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Chemical Level of Organization
Chapter 2
Chapter Outline
Chemical Bonds
pH scale
Inorganic molecules
o Water, Acids and Salts
• Organic molecules
o Carbohydrates
o Lipids
o Proteins
o Nucleic Acids – DNA and RNA
• ATP – energy carrier of cells
Atoms and Ions
All matter is formed of Atoms.
Each atom has protons and neutrons in nucleus.
Protons are positively charged particles.
Neutrons are neutral particles.
Nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons.
Electrons are negatively charged particles.
Ions have different # of protons and electrons.
Human Body and Elements
Human body has 24 elements
Elements have only 1 type of atoms.
Major Elements – 99.3% H, O, C and N
Mineral Elements – 0.7%
Trace Elements – less than 0.01%
Matter: Atom
Figure 2-1
Matter: Atoms and Molecules
Figure 2-2(b)
Importance of # of atomic particles
• Atomic Number: is # of protons determine the
element; 1 = H, 6 = C, 7 = N and so on.
• Mass Number is equal to # of protons + # of
• # of neutrons determine the isotope; C12 is the
most common carbon and has 6 p + 6 n but C14
has 6 p + 8 n and is radioactive.
• # of electrons in outer shell determines chemical
behavior of a atom.
Chemical Bonds
• Atoms interact to form molecules. 3 basic type of
interactions between atoms are:
• Covalent bonds
• Ionic bonds
• Hydrogen bonds
Ionic Bonds
• Atoms change into ions by complete transfer
(loss or gain) of electron/s.
• Opposite ions (A positive ion and a negative
ion) attract each other and form an ionic
• Na+ and Cl- form NaCl = table salt
• Strong bonds.
Matter: Atoms and Molecules
• Ionic Bonding
Figure 2-4(a)
Matter: Atoms and Molecules
• Sodium chloride crystal
Figure 2-4(b)
Matter: Atoms and Molecules
Table 2-2
Figure 2.3a
Isotopes = 6p+, 8n0, 6e-
Covalent Bonds
• Covalent bonds: Atoms share electron pair to
form a covalent bond.
• Unequal sharing of electrons result in Polar
molecules. Equal sharing of electrons result in
non-polar molecules.
• Very strong bonds.
• Non-polar molecule Methane = CH4
• Polar molecules: water = H2O, and ammonia =
• # of covalent bonds made by H = 1, O = 2, N = 3, C
= 4 and P = 5
Matter: Atoms and Molecules
• Covalent Bonds
Figure 2-5
Polar and Non-polar in Solutions
• Polar substances dissolve in polar solvents
• Non-polar substances dissolve in non-polar
• Like dissolves like.
• Polar = Hydrophilic (water loving)
• Non-polar = Hydrophobic (water fearing)
• Amphipathic molecule has both polar and
non-polar parts. Bile salts and phospholipids.
Hydrogen Bonds
• Bonds formed between H of one molecule to
O or N of another molecule due to unequal
sharing of electron pairs.
• Weak bonds
• Formed between water molecules
Matter: Atoms and Molecules
• Hydrogen Bonds
Figure 2-6
Recap 1
1. All matter is formed of smallest units --------- to have
properties of the substance.
2. # of ---------- determine the chemical substance (element).
3. # of ---------- determine the isotope.
4. Atomic Number is equal to # of ----------- in an atom.
5. Mass Number is sum of # of -------- and # of ----------- in an
6. ------------ bonds are formed due to complete transfer of
7. ----------- bonds are formed due to sharing of electrons
8. # of electrons in outer shell determine -------- ---------9. ---------- bonds are very weak bonds formed between
different water molecules
2 basic types of Molecules
• Inorganic molecules do not form chains and
never have Carbon and Hydrogen together,
may not have either of them. H2O, CO2, NaCl
• Organic molecules always have Carbon and
Hydrogen. Most organic molecules also have
Oxygen. CH4 = methane, C6H12O6 = Glucose.
Organic molecules form long chains but have
limited number of functional groups.
• –COOH = Carboxylic acid, -NH2= amino, –OH =
hydroxyl, and –PO4= phosphate.
Inorganic Compounds
• Water Dissociates Ionic Bonds
Figure 2-8
Acids, Bases and pH scale
pH is a –ve log measure of H+
Acids release H+
Bases accept H+ or release OHSalts release ions other than H+ or OHpH of water is 7
Strongest acid has 0 pH - HCl
Strongest base has 14 pH - NaOH
Buffers are chemicals that resist fast changes
in pH
Inorganic Compounds
•pH and Hydrogen Ion Concentration
Figure 2-9
Recap 2
1. ----------- is sum of all chemical reactions taking place in body
2. ----------- increase the rate of reactions
3. -------- substances have large molecules with carbon and hydrogen
4. ----------- is stored energy
5. ---------- is energy of moving substances
6. ---------- release H+
7. pH scale has a range of 0 - ?
8. pH of water is ---9. ------------ resist fast changes to pH of a system.
10. A substance producing ions other than H+ or OH+ is a -----------11. Enzymes act on substances called -----------------12. Reactants need --------------- energy to change to products
13. --------- -------- is the part of enzyme coming in contact with substrate
• Monosaccharide formed of 1 unit – Glucose
• Disaccharides formed of 2 units; glucose and
fructose form Sucrose – table sugar; other
important disaccharides are Maltose – formed
of 2 glucose molecules and Lactose formed of
glucose and galactose molecules
• Polysaccharides are formed of many units.
Starch and glycogen are polymers of α-glucose
molecules; Cellulose is formed of β-glucose
Organic Compounds
• Glucose
Figure 2-10
Organic Compounds
• Formation of Glycogen
Figure 2-11(c)
• Fats and fat like substances form lipids
• True fats and oils are triglycerides formed from 1
glycerol and 3 fatty acids.
• Fats have saturated fatty acids with straight chains
and become solids at room temperature.
• Oils have unsaturated fatty acids with 1-4 double
bonds. Their chain bends at double bond. Oils are
liquids at room temperature.
• Phospholipids are amphipathic molecules with polar
= hydrophobic Head and non-polar = hydrophobic
Tails in them.
• Steroids have 4 fused ring structure. Cholesterol is
building block of steroid hormones.
Organic Compounds
• Fatty Acids
Figure 2-12
Organic Compounds
Formed by three fatty
acid molecules
bonding to a glycerol
Figure 2-13
Organic Compounds
• Cholesterol
– Building block for steroid hormones
– Component of cell membranes
Figure 2-14
Organic Compounds
•A Phospholipid
Figure 2-15
• Proteins are polymers of Amino Acids
• Amino acids have an –NH2 and a carboxylic
group –COOH
• 20 kinds of amino acids form proteins
• 2 Amino acids form a covalent bond = peptide
bond between them
• Polypeptide is a long chain of amino acids
joined by peptide bonds
Organic Compounds
•Proteins are
built from
amino acids
Figure 2-16(a)
Organic Compounds
•Peptide bonds join
amino acids into long
Figure 2-16(b)
Organic Compounds
• Protein Structure
Figure 2-17
Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA
Nucleic Acid: are acidic substances found in nucleus of cells.
2 basic types: DNA = Deoxyribose N.A. and RNA = ribose N.A.
Nucleic acids are polymers of units called Nucleotides.
Each nucleotide is formed of: a) a pentose sugar Ribose or
Deoxyribose b) a Phosphate c) one of 4 N-bases, both have 3
common bases Adenine, Guanine and Cytosine. In DNA Adenine
always bonds to Thymine and Cytosine to Guanine. A-T and C-G
are called Complementary bases.
Sugar is Deoxyribose
Sugar is Ribose
N-bases include Thymine
N-bases include Uracil
Genetic material
Executes protein synthesis
Double Helix
Single chain may be coiled
Most lies in nucleus
Most lies in cytoplasm
Organic Compounds
•The Structure of
Nucleic Acids
Figure 2-19ab
Organic Compounds
•The Structure of Nucleic Acids
Figure 2-19cd
High-Energy Compounds
•Structure of ATP
Figure 2-20
for cellular
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 2-21
1 of 5
Summary of Body Chemistry
• Organic Chemical Building Blocks
Figure 2-22
Recap 3
1. Most common source of energy from food is the sugar -------------2. Polysaccharide for storage of glucose in body is ---------------3. True fats are formed of 1 glycerol and 3 ------- ----------4. Proteins are polymers of ----------- ---------5. Starch and glycogen are polymers of ---------- ---------6. ----------- bonds join amino acids to form a protein.
7. Nucleic acids are polymers of -------------------8. Genes are formed of ---------9. Cells break down glucose and store energy in the form of ----------10. DNA has ---- chain/s and RNA has ---------- chain/s.
11. In DNA adenine bonds with ---------- and guanine with ---------- base