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Chapter 15, Section 1: Inside the Earth
What we are going to learn:
1. Identify the layers of the Earth by
their chemical composition.
2. Identify the layers of the Earth by
their physical properties.
3. Describe a tectonic plate.
4. Explain how scientists know about
the structure of Earth’s interior.
Three Layers of the Earth
The Crust is the outermost layer. 5- 100
km thick but is the thinnest layer.
 The Mantle is the layer between the
crust and the core. This is where
magma is found.
 The Core is the center part of the Earth
and is made of two parts, inner core and
outer core.
Outer Part of the Earth
The Crust is where we live.
 Next is the Lithosphere. Made from the
crust and the hard outer part of the
 Next is the Asthenosphere. This is the
soft layer of the mantle where the
lithosphere “floats”.
Middle Earth
The Mesophere is the strong lower part
of the mantle between the
asthensophere and the core.
 The Outer Core is the outer part of the
core and is liquid.
 The Inner Core is the most center part of
the Earth and is made from solid iron.
How do we know for sure what’s
under us???
How can we know what each part is
made from if we haven’t been there?
 Scientists use vibrations called Seismic
Waves created during earthquakes to
determine thickness and composition.
 Waves move through solid and liquid
material at different speeds.
Tectonic Plates
The lithosphere is divided into puzzle
like pieces called Tectonic Plates.
 On the edge of these plates we get
mountains, earthquakes, volcanoes, and
sea floor spreading.
Convergent Boundaries
A Convergent Boundary is formed when
two plates collide with one another.
 This can be two contiential plates, two
ocean plates, or one contiential plate
with an ocean plate.
Divergent and Transform Boundaries
A Divergent Boundary is where two
tectonic plates are moving away from
one another.
 A Transform Boundary is where two
plates are sliding horizontally or beside
one another.
Sea Floor Spreading
At divergent boundaries in the ocean
magma is pushed up and new ocean
crust is formed pushing the old crust
 This process is constantly making new
ocean crust.
Deforming the Earth’s Crust
Deformation – when the shape of a rock
changes due to stress.
 Tension stress- pulling apart.
 Compression stress- pushing together.
Folding Rocks
Folding – the bending of rock layers due
to stress.
 Types of folds….
Faults in Rocks
Fault – is a break in a body of rock
where one side moves against the other
 Types of faults…
Mountain Building
Folding and faulting can build mountains
 Types of mountains…
Folded Mountains
Mountain Building
Fault- Block Mountains
Mountain Building
Volcanic Mountains
Uplift – the rising of regions of the
Earth’s crust to higher elevations.
Subsidence – the sinking of regions of
the Earth’s crust to lower elevations.