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Biological Molecules
Chapter 2
99 percent of all life is made of:
 Proteins
 Nucleic acids
 Repeated reactions to build up larger molecules
 Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
 General formula Cx(H20) y
 Consisting of monosacharides, disacharides and
Sugars, with the general formula (CH2O)n
Named according to the number of carbon atoms
End in -ose
triose, pentose and hexose
Used mainly as an energy source (conversion
between ATP and ADP)
 Two can monosacharide molecules can join to form a
disacharide (also a sugar)
 Formed by polymerisation of monosacharides
 Can form thousands of chains in length.
 Usefull polysacharides include starch, glycogen and
 Starch (plants) and glycogen (animals) are formed so
as not to interfere with cell chemistry and osmosis.
They can be quickly broken down to glucose and used
as energy. (hydrolysis)
 A strong molecule forming the cell wall in plant cells
 High tensile (pulling force) strength near equal to
 Allows the cell wall to withstand high pressure when
the membrane exerts pressure.
 Group includes Triglycerides (commonly called fats and
 Insoluble in water, though soluble in organic compounds
such as ethanol.
 Saturated and unsaturated, refers to wether or not the
maximum number of hydrogen bonds have been formed.
 Used as an excellent energy source (more calorific than
carbs) and insulation, and bouyancy in marine life.
Water solubility
 Hydrophobic ( water hating or scared of water)
 Hydrophilic (water loving)
Used to build cell membranes
Used to build heamoglobin
Used to build enzymes
All made from the group of 20 exsisting amino acids.
Amino acids
 Several hundred amino acids can join to form a
 Ribonuclease is a very important protein
Testing for biological molecules
 Lipids – Disolve in ethanol, then add mixture to water.
A milky emulsion is a positive result.
 Reducing sugars- add Benedicts solution and heat. A
brick red colour is a positive test.
 Protein- add to buirett solution. A dark purple colour
is a positive result.
 Cellulose- Add iodine solution. A black colour is a
positive test.