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Medieval Life
Vocabulary Index
1. Estate - An extensive area of land in the country,
usually with a large house, owned by one person or
2. Centralized Government – A style of government
where one body has legal authority and is responsible
for making all of the decisions for the state.
3. Decentralized Government – A style of government
where responsibility and legal authority is spread out
to different bodies, such as provinces or counties.
4. Self-Sufficient – Able to provide for your own needs
without help from others.
4. Executive – The branch of government
responsible for putting a country’s laws into
5. Legislative – The branch of government
responsible for writing laws of a country
6. Judicial – The branch of government
responsible for interpreting and explaining the
laws of a country.
Pg. 298-302 Reading Questions
1. Explain the importance of:
Manor: The land on a manor provided people with
everything they needed—most economic activity took
place on the manor, so few people ever left.
Knight: The warriors of Medieval Europe. Lords relied
on knights to do their fighting for them.
Chivalry: A knight’s code of honor. Knights were
expected to protect the weak, and show courage in
every battle.
Guild: Groups formed by people who have the same
occupation. Guilds made rules about quantity and
quality of production that protected their members.
2. What was the main economic
activity in manor v. town life?
• Farming and home-made
• Trading and manufacturing
3. How were serfs an important part of
the manor system?
• Serfs raised crops, livestock, and made other
goods. They were bound to the land, meaning
they could never be anything but a serf on the
4. Why were knights highly valued in
medieval society?
• The middle ages were full of warfare and
nobles relied on the military skill and courage
of knights.
5. Why did tradespeople form guilds?
• Guilds protected their members from getting
taken advantage of, and regulated the
quantity and quality of goods.
6. Do you think the lack of longdistance trade hurt society during the
Middle Ages? Why or why not?
6. Do you think the lack of longdistance trade hurt society during the
Middle Ages? Why or why not?
• Yes, because it reduced interaction among
different cultures and prevented groups from
exchanging ideas or goods.
Assignment: Design your own manor!
Include all of the following, colored and labeled
Manor House – Where the lord lives (sometimes a castle)
Village – Where the serfs and peasants live
Pasture – Where animals graze
Mill – A building with equipment to grind grain into flour
Workshops – Where people work to create things like fabric, wine,
furniture, etc.
7. Blacksmith Forge – Where a smith works with metal (creating
horseshoes, tools, weapons, etc)
8. 3 field system – 1) Fallow: Not planted, allowing the soil to recover
2) Spring Planting: Oats, barley or legumes {beans} 3) Autumn
Planting: Wheat, barley or rye
9. Woodland – Hunting was usually reserved for nobles, but
sometimes peasants were allowed to use small portions of the
10. Pond or river
Exit Slip Quiz
1. Why did serfs work on the land for
their lords?
They hoped to own it one day
In order to have a place to live
For military protection
Because the lords forced them to
2. Manorialism can best be described
A. The political relationships between the king
or queen, the nobility, and the peasants.
B. The economic ties between the nobles and
the peasants who worked on their lands
C. The Process of how a nobleman’s son in the
middle ages could become a knight
D. The land given to monasteries by different
governments as a show of loyalty to the
3. Which of the following best
describes a fief?
The income raised by the peasants
The peasants who worked the farm land
The oath of loyalty sworn to the monarch
The estate that was granted to the vassal
-Attacks by Vikings and other invaders
-Weakening of the central government
-Decision of nobles to take over local defense
4. The list above is describing:
A. The economic consequences of feudalism
B. The development of social classes during
C. The political relationships under feudalism
D. The reasons for the development of
5. Governmental power in a feudal
society was:
A. Held by a parliament, which was elected by the
landowners and required the approval of the
B. Weak and decentralized with legal authority
granted to those swearing allegiance to a lord or
C. Enforced by the military and the church working
together for the benefit of the lower class
D. Highly centralized with the king making all
legislative and executive decisions
6. The political order under feudalism was
dependent upon the relationship between lords
and their vassals. The responsibility of the vassal
A. An agreement to keep the lower classes
under control
B. An oath of loyalty and a pledge of military
C. The promise to spread Christianity to their
D. The payment of taxes to the king or queen of
the country
7. Feudalism is an example of:
An industrial economy
Local government
A monarchy
A religious empire
8. Most people living on manors of
Medieval Europe obtained the needs
for their daily life:
By traveling to the cities
From traveling merchants
By producing their own supplies
From the lords and landowners
9. How did the collapse of the Roman
Empire create the conditions for
A. The destruction of Roman cities drove the
population into more rural areas
B. The loss of a central government created the
need for local systems of power
C. The spread of Christianity throughout the
Roman Empire gave more power to local
D. The abandonment of Roman Roads created the
need for new means of trade and
10. How did owning the land and
controlling the labor of the serfs affect
medieval European lords?
A. It required the use of the lords personal
fortunes to keep the farms going
B. It forced them to develop more efficient ways
to grow food
C. It gave them political power and an army of
D. It led religious officials to demand that lords
provide religious instruction to the serfs