Download Greek Classical Period (480 BC - 323 BC)

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Ancient Greece - Timeline
The history of Ancient Greece can be divided up into different periods. The three main periods we will cover
here are the Archaic Period, the Classical Period, and the Hellenistic Period.
During the Archaic Period the Greek government began to form with the rise of the city-states such as
Athens and Sparta. This was also when the Greeks began to explore philosophy and theatre.
The Classical Period began with the introduction of democracy in Athens. Athens also rose to new heights in
art and philosophy. It was during this period that Athens and Sparta fought in the Peloponnesian Wars. Near
the end of the Classical Period Alexander the Great rose to power conquering much of Europe and Western
The death of Alexander the Great ushered in the Hellenistic Period. Greece declined in power until it was
finally conquered by Rome.
Greek Archaic Period (800 BC - 480 BC)
 776 BC - The first Olympic Games takes place. The games would take place every 4 years in honor of the
Greek god Zeus.
 757 BC - First Messenian War begins. This is a war between Sparta and Messenia that will last many years.
 750 BC - Homer begins to write the Iliad and Odyssey. These epic poems become two of the most famous
literary works in Greek literature.
 650 BC - The Greek Tyrants come into power. Cypselus is the first Tyrant of Corinth.
 621 BC - A lawyer named Draco introduces strict new laws in Athens that are punishable by death. These
are called Draconian laws.
 600 BC - The first Greek coins are introduced.
 570 BC - Pythagoras is born. He will make major advances in science, math, and philosophy. We still use
the Pythagorean Theorem today to help with geometry.
 508 BC - Democracy is introduced in Athens by Cleisthenes. He establishes a constitution and is often
called the "Father of Athenian Democracy". This is one of the great accomplishments of the Greek culture.
Greek Classical Period (480 BC - 323 BC)
 490 BC - The Greeks fight the Persians in the Greek/Persian Wars. Two famous battles are the Battle of
Marathon in 480 BC and the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC. The Greeks win and the Persians retreat.
 468 BC - Sophocles begins to write plays for the theatre. Soon the theater becomes a very popular form of
entertainment in Greece.
 440 BC - Famous playwright Euripides wins first prize for the best play in Athens.
 432 BC - The temple to Athena, the Parthenon, is completed in Athens on the Acropolis. Today this is the
most famous surviving building of Ancient Greece.
 431 BC - The wars between Sparta and Athens begin. They are called the Peloponnesian Wars. The wars
will last 27 years with Sparta eventually conquering Athens in 404 BC.
 399 BC - The famous Greek philosopher Socrates is put to death for corrupting the youth of Athens with is
his teachings.
 386 BC - Greek philosopher and student of Socrates, Plato, founds the first institution of higherlearning in
the western world. It's called the Academy.
 342 BC - The great philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, Aristotle, begins to tutor Alexander (later to
be called Alexander the Great).
 336 BC - Alexander the Great becomes king when his father, Philip of Macedon is assassinated.
 333 BC - Alexander begins his conquests and defeats the Persians.
 332 BC - Alexander conquers Egypt. He establishes the new capital of Egypt at Alexandria. Over the next
several years Alexander would greatly expand his empire, conquering much of Persia on the way to India.
Greek Hellenistic Period (323 BC - 146 BC)
 323 BC - The Hellenistic period begins when Alexander the Great dies. The Ancient Greek civilization
begins its decline and the Ancient Romans start to gain power.
 300 BC - Euclid, a Greek mathematician, writes Elements. This famous writing will have an impact on
mathematics for years to come.
 146 BC - Rome conquers Greece making it part of the Roman Empire
Greece Timeline Questions
1. What period of Greek history began with the death of Alexander the Great?
a. Dark Ages Period
b. Archaic Period
d. Hellenistic Period
e. Roman Period
c. Classical Period
2. What was the name of the wars between Sparta and Athens?
a. Spartathenian Wars
b. Persian Wars c. Peloponnesian Wars
d. Messenian Wars
e. Marathon Wars
3. Which of these events came last in the order of Greek history?
a. Socrates is put to death
b. Rome conquers Greece
d. Aristotle begins to tutor Alexander the Great
c. Draconian laws are enforced in Athens
e. The Parthenon is built
4. What famous philosopher was put to death by the Greeks during the Classical Period?
a. Socrates b. Plato
c. Euclid
d. Aristotle
e. Pythagoras
5. What period of Greek history ended about the time democracy was established in Athens?
a. Dark Ages Period
b. Archaic Period
d. Hellenistic Period
e. Roman Period
c. Classical Period
6. Who was the Greek conqueror who rose to power at the end of the Classical Period taking over much of
Persia and Egypt?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Philip of Macedonia
d. Archimedes
e. Alexander the Great
c. Pericles
7. What Greek writer wrote the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey during the Archaic Period?
a. Homer
b. Aristotle
c. Sophocles
d. Euripides
e. Plato
8. Which of these events came first in Greek history?
a. Alexander the Great dies
b. The first Olympics
c. The Peloponnesian Wars
d. Democracy is introduced
e. The Greek Tyrants come into power
9. What Greek god or goddess was the Parthenon of Athens build for?
a. Zeus
b. Hera
c. Athena
10. Which of the following statements are correct?
a. The Archaic Period came before the Classical Period
d. Hermes
e. Apollo
b. Alexander the Great died before the Romans conquered Greece
c. Homer wrote the Iliad before Sophocles began to write plays
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Ancient Rome- Timeline
The Roman Empire was one of the greatest and most influential civilizations in world history. It began in
the city of Rome in 753 B.C. and lasted for well over 1000 years. During that time Rome grew to rule
much of Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. Here is a timeline of some of the major events in
the history of Ancient Rome.
753 BC - The city of Rome is founded. Legend has it that two twin sons of Mars, the god of war, named
Romulus and Remus founded the city. Romulus killed Remus and became ruler of Rome and named the
city after himself. Rome was ruled by kings for the next 240 years.
509 BC - Rome becomes a republic. The last king is overthrown and Rome is now ruled by elected
officials called senators. There is a constitution with laws and a complex republican government.
218 BC - Hannibal invades Italy. Hannibal leads the Carthage army in his famous crossing of the Alps to
attack Rome. This is part of the Second Punic war.
73 BC - Spartacus the gladiator leads the slaves in an uprising.
45 BC - Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome. Caesar makes his famous Crossing of the
Rubicon and defeats Pompey in a civil war to become the supreme ruler of Rome. This signals the end of
the Roman Republic.
44 BC - Julius Caesar is assassinated on the Ides of March by Marcus Brutus. They hope to bring back the
republic, but civil war breaks out.
27 BC - The Roman Empire begins as Caesar Augustus becomes the first Roman Emperor.
64 AD - Much of Rome burns. Legend has it that Emperor Nero watched the city burn while playing a
80 AD - The Colosseum is built. One of the great examples of Roman engineering is finished. It can seat
50,000 spectators.
The Roman Empire at its peak in 117 AD
121 AD - The Hadrian Wall is built. To keep out the barbarians a long wall is built across northern
306 AD - Constantine becomes Emperor. Constantine would convert to Christianity and Rome would
become a Christian empire. Prior to this Rome persecuted the Christians.
380 AD - Theodosius I declares Christianity to be the sole religion of the Roman Empire.
395 AD - Rome splits into two empires.
410 AD - The Visigoths sack Rome. This is the first time in 800 years that the city of Rome has fallen to an
476 AD - The end of the Western Roman Empire and the fall of Ancient Rome. The last Roman Emperor
Romulus Augustus is defeated by the German Goth Odoacer. This signals the start of the Dark Ages in
1453 AD - The Byzantine Empire comes to an end as it falls to the Ottoman Empire.
Rome Timeline Questions
1. Around what year was the city of Rome founded?
a. 2023 BC
b. 1202 BC
c. 753 BC
d. 58 BC
e. 467 AD
2. What were the names of the twins that legend says founded Rome?
a. Romulus and Remus
b. Caesar and Julius
c. Augustus and Marius
d. Cicero and Sulla
e. Constantine and Spartacus
3. When Julius Caesar seized control of Rome and made himself dictator, what famous Roman
government came to an end?
a. The Empire b. The Republic
c. The Monarchy
d. The Democratic
e. The Legion
4. What happened in 44 BC just a year after Julius Caesar was made dictator of Rome?
a. Caesar Augustus took power as emperor
b. The slaves revolted under the leadership of Spartacus and killed Caesar
c. The empire was split into two
d. Rome was sacked by barbarians for the first time
e. Julius Caesar was assassinated by Marcus Brutus
5. What Emperor of Rome is said to have played the lyre and watched as Rome burned?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Nero
c. Caesar Augustus
d. Constantine
e. Sulla
6. What huge Roman construction that could seat 50,000 people was finished in 80 AD?
a. The Trajan Bridge
b. The Circus Maximus
d. The Coliseum
e. The Appian Way
c. The Pantheon
7. Who was became the first emperor of Rome in the year 27 BC?
a. Caesar Augustus
b. Theodosius
c. Julius Caesar
d. Titus
8. Around what year did the Eastern Roman Empire fall to the Ottomans?
a. 543 BC
b. 27 BC
c. 467 AD
d. 1212 AD
e. 1453 AD
9. What new era did the fall of the Western Roman Empire signal for Europe?
a. The Modern Ages
b. The Renaissance
c. The Dark Ages
e. Tiberius
d. The Viking Ages
e. The Industrial Age
10. Who became Roman Emperor in 306 AD and then converted to Christianity?
a. Caesar Augustus
b. Constantine
c. Tiberius
d. Titus
e. Theodosius