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Anabolic Steroids
By: Nicole Laferriere
Amy Ferguson
Kelly Bolling
Who Uses Steroids
How they are Obtained
How they are Taken
Side Effects
Impact on Society
Future Implications/Research Needed
• We chose this topic because it is currently a
big issue in society, and there is little
knowledge of long-term effects. This
presentation will educate the viewer of basic
androgenic anabolic steroid (A.K.A. anabolic
steroid) information.
Natural Anabolic
Synthetic Steroid
•One extra double bond and an extra methyl group
Types of Steroids
• Two Properties:
– Anabolic: tissue building
– Androgenic: sex-linked, responsible for male traits
(i.e. facial hair, deeper voice, etc)
Street Names
Gym Candy
Weight Trainers
• Before 1930’s: Used to treat men with
inefficient levels of testosterone for growth
• WWII: Used to treat malnourishment of
• 1936: Testosterone is the first anabolic steroid
ever created
• 1956: Used for Olympics performance
• Dr. Zeigler created selective form of what is
now known as anabolic steroids after 1956
• 1975: Olympic committee bands steroids use
• 1990: Congress passes Anabolic Steroid
Enforcement Act
– Schedule III of Controlled
Substances Act
Who Uses Steroids?
• Many different uses of steroids.
• Some individuals are prescribed steroids for
inflammation and other conditions.
• Steroid use for athletic purposes.
Why Do People Take Steroids?
• To bulk up!
• To reduce injuries, increase stamina, decrease
recovery time between athletic events/work
Uses Of Steroids
• Medical
• Recreationally-performance enhancement
Medical Uses
Control Breast Cancer
Weight loss due to illness
Delayed Puberty
Loss of lean muscle in AIDS and Cancer
• There are no “clean” anabolic steroids.
• They are derivatives of testosterone
synthesized to enhance potency (increases the
anabolic characteristics while decreasing side
• Helps the drug avoid being detected in urine
Performance Enhancement Uses
• Gain muscle mass quickly, increase endurance,
and be the best in their event.
Where Are Steroids Obtained?
• Doctors
– Prescribe steroids for medical problems such as breast
cancer, delayed puberty, or low red blood cell count.
• Veterinarians
– Prescribe for animals to improve weight gain and hair
coat and to treat anemia.
• Illegally
– Smuggled from other countries.
– Theft
Medical Derivatives of Testosterone
• Products for Humans:
nandrolone (as the decanoate
ester), mesterolone and
• Veterinary Purposes:
Boldenone and trenbolone
How Are Steroids Taken?
Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection
By mouth…Pill form
Pellet implantation under the skin
Application to the Skin
Why Are They Abused?
• Steroids are abused for their performance
enhancement effects. Everyone wants to be
the best or look the strongest: especially men.
• Abused by the amount taken. Some take in
excessive amounts.
Why Are They Abused?
• To increase muscle size and decrease body fat.
– Users in this group have muscle dysmorphia: a
distorted image of his or her body.
• Many abusers experience physical or sexual
abuse during childhood. Abusers are twice as
like to have been raped than non-abusers.
How Steroids Work On The Body
• Binds to androgen receptor in muscle cells
which activates specific genes to produce new
proteins, i.e. new muscle.
• Enhances protein synthesis while inhibiting
protein degradation at the same time.
• Used with resistive training
full muscle building effects
• Medically: 6-10mg/d on a continuous basis
and with regular intervals of use.
• Recreationally: Progressively increase dose
until 40-100 times the physiologic levels are
• This is known as “Stacking.” Most use multiple
forms of it. Stacking is done to maximize
steroid receptor binding and to activate
multiple steroid receptor sites.
• “Pyramid”-:
– 6-8 weeks cycle
– Starts with low dose, increasing until high dose in
the middle, and then slowly decrease dose until
starting dose (shape of pyramid)
Second cycle:
-- weight lifting without drugs
-- belief it allows regular body hormones to
Performance Enhancement Effects
• Not Fully Studied
• Body weight shown to increase by an average
of four pounds
• Lean body weight increase by six pounds
• Bench press increase by 15 pounds
• Squats increased by 30 pounds.
Necessary Diet
• Diets high in protein and calories may be
important in maximizing the effectiveness of
Male Effects
Shrinking of testis
decrease in sperm count
increase risk of prostate cancer
increased tendency toward fatty deposits and
extremely soft muscles. More likely after
finishing cycle of steroid.
Female Effects
• Deeper voice, increased body hair (especially
facial), enlarged clitoris, and stops or changes
menstrual cycle.
Male and Female
Liver damage
fluid retention
severe acne
increases LDL cholesterol and
decreases HDL cholesterol
• inhibited growth and
• high blood pressure causing
renal failure
roughening of skin
increased risk of heart disease
hormonal imbalances
Increased chances of HIV/AIDS
when using needles
Side Effects
• Increased immune system function
• However, once stopped the immune system
has trouble warding off colds.
• Immune system becomes dependent on the
steroid and cannot function as well without.
Permanent Effects
• Permanent: Skin changes
Psychological Effects
• “Psychosomatic state”
• Sensation of well being, euphoria, increased
aggressiveness and tolerance to stress.
• Extreme mood swings, paranoid jealousy,
delusions, feeling of invincibility, and
Drugs taken to decrease side effects
• Growth hormone: acts synergistically with AAS
• Human chorionic gonadotropin: Block the testicular
side effects.
• Diuretics: Prevent water retention and improve visual
muscle appearance.
• Antiestrogens: Such as tamoxifen to block
• Antibiotics: To help hide the steroid use.
• Anti-acne medications: To help
prevent testosterone-induced
• Steroid Intoxication has not been fully
researched yet.
• Intoxication has rapid effects on mood and
emotional functioning
– Anxiety, exhilaration, agitation, depression
– Extreme case: psychotic reactions
• Craving the substance.
• Inability to stop using the steroids.
• Physical and psychiatric disturbances similar
to cocaine addicts.
• Continue to seek steroids even when effects
are no longer positive.
• Withdrawal symptoms
• Dr. Kashkin and Dr. Klebar of Yale University
School of Medicine Opinion:
– Steroid addicts need to be treated rather than
tested and penalized.
• Symptoms include:
– Mood swings
– Depression with suicidal behavior
– Agression with violent and assaultive behavior
– Dramatic reduction in size/strength (which may
lead to depression)
These symptoms vary between individuals and
depends on the type of steroid being taken.
• There are two phases:
– Done in the liver by cytochrome P450 enzymes
– Phase 1: covert into more polar compound,
inactivate, and facilitate elimination.
• Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions: oxidation, reduction, and
– Phase 2: conjunction reactions for excretion
• Couples steroid metabolite with glucuronic acid or
Impact on Society
• In many states Mid and High school athletes
are required to sign a pledge that they will not
use anabolic steroids.
• Parents of athletes are required to attend
meeting discussing use and abuse of steroids.
• Many coaches/volunteers are now required to
complete an American Sport Education
Program course on steroids.
• The effects of the drug are widespread in the
body and cover multiple body systems.
• The chemicals added to steroid derivatives
may be to blame for the majority of the health
side effects.
• The dose and how often it is taken (stacking,
pyramid) can lead to more extreme side
effects or even possible long term effects.
Future Implication
Stunted growth in teens
Liver tumors
Abnormal enlargement of heart muscles
Blood lipid abnormalities
Irreversible stretch marks
More Research Is Needed
• Steroid Intoxication
• Treatment for Steroid Addicts
• Long term health effects
Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids Side Effects. Updated 2006. Viewed April 14, 2010.
Center for Substance Abuse Research. Updated May 2005. Viewed April 14, 2010.
Fahey, T.D. 1998. Anabolic-androgenic steroids: mechanism of action and effects on performance. Encyclopedia of
Sports Medicine and Science. Internet Society for Sport Science: 7 March 1998.
Hall, R E.W., Hall, R C.W. 1997. 2005. Abuse of Supraphysiologic Doses of Anabolic Steroids. Southern Medical
Association. Vol 98, No. 5: 550-555.
Kicman, AT. 2008. Pharmacology of Anabolic Steroids. British Journal of Pharmocology. Vol 154: 502-521.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Viewed April 14, 2010.
National Institute of health. Updated Feb 18, 2010. Viewed April 14, 2010.
Nevius, C.W. San Francisco Chronical. Updated April 14, 2010. Viewed April 14, 2010. news/17313104_1_school.sports.middles-high-school
Nolteernsting, E., Schanzer, W., Slobodan, R. 1999. Metabolism of anabolic steroids by recombiant human
cytochrome P450 enzymes: Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometic determination of metabolites. Journal of
Chromatography B. Vol 735: 73-83.
Office of National Drug Control Policy. Viewed April 14, 2010.
Schanzer, W. 1996. Metabolism of Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. Clinical Chemistry. Vol 42. No. 7: 1001-1020.
Steroids.U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Updated March 20, 2010. Viewed April 14, 2010.
Warren Leary. Users of steroids Risk Addiction. NY Times, Dec 8, 1989.