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Earth’s Layers
Ms. Sikes
Earth’s Layers
• Earth has 3 layers:
– 1. Crust
– 2. Mantle
– 3. Core
• Outermost layer
• 5-100km thick (thinnest layer of earth)
• 2 types of crust:
– Continental
– Oceanic
• Located between the crust and the core
• Much thicker than the crust and
contains most of earth’s mass
• No one has ever visited the mantle
because the crust is too thick to drill
• Located in the “center” of the earth
below the mantle
• Makes up 1/3 of the earth’s mass
Look at page 393 figure 3
Breaking the earth down even more…
• Even though the earth has 3 main
layers, it has 5 physical layers
• Each layer has its own physical
5 Physical Layers
Core has 2 parts:
• Inner Core: solid and in the center of the
• Outer Core: liquid, the outside part of
the core
5 Physical Layers
• Mantle has 3 parts:
1. Mesosphere: lower part of the mantle, very
strong layer
2. Asthenosphere: plastic layer on which pieces
of the lithosphere move. Made of solid rock
and flows very slowly
3. Lithosphere: outermost part of the mantle.
Very rigid. Made of 2 parts: crust and upper
part of mantle. (Is divided unto pieces called
tectonic plates)
See page 394
• One way to remember the order in
which the layers go is:
• I O MAL (as owe Mal some money)
Inner core, Outer core, Mesosphere,
Asthenosphere, Lithosphere
Let’s Review
Where is the core located?
What are its 2 parts?
What are those 2 parts made of?
Mantle Review
• Where is the mantle located?
• How many parts does it have?
• Name them on order from center of the earth
to the outside
Crust Review
Is the crust thick or thin?
Which physical layer contains the crust?
Color and Label Earth Layers
• On your sheet, label the 3 layers of the earth
• Color the layers
• Make sure to add in the 2 interesting facts
along with each label.