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Name ___________________________
Chapter 4
Class ___________________
Date _____________
Atomic Structure
Chapter Test B
Multiple Choice
Write the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement on
the line provided.
1. The Greek philosopher Democritus coined what word for a
tiny piece of matter that cannot be divided?
a. element
b. atom
c. electron
d. molecule
2. According to John Dalton’s observations, when elements
combine in a compound,
a. the ratio of their masses is always the same.
b. each element contributes an equal number of atoms.
c. their volumes are always equal.
d. their masses are always equal.
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3. Which of the following is NOT part of John Dalton’s
atomic theory?
a. All elements are composed of atoms.
b. All atoms of the same element have the same mass.
c. Atoms contain subatomic particles.
d. A compound contains atoms of more than one element.
Figure 4-1
4. The diagram in Figure 4-1 shows the results of Rutherford’s
gold foil experiment. What caused some of the alpha
particles to bounce straight back from the gold foil?
a. electrons in the gold atoms
b. negative charges in the gold atoms
c. other alpha particles
d. nuclei in the gold atoms
Physical Science
Chapter 4 Test B
Name ___________________________
Class ___________________
Date _____________
5. Who provided evidence for the existence of a nucleus in an
a. John Dalton
b. J.J. Thomson
c. Democritus
d. Ernest Rutherford
6. In an atomic model that includes a nucleus, positive
charge is
a. concentrated in the center of an atom.
b. spread evenly throughout an atom.
c. concentrated at multiple sites in an atom.
d. located in the space outside the nucleus.
7. Which subatomic particle has a negative charge?
a. electron
b. alpha particle
c. neutron
d. proton
8. Which statement about subatomic particles is NOT true?
a. Protons and neutrons have almost the same mass.
b. Protons and electrons have opposite charges.
c. Unlike protons and electrons, neutrons have no charge.
d. Protons and neutrons have the same charge.
9. The number of protons in one atom of an element is
that element’s
a. mass number.
b. balanced charge.
c. atomic number.
d. isotope.
10. To find the number of neutrons in an atom, you
would subtract
a. mass number from atomic number.
b. atomic number from mass number.
c. atomic number from electron number.
d. isotope number from atomic number.
12. What can you assume has happened if an electron moves to
a higher energy level?
a. The atom has become more stable.
b. The electron has lost energy.
c. The electron has gained energy.
d. The atom has lost an electron.
Physical Science
Chapter 4 Test B
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11. In Niels Bohr’s model of the atom, electrons move
a. like balls rolling down a hill.
b. like planets orbiting the sun.
c. like popcorn in a popcorn popper.
d. like beach balls on water waves.
Name ___________________________
Class ___________________
Date _____________
13. What does the electron cloud model describe?
a. the most likely locations of electrons in atoms
b. the precise locations of electrons in atoms
c. the number of electrons in an atom
d. the mass of the electrons in an atom
14. Which of the following provides the best analogy for an
electron in an atomic orbital?
a. a bee moving from flower to flower in a garden
b. a bird resting on a tree branch
c. an ant crawling on the surface of a leaf
d. a bee trying to escape from a closed jar
15. What is the difference between an atom in the ground state
and an atom in an excited state?
a. The atom in the ground state has less energy and is less
stable than the atom in an excited state.
b. The atom in an excited state has one fewer electron than
the atom in the ground state.
c. The atom in an excited state has more energy and is less
stable than the atom in the ground state.
d. The atom in an excited state has one more electron than
the atom in the ground state.
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Complete each statement on the line provided.
1. According to
, all matter was made up of
four elements—earth, air, fire, and water.
2. John Dalton concluded that all the atoms of a single
have the same mass.
3. The subatomic particle that J.J. Thomson discovered has a(an)
4. In Rutherford’s gold foil experiment, some of the
aimed at gold atoms bounced back,
suggesting that a solid mass was at the center of the atom.
5. Protons and
are found in the nucleus of
an atom.
6. If element Q has 11 protons, its atomic
is 11.
7. The nuclei of isotopes contain different numbers of
8. In Bohr’s model of the atom,
move in fixed
orbits around the nucleus.
9. The moving blades of an airplane propeller provide an analogy for
the electron
Physical Science
Chapter 4 Test B
Name ___________________________
Class ___________________
Date _____________
10. When all the electrons in an atom are in orbitals with the lowest
possible energy, the atom is in its
Short Answer
Use complete sentences to write the answers to the questions on
the lines provided.
1. What did Democritus believe about matter?
2. How did the results of J.J. Thomson’s experiments change how
scientists thought about atoms?
3. What did Rutherford conclude about the location of positive
charge in an atom?
4. What is the maximum number of electrons that an atomic orbital
can contain?
Physical Science
Chapter 4 Test B
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5. How does the state of atoms in a neon light change when light
is emitted?
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Class ___________________
Date _____________
Using Science Skills
Use the diagram to answer each question. Write the answers on a separate
sheet of paper.
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Figure 4-2
1. Comparing and Contrasting In Figure 4-2, what is the main
difference between the atomic model in panel 1 and the model
in panel 2?
2. Comparing and Contrasting In Figure 4-2, what is the main
difference between the atomic model in panel 2 and the model
in panel 3?
3. Interpreting Graphics Are the atomic models in Figure 4-2
arranged in the order that they were developed? Explain your
4. Using Analogies Read the following analogy and explain how it
applies to panels 1 and 2 in Figure 4-2: The atomic model in panel
1 is to the model in panel 2 as a drawing of the outside of a house
is to a blueprint of the inside.
5. Evaluating In Figure 4-2, how is the atomic model in panel 2
helpful to your understanding of the atom? In what ways is it
not helpful?
Physical Science
Chapter 4 Test B