membrane, its structure and function.
 Know the difference between diffusion, osmosis, active and passive transport - which do or do not require energy.
 Know what isomotic, hyposmotic and hyperosmotonic solutions are and their effects on cells.
 Know how large molecules move into and out of cells.
 Understand the membrane potential and how it is generated and maintained in cells. Understand the role of the
+ +
Na /K pump is involved in non-excitable and excitable cells (i.e. neurons)
Bioenergetics -Introduction to Metabolism:
 energy, kinetic and potential (know examples of each), exergonic and endergonic reactions (examples for each)
 Know the two laws of thermodynamics and how they relate to chemical reactions & living systems.
 What’s the difference between a closed and open system? What is metabolism? Catabolism? Anabolism? Examples
of each.
 What is free energy? Know the factors that affect free energy. Know the equation for changes in G.
 What determines if a reaction is spontaneous or not?
 ATP – know its structure, how it works, types of work it does, what is phosphorylation, how is it regenerated
 How do enzymes work? How can enzymes lower the activation energy barrier? Know the factors that affect enzyme
function (pH, temperature, ionic concentration, cofactors, coenzymes, inhibitors), allosteric sites,
 What is feedback inhibition? How is ATP involved in feedback inhibition? What is cooperativity?
Cellular respiration : understand why we need O2 and why we exhale CO2
• glycolysis -where does it take place, reactants, products, amount of ATP produced, where energy is required and
produced, enzymes involved (as discussed in class)
• primer reaction/grooming phase -where does it take place, reactants, products, amount of ATP produced
• Citric acid cycle (Krebs or TCA) -where does it take place, reactants, products, amount of ATP produced, enzymes
involved, where energy is used and produced, citrate synthase, SDH, how are the rates of the citric acid cycle controlled
• ETC & oxidative phosphorylation -where does it take place, reactants, products, amount of ATP produced,
chemisosmosis, proton motive force, ATP synthase
• what are NADH and FADH2 -how many ATPs are these equivalent to
• What is substrate level phosphorylation? Where is most of the ATP produced & how?
• alcohol and lactic acid fermentation -where does it take place, reactant, products and amount of ATP produced
• Cori cycle -where does it occur, what are the 2 fates of lactic acid in the liver
• What is lipolysis? Beta oxidation? Protein metabolism? What happens when you begin to breakdown proteins?
• What is the fate of the foodstuff that we eat if they are not burned for energy?
• • compare and contrast chemiosmosis in the mitochondrion and chloroplast
Photosynthesis -where does it take place, reactants, products
• How do plants capture light energy? Your answer should include the following terms: photon, antanna complex,
reaction center, photosystem I & II, electrons, wavelengths, pigments
• Compare photophosphorylation with oxidative phosphorylation (from cellular respiration). What are the similarities?
What are the differences?
• Be prepared to diagram, label & explain the light reaction, Calvin cycle, C3, C4 & CAM
• Light reaction -where does it take place, reactants, products (ATP, NADPH, and O 2)
• What is photophosphylation? Know how plants produce O2.
• Know the two photosystems: components and the energy that they generate
• Difference between cyclic and non-cyclic electron flow: NADP+ reductase
Chemiosmosis and ATP production, How is this similar to ATP production in the mitochondrion?
Know the wavelengths of light which the chlorophyll-a and chl-b absorb best at
Know the difference between the absorption spectrum and the action spectrum
Know which pigments reflect or absorb which wavelengths of visible light
• Calvin cycle -where does it take place, reactants, products (sugar) and the possible fates of these products
• Requirements for the Calvin cycle
• Why is the Calvin cycle referred to as light independent or dark reaction?
• Know the numbers of ATP and NADPH utilized by the Calvin cycle and how the energy molecules are generated
• What is photorespiration? Know how plants cope with this (i.e. difference between C3, C4 & CAM plants)
• Where would you find C4 and CAM plants? Know how C4 and CAM plants undergo the Calvin cycle. Know the
differences between temporal and spatial separation for the initial CO2 fixation.
• Molecules to know: PEP, PEP carboxylase, oxaloacetate, malate, pyruvate, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
• What is the greenhouse effect?Know the role of CO 2 and plants in relation to the greenhouse effect.
• What is the function of the ozone?
• Be able the describe the main stages of photosynthesis, summarizing the key input and output molecules of each
stage and describing the specific area in the cell where they occur
• Know binary fission.
• Know the different phases and what is occurring during each.Know the cell cycle.Cytokinesis.
• Be able to label a diagram of the different phases.
• Be able to identify the different phases of both plant and animal cells undergoing cell division.
• Differences between plant and animal cells.
• Difference between chromatin, chromosomes and chromatids.
• Know how many chromosomes are in the daughter cells after mitosis.
• What is mitosis for?What are the control factors discussed in class for cell division and how they limit cell division?
• What is the problem with cancer cells?basic cancer cell stuff discussed in classWhat are p53 and p 21?Tumor
suppressors. What are the possible problems with the cell cycle that can produce cancer cells?breast cancer genes
• What is tumor (benign & malignant)?What is metastasis?
• What are telomeres and telomerases?Functions?How do we fight cancer cells?
• Know the difference between karyokenesis and cytokinesis.
• Apoptosis and cellular death.
• What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
• Where does meiosis occur?When does it occur?Why does it occur?When does it occur?
• What is spermatogenesis and oogenesis?Products of each?
• Know the following terms and how they relate to meiosis: homologous chromosomes, diploid, haploid, gametes,
zygote, syngamy.
• Be able to label a diagram of the different phases -refer to your text.
• Know the different phases of meiosis and how they are different from mitosis?
• What are the sexual sources for variation? How does meiosis contribute to genetic variation?
• What is nondisjunction?Polyploidy? Aneupoidy? Trisomy? Monosomy?
• Possible genetic causes for birth defects, etc.
• Define the following terms and use them in sentences describing events during meiosis: synapsis, chiasma, crossing
over, homologous chromosomes, sister chromatids, nonsister chromatids, chromosome sets, chrmatin, dipoid, haploid,
zygote, gamete
• compare meiosis I with mitosis
STATISTICS -since many of you are still having some difficulty with the figures and the difference between
one-tailed and two-tailed hypotheses....
Know the purpose of using a t-test; know what a statistical null hypothesis (Ho) is and how it is rejected or accepted; know the
difference between a one-tailed and a two-tailed t-test; know when to apply a paired or unpaired t-test; know how to (1)
report the results of a t-test (DF, p-value), (2) interpret a p-value; (3) draw a figure showing differences between means of
two groups; (4) write a GOOD figure caption as opposed to your typical high school title..."the effects of temperature on
enzyme activity" -> What's the effect? Don’t write figure 1 show…or as you can see in figure 1…THESE ARE TERRIBLE
Methods & Results and Title writing, how to cite papers properly, Annotated bibliography stuff – hypothesis & conclusions
Understand how the laboratory material relates to the lecture topics covered
Know any of the scientists discussed in class and what they did, accomplish, etc.