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Read 10 min
Look at the picture on P. 470. Answer the
questions under examining the issue.
Bell Ringer
• Michelangelo Christian inspired view of God creating the stars
and planets.
• Every day climbed 40 foot ladder, 20 feet of scaffolding there
stood 7 feet beneath chapel's vaulted ceilings.
4 years stood there with head craned back, arm raised high,
much agony.
• How did Renaissance art differ from that of the Middle Ages?
Think of what happened during the Middle Ages. TPS
• Beginning of new direction in European society after 1300's,
Middle Ages was one of the ways we can visualize the change
in the 1300's
Sistine Chapel
• 3 catastrophic events leading to enormous loss of life led to many of
the Renaissance changes in the 1300's, what do you believe they
• Black Death, Starvation, Warfare
• Less people led to more food = decline in prices, leads to economic
• Areas began to specialize in products best suited for their
environment i.e. England wool, Germany grain, what did this lead
• increased trade, always a positive
Beginning of Renaissance
• Recall: What is a city-state?
• In N. Italy were the large city-states of Venice, Milan, Florence
• Increasingly busy commerce centers, Roman Catholic Church, nobles,
merchants, artisans dominated society. Merchants were bankers or traders,
artisans practiced crafts like goldsmithing.
• Venice due to location on sea, built economy on trade. Shipbuilding
prospered, sailors traveled as far as to the near east. Venetian merchants
some of the wealthiest in the world. City described as a "work of art".
• Rate of travel still slow (9 days for news from Venice to reach Naples, 22
days to reach Sicily, 37 days to reach Constantinople)
• Florentine bankers usually funded wars, famous banking. Milan based
economy on agriculture, silk, weapons. How does this compare to these
modern day cities today?
Rise of City-States
• Enhanced economy and social structure lead to new ideas, renewed
interest in art, literature, science, learning. Renaissance began in
Italy mostly because of its thriving cities, increased trade and
wealthy merchants.
• Renaissance - French for rebirth , 1300-1600
• Quick Draw Renaissance.
• Greek scholars sought refuge on ships from Ottomans, brought with
the ancient works. Italians read these new ideas including Arabic
translations of these texts. Began to think like Classical thinkers…
• Believe in the human capacity to create and achieve.
Renaissance Ideas
• Sought education and what characterizes a good education? TPS which
subjects would you include if you could create an entire education system?
• Rhetoric
• Grammar
• Poetry
• History
• Latin
• Humanists believe in the power of the human mind, that the potential of the
human mind is limitless. Church believed opposite.
• Made progress in anatomy, geography, astronomy, medicine. Most notable
was Leonardo da Vinci's studies of the human anatomy.
• After a period of war in 1500's many people turned to a form of humanism
in writing called secular - had a worldly rather than a spiritual focus.
• argued that individual achievements and education could be fully expressed
only if people used their talents and abilities, term "Renaissance man" = man
of action, could respond to all situations.
• At this time Baldassare Castiglione wrote The Courtier, a story of a
conversation between a Duke and his guests, teaching people how they
should act.
Speak of serious subject matters as well as amusing ones
Have a knowledge of Latin and Greek
Be well-acquainted with poetry and history
Be able to write prose as well as poetry
At same time Machiavelli finished his writing of The Prince.
Wrote of harsh treatment of citizens and rival states.
Describes men as "ungrateful, fickle, liars, and deceivers.
Stated that Power and ruthlessness are more useful than
idealism to a ruler.
• Stated that a ruler should do whatever necessary to maintain
political power, even if seen as cruel.
• The Prince Reading
• Do you agree that morals should be separated from politics?
What would be the result of this type of rule? Why do you
believe the prince was written during this time period?
• Discovered through text many sciences including history, geography,
politics (human sciences).
• Science would become an important avenue of inquiry to challenge the
churches teachings about the world.
• Challenged church's ideas about nature
• Began to argue that the Earth was not the center of the universe as the
church taught
• Nicholas Copernicus, Polish astronomer, suggested that the sun sat at the
center of the universe, orbited by the planets and Earth.
Galileo Galilee, wrote that Earth orbited the Sun, was placed under house
arrest by church officials for expressing his views.
• TPS What were some important new ideas of the Renaissance
• TPS Based on the reaction to Galileo's universe theory, how do you think
the Roman Catholic Church viewed Renaissance Science.
• Medieval artists used symbolic representation of religious themes,
Renaissance artists depicted the things they observed in nature.
Medieval, created by anonymous artists, Renaissance, artists worked
for whoever offered the highest price.
• Displayed your wealth by the artwork you bought, outbidding the
church etc.
• The Medici family who ruled Florence supported the arts, gave huge
sums of money to support the most talented artists of the day. Which
• Portrayed things in perspective (3 dimensional). Experimented with
new ways of using color to portray shapes and textures.
• Still painted like religion as before (medieval) but now focused on
Greek and Roman myths or focused on certain people of religious
Renaissance Art
• 1200's most cities located in Europe were found in Italy. By 1500's
more cities had sprouted in Europe and Renaissance ideas reached the
growing cities of London, Paris, Amsterdam.
These 3 things help move the movement northward…
Movement of Artists and Scholars
Development of printing
• Trade dominated through Hanseatic League. Working to protect
members from pirates, they also helped to build lighthouses and train
ship captains. Artists fleeing war between northern monarchs and
wealthy Italian cities brought their art and ideas north. Scholars who
came south for school brought humanist ideas home.
Renaissance Spreads North
• With partner Read “Printing Spreads Renaissance Ideas”
on P. 484
• List in learning log 6 most important ideas from these
Partner Work
• Some combined Christian ideas with humanism to create Christian
Humanism. Leading one was Desiderius Erasmus.
• Worked as a priest in Netherlands, wrote of a need for pure and
simple Christian life without rituals and politics of the church on
earth. Endorsed educating children, was first primary source to fan
the flames of discontent with Roman Catholic Church.
• Works later censored in Paris and condemned by who????
• The Church
Northern Philosophers and Writers
• Englishman befriended by Erasmus while he was in England
• Wrote the work Utopia, meant for humanist audience and widely
read across Europe
• Criticizes both English gov't and society , writes of a vision of a
perfect, nonexistent, society based on reason. Became a common
word for any ideal society.
Sir Thomas More
• Greatest of all Renaissance writers was William Shakespeare
Drew inspiration from ancient and contemporary works of literature.
• Had wide knowledge of natural science and humanist topics, his
deep understanding of human nature expressed in his plays.
• Was incredibly smart because his choice of language and themes
made his plays appeal even to uneducated people.
• Dramatic plays brought Renaissance ideas to a mass audience,
shifted from religious morality (popular in Middle Ages) and
focused on lives of realistic characters.
• End of 1500's first theatre in London built holding 2,000 + people.
By his death in 1616 London was the scene of a thriving theater
district. Incredibly popular for all social classes
William Shakespeare
Read 10 min
• wrote on role women played in society. She was widowed and turned
to writing to support herself and her 3 children. Works included
poetry, biography of Charles V. of the French court, works for
women and proper morality.
• Wrote The City of Women , championed for equality and education
for women.
Christine De Pisan
• Influenced by Italy as well, but instead of focusing on the beauty of
Greek and Roman gods, northern artists tried to depict people as
they really were.
• Northern artists such as Albrecht Durer painted using oils,
reproducing the texture of fabric, wood, and other materials.
• Fused the everyday with religious. A single lit candle or the light
streaming through a window are representation of God's presence.
• You will become a Docent in groups of 4, Docents are people who
give tours of art and historical museums, so they need to be experts
of both history
art. You will chose as a group a work of art
from the Renaissance
to research
on your smart devices. You
The School
of Athens
should focus on the artist's approach to the subject matter,
Take the Fair face of Woman
techniques and visual effects, and when the piece was created. You
The Last
must also locate
and anecdotal information about the artist
or the workThe
that Arnolfini
a crowd of museum visitors would find
interesting.Madonna & Child
The Betrothal
Virginwould in an art museum.
• You will present
the artworkofasthe
a docent
We will display
the piece
on the projector and you will use a
of Adam
pointer to refer
to specific elements of the piece.
Fire in the Borgo
Ill matched lovers
Docent Activty
The Northern Renaissance