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Chapter 1 Section 1: Italy:
Birthplace of the Renaissance
“Europe is waking out of a long, deep sleep….The
time was when learning was only found in
religious orders….learning has passed to secular
princes and peers.”
Why did it happen in Italy?
1300 – 1600
■ Renaissance – means REBIRTH
Why did it happen in Italy?
Urban Centers
– Overseas trade helped by the Crusades led to growth
of large city-states in Italy.
– Wealthy Merchant class
▪ Merchants were the most powerful class due to their
wealth which was based on merit (meaning they earned it, wasn’t
Italian City-States
Ran own government
Collected taxes
Had own army
Gained wealth through the use of merchants in trade
between Europe and the East
Characteristics of Italian Renaissance
Scholars were curious about the world outside of
Europe and wanted to return to the learning of
the Greeks and Romans.
■ Major goal of the Renaissance was to study and
imitate the cultures of Greece and Rome.
■ Renaissance architecture abandoned the
“Gothic” style from the Middle Ages and
borrowed from more classic styles.
The Medici Family
Florence was ruled by one powerful family –
The Medici
– Cosimo de Medici
▪ Virtual dictator of Venice
– Arranged marriages to strengthen family &
business ties
– Lorenzo the Magnificent
▪ Virtual dictator
▪ Supported the ARTS
Italy’s Advantages
Medici Family are famous for
■ PATRONS (financial supporter) OF THE ARTS
Nepotism – preferential treatment of relatives
Classical and Worldly Values
Society became more SECULAR and less
■ SECULAR – to be more worldly and
concerned with the here and now.
■ Secular achievements were given greater
emphasis than earlier.
Classical and Worldly Values
The Renaissance Man
– Idea that some people are artistic
– Individuals would strive to master every
area of study.
– According to Baldassare Castiglione the
ideal Renaissance Man was skilled in a
variety of areas (charming, witty, well
educated, dance, sing, play music, write
poetry, skilled rider, wrestler, swordsmen)
Classical and Worldly Values
The Renaissance Woman
– Women became more
– Women were expected to
marry whom their parents
choose not for love but to
strengthen business or family
Isabella d’Este of
Renaissance Revolutionizes Art
Artists changed
artistic styles
– Paintings & sculptures
became more realistic
– Glorified human body
– Portraits of famous
Renaissance Art
New Techniques
– Natural postures and
expressions to show
▪ David
– Perspective is the
technique that was
perfected during the
Renaissance that
showed dimension in
▪ School of Athens
Renaissance Revolutionizes Art
Leonardo Da Vinci, best of example of
a Renaissance Man
Student of anatomy, science, and art.
Skilled in a variety of disciplines
Had an immediate impact on the
scientific thinking worldwide,
including the importance of the
scientific method
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Works
Michelangelo – Renaissance Artist
Michelangelo greatest
artist of the Renaissance
who was also skilled in
many areas
Most well known for his
portrayal of the human
■ Sistine Chapel
■ David
■ Pieta
Michelangelo’s Work
Raphael Advances Realism
– Favorite work is the Madonna
and Child
– Famous Work
▪ School of Athens
– Died at the age of 37
School of Athens - Raphael
Renaissance Writers Change Literature
Renaissance Writers
– Used the VERNACULAR or local language.
– Wrote with self-expression or to portray the individuality of
their subject matter.
– One way in which the writers of the Renaissance were
influenced by the writers of the “western” classical culture
was that they emphasized the power of human reason.
Machiavelli: Father of Political Science
Machiavelli Advises Rulers
– Wrote the “The Prince”
– Outlines how a ruler can gain power, keep it, and control
– Thought rulers should be shrewd & deceitful
– Effective rulers are feared by their subjects
– Advises that a wise ruler is one who does what is necessary
to stay in power
– “The end justifies the means” meaning do whatever it takes
to stay in power-be ruthless.
Political Impact of the Renaissance
State is supreme over the church
■ New monarchs assert control over national
■ Machiavelli has an impact
Setting the Stage
During Middle Ages
Europeans suffered from war and the Black
Death, aka the Bubonic Plague
Europeans began to question everything.
■ Catholic Church teaching began to be
■ Feudalism began to be questioned
■ Educated people began to reject long held
values for “CLASSICAL” learning
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