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Chapter 4 – Mendelian Inheritance
STANDARDS -2a, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2g, 3a, 3b -----ESLRS
Read and outline the
chapter – Sections 4.1,
4.2, 4.3, ch 5 p.96-98
4.1 Following the Inheritance of One Gene-Segregation
Write objectives in this
Law of segregation, homozygous, heterozygous, dominant,
recessive, Punnett square
4.2 Single-gene
gene Inheritance in Humans
Modes of inheritance, autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive,
4.3 Following the Inheritance of Two Gen
Law of independent assortment
4.4 Pedigree Analysis
Review question – p. 92
Applied question #1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Study guide
Correct with power point
Warm up
Who is Gregor Mendel and what did he study?
Vocabulary : Mendellian
Complete definitions
homozygous dominant,
homozygous recessive,
P generation,
F generation,
dominant trait,
recessive trait,
Punnett squares,
true breeding, hybrid
Video clip – The Chosen
Child- Screening Genetic
Warm up
Define as many vocabulary words as you can in 5 minutes.
homozygous dominant,
homozygous recessive,
P generation,
F generation,
dominant trait,
recessive trait,
Punnett squares,
true breeding,
5-Step format for Punnett
Mendelian Inheritance
1. Complete dominance
2. Incomplete dominance
3. Codominance
Complete Dominance
Complete worksheet
Correct with power point
Warm up
Cross a heterozygous black rat with a white rat. Use the 5 step
Case study – ABO blood
Question – Can any
absolute conclusions be
drawn based upon the
results of these blood
tests? Why or Why not?
Was it worth doing the
test in first place?
ABO blooding typing
Warm up
Four babies were mixed up in the hospital. Using the data below,
match the parents to the correct babies. (Be sure to show ALL
Incomplete dominance
Correct with powerpoint
and Codominance
Complete worksheet
More Mendelian Genetic Correct with powerpoint
Complete worksheet
Monohybrid cross
problem set
Video clip- The Cloning
conflict – Parkinson’s
Warm up
Distinguish between Codominance and Incomplete dominance.
Dihybrid cross –
complete notes
Warm up
Explain Mendel’s law of dominance, law of segregation, and law of
independent assortment.
Dihybrid cross problems
Complete worksheet
Warm up
Correct with power point
If two pure-bred parents are crossed, one homozygous dominant
for green skin (G) and thick hair (H) and the other homozygous
recessive for purple skin (g) and bald (h), show the results of this
Video Clip – To Hear –
Genetic Deafness
Dihybrid cross B
Complete workseet
Warm up
Given the following cross AABBCCDD x AABbccDd. What is the
chance of a AABBCcDD offspring?
The product rule - notes
Activity - Probability –
coin toss and Huntington
More monohybrid and
dihybrid cross problem
Complete worksheet
Warm up
Final genetic problems
Complete worksheet
Case Study – Natural
selection and gene
Question – If you
suspected that
heterozygous carriers of
a particular disease
gene had a selective
advantage in resisting a
type of infection, how
Explain why we do not do punnett squares when we are looking at
3 or more traits at the same time.
would you go about
testing this hypothesis?
Quiz – Mendelian
Punnett squares
Article – This is How a
Child Dies. Please read
after quiz.
Case study - Pedigree
Analysis and Prenatal
Question – If Sarah
carries the mutant
cancer gene and Adam
carries the mutant heart
disease gene, what is the
chance that they will
have a child that is free
of both diseases?
Video clip – cystic fibrosis
How many caucasians
are born with cystic
fibrosis? What is the
average life
Power point review 1-20
Mendilian genetics
Study for ch 4 Test
Chapter 4 - Mendelian Inheritance - Study Guide
* Mendel followed the inheritance of traits through several generations in what?
* Mendel called physical units responsible for the inheritance of traits "characters." The basis for his first law is that these characters do what?
*Mendel's characters are really what?
*A person who has two identical alleles for a particular gene is what for that gene?
*What are alleles?
*In pea plants, the allele for tall (T) is dominant to the allele for short (t). What is the genotype for a short pea plant?
* What does the genotype of a particular trait refers to?
*Write the genotypes for a dihybrid homozygous?
* What is a heterozygote?
*The second generation resulting from a genetic cross is which generation?
*In a family that starts with you, your grandchildren would be considered what generation?
*Describe a monohybrid cross?
* The probability that a child in a particular family will inherit a recessive disorder is 1/4. If the parents have four children, what is the probability that
their third child will inherit the disorder?
* Describe an autosomal dominant trait ?
*What cross yields a genotypic ratio of 1:2:1 and a phenotypic ratio of 3:1.
*What is the genotypic ratio for a dihybrid cross?
*Using the product rule, the probability that parents heterozygous for two traits (AaBb) will produce a homozygous recessive offspring (aabb) would
*A man and a woman are both carriers for two autosomal recessive disorders, PKU (chromosome 12) and cystic fibrosis (chromosome 7). If they have
a daughter, what is the probability that she will have PKU but not CF?
*A man and his wife are both carriers of the recessive allele causing Tay-Sachs disease (chromosome 15). If they have a normal child, what is the
probability that the child is a carrier of Tay Sachs?
*A man and his wife are both carriers of the recessive allele causing Tay-Sachs disease (chromosome 15). If they have a normal child, what is the
probability that the child is NOT a carrier of Tay Sachs?
*An Amish couple (both normal) has four children. The first three children are normal and the fourth child was born with an autosomal recessive
disorder known as Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (EvC). EvC was once referred to as 'six-fingered dwarfism' and is caused by a defective gene on
chromosome 4. What is the probability that their next child will have Ellis-van Creveld syndrome?
*The Amish couple in the previous question has a fifth child born with PKU. What is the probability that their sixth child will have both PKU and EvC?
*What is the probability that two heterozygous individuals (Hh) will produce a homozygous recessive offspring?
*For two traits A and B, what are the genotypes of the gametes that a heterozygote would produce?
*In a human pedigree that traces the inheritance of sickle cell disease, a half-filled circle represents a:
*In a human pedigree that traces the inheritance of sickle cell disease, a filled square represents what?
*In a pedigree, autosomal recessive traits tend to do what?
*Do a number of human traits and genetic diseases follow Mendelian inheritance?
*When Mendel crossed pure breeding peas having yellow seed color (YY) with pure breeding peas having green seed color (yy), all of the offspring
had yellow seed color. Yellow seed color represents what?
*When Mendel crossed pure breeding peas having yellow seed color (YY) with pure breeding peas having green seed color (yy), all of the offspring
had yellow seed color. The symbols YY and yy represent what?
*For pea plants, yellow seed color (Y) is dominant to green seed color (y). In one experiment, a cross produced 6,022 plants with yellow seed color
and 2,001 plants with green seed color. Describes the genotype of a plant with green seed color?
*For pea plants, yellow seed color (Y) is dominant to green seed color (y). In one experiment, a cross produced 6,022 plants with yellow seed color
and 2,001 plants with green seed color. Describes the genotype of a plant with yellow seed color?
*Sickle cell anemia is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Describe the genotype of an individual with sickle cell anemia?
*Sickle cell anemia is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Describe the genotype of an unaffected person who has a sibling with sickle cell
*James Poush, discovered distal symphalangism in his family and published a report on his findings. This condition is inherited as an autosomal
dominant trait. Describe a person with this condition. Are they homozygous or heterozygous, dominant or recessive?
*Distal symphalangism is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. The condition causes stiff fingers and toes that have tiny nails. Describe an
unaffected person who has two parents with this condition? Are they homozygous or heterozygous, dominant or recessive?
*Distal symphalangism is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. In a pedigree, you would expect this trait to do what?
*Sickle cell anemia is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. In a pedigree analysis, you would expect this trait to do what?