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Unit 11: Ecology Vocabulary
Abiotic Factor
Biotic Factor
Carbon Cycle
Carrying Capacity
Climax Community
Ecological Pyramid
Food Chain
Food Web
Limiting Factor
Natural Disaster
Nitrogen Fixation
Pioneer Species
Primary Consumer
Primary Succession
Secondary Consumer
Secondary Succession
Tertiary Consumer
Trophic Level
All of the non living factors within an environment
The process of converting nitrogen into ammonium by bacteria
The total variation of species within a given population
A region of Earth with a specific climate and organisms adapted to the particular environment
Part of the earth’s surface that includes land, water, and atmosphere where living organisms exist
All of the living factors within an environment
The process in which carbon is exchanged between the organisms and their environment
The maximum number of species an ecosystem can support
A stable ecological community that has reached an equilibrium after having adapted to its environment
A symbiotic relationship in which one organism receives the benefits as the other is not affected
All of the interacting species within a particular ecosystem
A condition that occurs when 2 or more organisms compete for the same resources in an ecosystem
Heterotrophic organisms that must consume other organisms for survival
Living organisms that break down organic matter, making it available to primary producers
Removing nitrogen or its compounds
An organism that feeds on dead or decaying plant or animal remains
A depiction of various types of relationships that occur between trophic levels of an ecological
All of the biotic and abiotic factors within a particular environment
A sequence of food energy transfer from one organism to another within an ecological community
A depiction of all of the interrelating food chains that exist within an ecological community
An organism in which a parasite resides and/or derives nutrients from
An environmental factor that limits the growth of a population
A symbiotic relationship in which both organisms receive benefits
A force of nature that results in catastrophic consequences
Turning ammonium into nitrates and nitrites by soil bacteria
Bacterial action that results in the combination of atmospheric nitrogen with other elements; making
nitrogen available for use by plants
A living thing that portrays the basic characteristics of life
Lives in or on another organism and derives nourishment from them resulting in harm to the host
The symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is harmed
The first plant species to grow during primary succession
All of the organisms of one species within a particular ecosystem
An organism that hunts its food
An organism that is hunted for food
An animal that eats the producers
The development of an ecological community in a previously uninhabited location; no soil is present
Autotrophic organisms that undergo photosynthesis
An organism that feeds on dead or decaying animals
An animal that eats the primary consumer
The development of an ecological community in an area that was once inhabited but experienced a
catastrophe; soil is present
A relationship in which 2 species are interdependent; one always benefits, while the other one either
benefits, is not affected, or is harmed
An animal that eats the secondary consumers
An organism’s position on a food chain