Download ROMAN EMPORERS Octavian + reforms Diocletian + reforms

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Octavian + reforms
Took over as the “princep” meaning first citizen
Named changed to Augustus meaning Exalted One
Started Pax Romana- the peace of Rome
1st achievement- bring order to Rome
Jobs based on skill not your social class
Census- made taxation more fair and accurate
New coins
Civil Services-payed those in charge of: road building, grain supply, and postal service
Employed jobless to work on roads and temples.
Increased pay to soldiers
Overall, “Bread and Circuses” taking care of the people basic needs, pleasing them.
First to give a new successor who took over peacefully
Julian emperors
Tiberius (14-37)
Caligula (37-41)~ appointed
favorite horse as his consul
Claudius (41-54)
Nero (54-68)~ accused of setting
Rome to fire so that he would be
able to build a bigger house. Also
was known for persecution of
Good emperors
Trajan-expanded Rome’s boundaries
to the farthest they ever got.
Hadrian-built Hadrian’s wall-which
protected against “barbarians of north
of Britian. Also codified roman law.
Antonius Pius
Marcus Aurelius- was the philosopher
After Nero Rome went through 4
emperors in 18 months and things
were in chaos again. practorial
guard was angered (not sure if it
was called the practorial guard but
it was something weird like that)
Diocletian + reforms
Doubles size of roman army to sercure boundaries
Tries to use price control, but the problem is somewhere along the line of the goods being
traded someone is loosing money
Ordered persecution of Christians to bring back patriotism
Divides Rome into west and east for administrative purposes.
Literature-Virgil wrote epic poems such as the Aenid, was trying to show heroicness of Rome’s past.
Jeuvenal & martial- wrote “satire” aka comedy, similar to Greek comedy
Livy- Aroused the patricians, made all his account on history to look like it was so glorious and “happy
Tacitus- analyzed the wars very critically
Art- were mostly realistic, some were idealistic. This means that the majority of the art was
portrayed the way it was in real life, idealistic meant that they pictured things the way they
thought were right aka portraying Octavian as a god would not be realistic because he wasn’t a
Stole Greek ideas and technique
Mostly mosaics, which are just like a big painting but instead of paint they used little pieces of
glass, or colored stone
Art was designed to reveal roman character
Architecture + Engineering
-Called the “Grandeur of Rome” Romans were into the complex stuff unlike the Greeks who were more
about simple architecture.
Used a lot of concrete in their roads, circular arches and domes, and bridges
Ptolemy- concept that earth was center of universe
Encouraged trade as it made it easy
for ships to dock and unload goods in
a centralized area for trade.
Were build high up above Rome in
water reserves and then gravity would
naturally pull water down into Rome.
Roads where constructed to move soldiers and supplies quickly. They also
were a way to display Rome’s wealth and unity. Appein way- was a road from
Rome to SE Italy; it was the fastest way to transport soldiers then. ---bottom
was large stones then the added small stones and sand then one top of that
they cemented a large stone slab topped with dressed stones so that water
would drain off to the side.(picture is pretty close to description)
Colliseum-160 feet highest seated
50,000, used tons of arches to support
it. Sometimes was filled with water to
re-act naval battles. The floor could
come apart/rotate. It also had
chambers underneath from which
animals would get released to fight
Pantheon-Hugest dome at time
w/hole in the middle to bring in light
had Corinthian columns, columns
being a concept they stole from the
Jewish Rome
Romans conquer Judea in 63 BC
Rome enforces strict rule of Judea
Jews leader was Jesus
Jesus and teaching from historic point of view
Message especially to poor and desolate
Four Gospels
Was seen as threat to Rome because he was getting many followers and descendended from
David (meaning he had king potential in Rome’s eyes)
Condemned to death by crucifixtion, at the time that was a very common way to die
The Church
Thrived because of Paul and his letters
Persecution of Christians made more join because it showed other if you are willing to die for a
cause they’re must be something special about it.
Was a hierarchy-important because it spread the same message throughoutEdict of Milan- freedom to worship any religion~issued by Constantine
Theodosius- makes Christianity official roman religion
Rome splits- Constantinople became the new rome of the east side
Fall of Rome
 Political turmoil-(Marcus Aurelius dies) and corruption and government being oppressive
 Economic problems/weakness (Trade-overspending and inflation in turn causes high taxes )
 Social Decay-loss of patriotism is one of these, mercenaries for army, rich stopped playing in
politics and providing ruler.
 Miltary attacks- The Huns migrate from Asian Steppe this also displaces other Germanic tribes
such as Visigroth, Vandals, Ostogroths. They all sack rome.
*The Huns were led by Artilla who had 100,000 soldiers in total sacked 70 cities and decided to
leave Rome(city) alone.
Other stuff Mr.New said we should know
Heresy- some who preaches thing that are contrary to what the church is teaching.
Imperialism- practice ruling foreign lands.
Latifundia- huge farming lands
Legion- made up of 5000 men each had its own general.
Mercenaries- people that are payed money to fight in battle.
New Law Code-Civil laws for all roman empire citizens whether Roman in the city or non-roman (not
living in city)
Key Principles
 No one was assumed guilty until after facts were stated
 Right to fair trial
 Doubt=innocence
 Any law that seemed unfair or grossly unreasonable could be set aside/ not counted
Ptolemy-idea that Earth is center of universe
Punic Wars-check out my last study guide link ( )