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Lesson #1 Fine Arts (Music)
Purpose: This lesson is day one of our five day unit plan on the solar system. Students will be
introduced to all eight planets, their order, and their size through music.
Science 4.7
The student will investigate and understand the organization of the solar system. Key concepts
a) the planets in the solar system;
b) the order of the planets in the solar system; and
c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Music 4.2
The student will sing a varied repertoire of songs alone and with others, including
a) singing with a clear tone quality and correct intonation;
b) singing diatonic melodies;
c) singing melodies written on the treble staff;
d) singing with expression, using dynamics and phrasing;
e) singing in simple harmony; and
f) demonstrating proper posture for singing.
Objective: Watching and listening to three different music videos about the solar system, the
student will be able to collaborate with their peers and recite the songs within the music videos
with a 100% accuracy.
Have the class meet on the front rug near the Promethean Board where we will watch three
different music videos and songs about the solar system.
Before playing the videos, have a short discussion with the students about the solar
system and their knowledge of it. Ask the questions, “How many planets are in our solar
system?” “Which one is closest to the sun? Which is the furthest?” “Which planet is the
biggest? Which is the smallest?” This will help you get an understanding of what the
students already know.
Pass out lyric sheets to all three music videos so the students can sing along.
Pull up YouTube on your laptop and start the first video.
Play the first video. Allow the students to just listen the first time so they can really pay
attention and learn about the solar system from the video.
After watching the video for the first time, restart the video and have the students follow
along on their lyric sheet and sing along.
Continue this pattern with the next two videos (students listen first then sing along the
second time.)
By listening to the music videos and following along on your lyric sheet, you are catering
to your auditory as well as your visual learners.
Once all three of the videos have been watched and the students have sung along to them
break the students into three groups.
Each group will be assigned a different music video. Each group will be required to sing
the song that is featured in their music video.
Groups will be given fifteen minutes to practice. Everyone will be provided with lyric
sheets, though they aren’t expected to memorize all the lyrics. After the groups have
rehearsed, they will perform at the front of the classroom, one group at a time. Students
will be expected to work together to figure out who will sing which parts. This is catering
to your kinesthetic learners because they are up and moving around while learning.
Once everyone has finished their performances, direct everyone back to their seats.
Congratulate them for their performances and their wonderful work.
For struggling students:
For struggling students you could pre-assign a musical selection you know they could
handle and feel comfortable doing, or you could have them just sing in the chorus with
other students. In this case, “struggling” means students who have not mastered the
musical SOL components we are covering for this lesson.
Some students do not feel comfortable singing in front of the class. Have them sing one
of the songs to you at another time so they can still participate and learn. In this case,
“struggling” means timid or shy students.
For advanced students:
Advanced students can be given more, or harder, parts to sing in the song if they would
like. They can also help out those who may be struggling. In this case, “advanced” means
students who have mastered the SOL music component for this lesson.
Promethean Board
Lyric Sheets
Three music videos( listed on reference pages)
Evaluation Part A:
Collaboration with their peers and reciting the songs from the music video is how we will
assess their learning from this lesson. We will be looking for performances with proper
posture, harmonies, singing with expression, and singing with a clear tone quality and
correct intonation.
Evaluation Part B:
Did the students meet your objectives?
How do you know the students met your objectives?
What were the strengths of this lesson?
What were the weaknesses?
How would you change the lesson if you could teach it again?
Music Videos and Lyrics
1.) Bemular - The Planets Song (Educational Kids Music & Video)
Well there is Mercury and Venus, Earth and Mars
Jupiter and Saturn - those are the big ones
Uranus and Neptune, but not Pluto
Those are the planets
Mercury is the little planet that's closest to the sun
It only takes 88 days for Mercury to orbit the sun
Now Venus is a beautiful planet but it's too hot to live there
You could cook an egg right on the ground on Venus
The Earth is a very important planet. It's where you live
Mars. Well, there's not a lot to do on Mars. It's kind of boring there
Now Jupiter...that planet is huge!
And Saturn. Saturn's got all the pretty rings
Uranus is a pretty blue planet that spins funny
Neptune is now the last planet
Neptune is the last planet
Neptune is the last planet
Pluto used to be last, but it's been de-listed
2.) Outer Space: "We are the Planets," The Solar System Song by StoryBots
We Are the Planets
We can see the whole Solar System from here.
I think we can hear it from here too.
We are the planets of the Solar System
Different sizes for every one
The music never ends
We are such good friends
And we all orbit the sun
Here comes the Sun rapping first on this track, from the beginning
I'm the center of the solar system, planets be spinning
Around me, so hot, I'm roasting, ya see?
Now I pass the mic to the planet closest to me
Mercury! The smallest planet, small as Earth's moon (MOON: "Yo!")
I get super hot and cold and I spin very slow
I'm Venus! I've got mountains and volcanoes that spray
I'm the same size as Earth but spin the opposite way
Yeah, I'm Earth, I'm the home to every boy and girl
(Sung by Stars) Such a beautiful, beautiful world
I'm Mars, the red planet, I've got deserts and ice
And I've got two moons - nice - that's like one moon, twice!
I'm Jupiter! the biggest planet, I'm humungous, gargantuan
I spin the fastest, rap the fastest, plus I'm handsome, BAM SON!
Oh please, I'm Saturn, check out my beautiful rings
Made up of billions of rocks, dust, and other things
I'm Uranus, I say that with pride, okay, I lied
I'm embarrassed 'cause I'm the only planet lying on its side
(Uranus lies on its side and the mic flies to Neptune)
I'm Neptune, I'm cold, dark, windy and mysterious
I'm very stormy, so bring an umbrella - I'm serious
We're the planets in the Solar System
Different sizes for every one
The music never ends
We are such good friends
And we all orbit the sun
Well, we are done exploring the Solar System.
I am thirsty. Let's explore the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy.
3.)Planets Song for Kids / Solar System Song
There are eight planets in our solar system
We all revolve around the sun
Join us to learn about the different planets
Now sing along and have some fun
My name is Mercury
I’m the second hottest planet
The closest one to the sun
A year on my surface is 88 days
I’m the smallest but I’m lots of fun
My name is Venus
I’m the hottest planet
But the second planet from the sun
I’m the brightest planet in our solar system
And I’m to hot for any one
My name is Earth
I’m the planet you live on
The third Planet from the sun
I’m the only planet with organic life
So take care of me because we’re all one
My name is mars
I am red in color
The fourth planet from the sun
I have the highest mountain in our solar system
A volcano named Olympus Mons
There are eight planets in our solar system
We all revolve around the sun
Join us to learn about the different planets
Now sing along and have some fun
My name is Jupiter I am covered in clouds
I’m the fifth planet from the sun
My giant red spot is a raging storm
As for size I’m the biggest one
My name is Saturn I am brown in color
I’m the sixth planet from the sun
My outer rings are extremely thin
They’re made of dust and icy chunks
My names Uranus I am blue in color
I’m the seventh planet from the sun
Humans have named me the icy planet
Because I am the coldest one
My name is Neptune I am blue in color
I’m the eighth planet from the sun
I have to many storms in my atmosphere
And I’m the furthest planet from the sun
There are eight planets in our solar system
We all revolve around the sun
Join us to learn about the different planets
Now sing along and have some fun