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6 Weeks District Test
6th Grade Science
This power point is in addition to the written assessment for the 6 week test review..
Resources to assist with research
• Textbook
• Science Journal
What are the three main types of
rock that the rock cycle creates?
• Sedimentary
• Metamorphic
• Igneous
• Click on link below to see movie about rock
cycle (6 mins long);_ylt=AwrTcXqwUgNWWxMACZSJzb
What are tectonic plates?
• Tectonic plates are
large plates of rock that
make up the foundation
of the Earth's crust and
the shape of the
continents. The tectonic
plates comprise the
bottom of the crust and
the top of the Earth's
Volcanoes can be formed at what
type of plate boundaries?
• Convergent (subduction)
• Divergent (sea floor spreading)
What is an atom?
• Atoms are the basic building
blocks of matter that make up
everyday objects.
What is an element?
• A substance that
cannot be broken into
simpler substances by
chemical means
• All atoms are the
same type
• Example: Mg / C / H
What is a compound?
• A compound is a
substance formed
when two or more
chemical elements
are chemically
bonded together.
• H+O=HO
What is a mixture?
• A material made up of at least two
different pure substances.
What are metals?
What are some physical properties
of metals?
What are Non-metals?
What are metalloids?
What is potential energy?
• The stored energy due to position.
• the energy that an object has due to its position
in a force field or that a system has due to the
configuration of its parts.
What is Kinetic Energy?
• the energy of motion.
Describe what a chemical change
Explain what indicators allow you to know a
chemical reaction has taken place.
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
How are metamorphic rocks
How are igneous rocks formed?
What is the Ring of Fire?