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Monday, May 16, 2016
ESL Level 3, Week 13
• EL Civics test make up for …
• CASAS on Wednesday
• Units 23 and 24
• Next week, Vocabulary test
• Test takers: Unit 19-22, EL Civics, writing samples, Unit 22 review
• Reading Unit 23
• Unit 23
• Vocabulary
To do…
Writing Sample
EL Civics
Ma Yuan
Everyone else study vocabulary
Unit 23- Reading
• Why is the article called “No Smoking- Around the World from A to
• What are some examples of public places where people can’t smoke?
• How do smokers feel about it?
Unit 23 Vocabulary
• Approve of (phrasal verb)
Usually followed by a noun.
Agree or accept something
My father did not approve of my
• ban ( )
To prohibit or say no to something
Tom banned Nancy from entering
the building.
• Illegal ( )
something that you can’t do by law
It is illegal to park a car there.
Unit 23 Vocabulary
• In favor of (phrasal verb)
To support something
The judge decided in favor of the
Some people are in favor of
Hilary Clinton becoming the next
U.S. President.
• Permit ( )
To allow something or let something I permit you to park here.
I permit you to see that boy.
Unit 23 Vocabulary
• Prohibit ( )
To forbid or ban something
Dancing is prohibited in Luisa’s
• Pp. 322
Vocabulary conversation
1. Are you in favor of or against laws that ban smoking? Explain.
2. Share your personal experiences. Use these questions as a guide.
When did you start smoking? Are you a heavy smoker? Why/ When do
you smoke? Have you ever tried to stop smoking? Would you like to
stop smoking?
Did you ever try a cigarette? If so, when? Why don’t you smoke? IF you
used to be a smoker, was it easy to quit smoking? What did you do?
Grammar charts
• Smoking is not permitted in restaurants.
What’s the subject of the sentence?
What’s the verb phrase?
(is not permitted)
Is smoking a noun or a gerund?
(a gerund)
What is a gerund?
Base form of verb + ing
A gerund is a verb that is used like a noun, so it can be the subject of a
Grammar Charts
• Fumario enjoys smoking.
• What’s the subject of the sentence?
• (Fumario)
• What’s the main verb?
• (enjoys)
• What’s the object?
• Smoking
• Fumario enjoys smoking.
• A gerund can also be the object of a sentence.
Grammar Charts
• I’m in favor of smoking in parks.
What’s the gerund in the example?
What word comes before the gerund?
What kind of word is of?
(a preposition)
I’m in favor of smoking in parks.
Note 1
• Exercising is healthy.
• I don’t like lying.
• He is in favor of banning smoking.
What are the gerunds?
Be careful!
Look at spelling changes.
Note 1
• Not obeying the law can result in fines.
• What’s the gerund in the example?
• (Obeying)
• How do we form the negative of a gerund?
• (not + gerund)
Note 2
• Reading is fun.
• Smoking is an unhealthy habit.
What are the subjects?
Verb: is
Reading travel magazines was my favorite pastime.
Smoking in public places is not allowed.
The subject can be a gerund phrase.
What are the subjects in the examples.
Are the verbs singular or plural?
The verb is always singular even if the gerund is followed by plural nouns
such as magazines and places.
Be careful
• Gerunds should not be confused with the progressive forms of verbs.
Running is fun.
She was running when I called her.
Playing the piano is a hobby of mine.
Tony is playing video games.
Note 2
• She quit smoking.
• I suggest going to a café.
• He enjoys swimming.
Name the gerunds and the verbs before the gerunds.
Certain verbs such as quit, suggest, and enjoy are followed by gerunds.
Objects can be gerunds or gerund phrases.
Note 2
• I like to go fishing.
• What kind of word follows go.
• We use go + gerund to describe activities.
• Is this sentence correct?
• I like to go to shopping on the weekends.
• NO!
Note 3
• I’m against smoking in parks.
• She complained about having to study.
• She is good at solving problems.
What kind of word is against?
What kind of word follows against?
What kind of word is complained?
What preposition is it followed by?
Note 3
• Certain verbs such as complain are followed by a particular
• These verb + preposition combinations can be followed by a gerund.
Apologize for
Think about
+ gerund
Note 3
• She is good at solving problems.
What kind of word is good?
What preposition is it followed by?
Certain adjectives such as good are followed by a particular
preposition. These adjective and preposition combinations can be
followed by a gerund.
Note 3
Responsible for
Interested in
+ gerund
I look forward to going on vacation.
He objects to doing that kind of work.
I am opposed to working so late.
Be careful: In expressions like look forward to, object to, the (to) is a
preposition, not a part of the infinitive.
• Unit 22 review pp. 318