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To be successful today, YOU need: pen/pencil, Do Now half
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What YOU can expect from me
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Guided Notes →
-Carbon and
Nitrogen Cycles
-Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
What I am expecting of YOU:
1. SILENT voices when I am
2. YOUR focus
3. Engagement - this is the
last week we have to
Biogeochemical Cycles - CARBON
● Carbon is the basis of life on
earth found in rocks,
oceans, atmosphere, and
living things
● CO2 in atmosphere → used
to make food by plants
● Humans and other animals
eat plants → carbon now in
our cells
● Plants and animals die →
carbon returned to earth
and atmosphere
Biogeochemical Cycles - NITROGEN
● Nitrogen is needed to make
proteins in living things
● Bacteria is ESSENTIAL to all
● Bacteria take nitrogen from
atmosphere and make it
useable for plants
● Animals eat plants
● Animals and plants die
● Bacteria return the nitrogen
to the earth
● Plants use the energy
from sunlight to make
● The reactants of
photosynthesis are sunlight,
carbon dioxide, and water.
● The products of
photosynthesis are oxygen
and glucose.
● The balanced chemical
Sunlight + 6 CO2 + 6
H2O → 6 O2 + C6H12O6
Cellular Respiration
● Breaks down glucose to
release Energy/ATP
● The reactants of cellular
respiration are oxygen and
● The products of cellular
respiration are carbon
dioxide, water, and ATP.
● The balanced chemical
6 O2 + C6H12O6 → 6
CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP
Human Health
The three molecules that serve as food for the
cell are proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.
Food energy is measured in calories.
If one consumes more calories than the body uses,
then they will gain weight.
Human Health
A person who burns calories at a fast rate is said
to have a high metabolism.
Basal metabolic rate is the minimum number of
calories that a person needs to maintain bodily
functions while at rest.
The digestion of food provides the body with the
necessary reactants to perform cellular
1. Determine who is X and who is O
2. I say definition/question 2 times...only...YOU talk, YOU miss it,
YOU lose
3. YOU or partner finds the right answer first wins
4. YOU or partner that makes tic-tac-toe first wins!
Voices = whisper voice
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100% on task
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1) Why is a healthy diet important?
A It maintains a constant body temperature.
B It prevents damage to internal organs.
C It makes oxygen for all the cells in the body.
D It supplies the body’s needs for growth and energy.
2) Why is protein an important part of a healthy diet?
It is needed to change glucose to energy.
It is needed to store nutrients.
It is needed to repair tissue.
It is needed to produce water.