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Los verbos reflexivos
What is a reflexive verb?
A reflexive verb is one where the subject and the direct object are the same. You can tell a
verb is reflexive because it will have “se” attached to it.
to go to bed
to take a bath (to bathe oneself)
How do you conjugate a reflexive verb?
All these verbs use a reflexive pronoun very much like the direct and indirect object
pronouns. They are as follows:
Él / ella /
Ellos / ellas /
These pronouns:
1. go in front of the conjugated verb.
2. after and attached to the infinitive.
3. after and attached to the –ndo (accent required).
4. after and attached to an affirmative command (watch your accents).
1. in front of the conjugated verb:
Elena se levanta inmediatamente.
Elena gets up immediately.
2. after and attached to the infinitive:
Tengo que lavarme el pelo.
I have to wash my hair.
3. after and attached to the –ndo:
Papá está afeitándose.
Dad is shaving.
4. after and attached to an affirmative command:
Marta, levántate! Marta, get up!
Laura Yankov; Yale Secondary School
Can these verbs be used without the reflexive pronouns?
These verbs can be used without the reflexive pronouns but the means are changed slightly:
Elena washes up.
Elena washes the dog.
Elena se lava.
Elena lava el perro.
(in the second example, the action is not done to the subject, so no reflexive
pronoun is used.)
The following is a list of common reflexive verbs:
Acostarse (ue)
Despertarse (ie)
Divertirse (ie,i)
Dormirse (ue,u)
Sentarse (ie)
Vestirse (i)
to go to bed
to shave
to get ready
to bathe
to brush
to wake up
to have a good time
to go to sleep, fall asleep
to leave, go
to wash up, brush (one’s teeth)
to get up
to comb
to put on
to take off
to sit down
to get dressed
Laura Yankov; Yale Secondary School