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Light Requirements Key
1 – full sun
2 – full or part sun
3 – morning sun only or light shade
4 – shade
Blooms and Butterflies
By Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Sugar Land Garden Club Talk: 9-18-12 Sale: 9-22-12
1 Hibiscus hamabo - Yellow Tree Hibiscus - A beautiful & unique hibiscus "tree" that grows 10'-12' tall & 10'-12'
wide. This hardy, deciduous large shrub or small tree has attractive, somewhat rounded leaves with a silver
backing & is covered with 3"-4" bright sulphur-yellow flowers with a maroon center in summer. It likes full sun &
well-drained soil.
2 Bauhinia mexicana – Mexican Bauhinia – A very special, hard to find little tree with a spectacular display of
white feathery blooms from May to November! This is, without a doubt, one of the finest butterfly attractors in the
state!!! Mexican Bauhinia forms a large shrub or small tree (single or multi-trunk) depending on our winter
temperatures. It’s deciduous down to 25 degrees & root hardy down to the high teens. They average 6’ tall but
can reach 10’-12’ tall if protected from a hard freeze. Well-drained soils.
3 Callicarpa americana – American Beautyberry – This is an outstanding 6-8 foot deciduous shrub with an
open, arching form. Spring brings tiny lilac flowers borne in clusters along the leaf axils. In the fall, metallic
magenta-pink berries appear in tight clusters. These berries remain long into winter, and are eaten by several
species of birds. Full sun to dappled shade. Drought tolerant once established. Birds!
4 Callicarpa americana var. lactea - White American Beautyberry - This is an outstanding 6-8 foot deciduous
shrub with an open, arching form. Spring brings tiny white flowers borne in clusters along the leaf axils. In the fall,
milky white berries appear in tight clusters. These berries seem to glow in the dark making this plant a great
addition to “moon gardens”. These berries remain long into winter, & are eaten by several species of birds. Full sun
to dappled shade. Drought tolerant once established. Responds well to pruning. Birds!
5 Callicarpa dichotoma - Chinese Beautyberry - This is an outstanding 3' x 4' deciduous shrub with graceful
arching stems. Small pale pink flowers are borne in clusters along the leaf axils in summer followed in the fall by
clusters of spectacular rich lavendar berries. This is a more delicate looking form of our native beautyberry with
smaller leaves & a smaller growth habit. Grows best in light shade.
6 Callicarpa mexicana - Mexican Beautyberry - Could be called our native beautyberry on steroids! This lush plant
produces much larger clusters of gorgeous burgundy-wine berries along the stems in the fall & all winter. The
berries remain into the winter, & are eaten by several species of birds. Averages 6'-8' tall. Deciduous. Full sun to
dappled shade. Drought tolerant once established. Birds!
7 Dichroa febrifuga – Japanese False Hydrangea – A beautiful shrub that is a “kissing cousin” of the garden
Hydrangea. The 4” – 8” long foliage closely resembles that of Hydrangea with its prominent veins and small
serrated margins. The flowers are borne at the terminal ends of the branches. They begin as white buds that
open to bright blue flowers in spring and summer - color may be enhanced in acid soils. The flowers are followed
by metallic blue berries. Averages 5’ x 5’. Evergreen to 20° - 25°F but defoliates below these temperatures. Will
resprout quickly from hardwood after a deep freeze. Part sun to light shade. Moist, well-drained soils.
8 Sophora tomentosa - Yellow Necklace Shrub - A native shrub unique to the Texas coast. Beautiful, velvety,
silvery-green foliage on a 4' multi-stemmed shrub. Produces 2’-3’ panicles of butter-yellow flowers in summer
along with necklace-like seedpods. Evergreen along the coast, root hardy in Houston. Butterflies and
9 Jatropha integerrima – Jatropha Tree – A spectacular evergreen shrub when in bloom, which is most of the
year. This form of Jatropha can grow 12’ – 15’ tall and 10’ wide, though it is generally smaller and can be pruned
to many forms – single trunk, multi-trunk, or shrub-like. The foliage is glossy and varied in leaf shape, which gives
it character. The leaves are bronze when young and retain a brownish underside as they mature. The scarlet-red
flowers are 1” across and are borne in clusters on the terminal ends of the branches. Full sun to partial shade.
Well-drained soils. Drought tolerant once established. Butterflies and Hummingbirds!
10 Holmskioldia tettensis - Chinese Hat - What a wonderful color combination in the flowers, blue & pink! Each
unique Chinese hat-shaped flower is made up of a blue, butterfly-shaped flower ringed by a flat, pink, scalloped,
circular calyx. These ó” flowers appear in dense terminal clusters throughout summer & fall on an upright large 4’
shrub or can grow into a small 8’ “tree”. Deciduous & root hardy in colder winters. Sun, light shade & a moist, welldrained soil. Butterflies.
11 Caesalpinia sp. ‘Cream Puff’ – Bird of Paradise ‘Cream Puff’ – An elegant, root hardy, subtropical, multistemmed shrub topped with large panicles of buttery yellow blooms non-stop through the hot summer months.
Averages 6’-8’ tall. The stems are covered with attractive feathery compound foliage. Striking accent plant,
stunning in a group. Must have good drainage & full sun. Butterflies!
12 Cassia splendida ‘Butter Cream’ – Butter Cream Cassia – A spectacular fall blooming, root hardy shrub that
produces large clusters of 1-1/2 inch soft butter yellow flowers in fall. It can easily be trained into a beautiful 8’ - 12’
tall tree form accent for any sunny garden, or allowed to grow naturally to 8’ x 8’. Sun, moist, well-drained soil.
13 Hamelia cuprea – Golden Bell Hamelia – A beautiful glossy- leafed shrub with abundant 1½” golden yellow bellshaped flowers with streaks of orange. Blooms spring through fall. This large perennial grows 6’ – 10’ tall and 4’ –
5’ wide. It can be grown in a shrub form, makes an excellent screening plant, or can be trained as a small patio
“tree”. Can also be grown in containers if pruned occasionally. Prefers well-drained soils and moderate moisture.
Full sun to part shade. Hummingbirds!
14 Mussaenda luteola – White wing mussaenda - A wonderfully unique & colorful perennial that forms a 2'-3'
shrubby, slightly tropical looking plant that is constantly covered with clusters of small yellow flowers surrounded by
creamy-white wing-like bracts. 'White Wing' is root hardy during most of the Gulf Coast winters, grows in sun or
light shade & likes a moist, well-drained soil. It responds well to pruning & is an excellent butterfly &
hummingbird nectar plant!
15 Viguiera stenoloba – Skeleton Leaf Golden Eye – Tough Texas native makes a mound of deep-yellow daisies
that stay in flower for months. Slender needle-like leaves give it a delicate look but this is an extremely drought
tolerant perennial. Grows 2’ tall, cut in half once a year to promote denser growth & more flowers. Full sun, needs
good drainage.
16 Hibiscus cardiophyllus - Heartleaf Hibiscus – A unique & absolutely delightful hibiscus native to South Texas
and Mexico. This small, drought tolerant 2’-3’ hibiscus has wonderful, velvety soft, heart-shaped leaves & is a nonstop bloomer with gorgeous 2”-3” rich coral-red flowers from mid-spring to the first freeze. It must have good
drainage and full sun. Butterflies!!
17 Hibiscus calyphullus - Mellow Yellow Hibiscus - Showy 5"-6" wide lemon-yellow flowers with a dark maroon
center make this mallow a fine addition to any landscape or container garden. Blooms non-stop from spring to fall.
Grows 3' x 3'. Sun or part shade and moist, well drained soil. Butterflies!
18 Hibiscus moscheutos 'Snow White' - Snow White Hibiscus - Fabulous, 4’ x 4’ fashion show all summer long!
This family of Hibiscus are known as “the swamp mallows” and they are hard to beat for a beautiful, long blooming,
tough, sun loving, soil-tolerant, pest resistant, root hardy perennial hibiscus! ‘Snow White’ produces gorgeous,
large snow white flowers that bloom from spring to fall on a well-behaved rounded "shrub". Sun & a moist, welldrained soil. Responds well to pruning.
19 Hibiscus sp. ‘Lord Baltimore’ – Lord Baltimore Hibiscus – A hard-to-beat, normally root hardy hibiscus with a
bushy growth habit and a profusion of rich, dark red flowers. This tough sun-loving hibiscus blooms spring to fall.
20 Clerodendron incisum – Musical Notes Clerodendron – A must have for music lovers and plant nuts! Produces
heavy cycles of flower buds shaped like musical notes. The buds burst open to a profusion of herald trumpet
shaped creamy-white flowers. Averages 4’ in the landscape and also grows well in containers. Root hardy
perennial in mild winters, responds well to pruning. Prefers a bit of afternoon shade in the summer.
21 Salvia greggii X ‘Cherry Chief’ – Cherry Chief Salvia – This Salvia greggii cross is a particularly long-lived
variety. Forms a 2’ x 3' mound and blooms in heavy cycles of 8-inch long spikes of lipstick red flowers on
evergreen foliage from spring through fall. Sun, moist, well-drained soil. Hummingbirds!
22 Salvia coccinea compacta 'Brenthurst' – Pink compact salvia – A beautiful, compact salvia for those with
smaller gardens. Grows to 24”. Stunning peachy pink, bi-colored flowers that look ruffled or crimped. The bloom
spikes are showy, standing well above the foliage. The stems are dark tinted and fragrant when brushed or
disturbed. Flowers over a long season from summer through fall. Does well in containers as well as the
landscape. Makes a good cut flower since it has a long vase life. Prefers well-drained soil and full sun. Bees &
23 Salvia coccinea 'Compacta' – Compact Red Salvia – The sweet, compact sister of our native Texas Scarlet
Sage. This version grows to 24”. The blooms are a rich red color and flower over a long season from summer
through fall. The bloom spikes are showy, standing well above the foliage. Does well in containers and in the
landscape. Makes a good cut flower. Prefers well-drained soil and full sun. Bees & Hummingbirds!!
24 Angelonia augustifolia ‘Serena™' Series – Serena™ Series Angelonias – Often called “summer
snapdragons”, Angelonias are a carefree continuous bloomer that can be relied upon through the hottest
summers. Serena™ has masses of flower spikes from spring through fall. It has a well-branched, low-mounding
12” – 20” habit that responds well to pruning but does not require regular deadheading. Does well in containers.
Moist, well-drained soil. Available in pink, white, and purple. Butterflies!
25 Nepeta x faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’ – Catmint – ‘Walkers Low’ Catmint -- A softly mounding 24" x 30" evergreen
perennial with attractive, silver-green foliage. Small, prolific, intensely violet-blue flowers are borne along arching
stems from spring through frost. This is a dependable performer that thrives in well-drained soils and full sun.
Shear occasionally to maintain fullness and stimulate a new flush of blooms. Deer resistant. Perennial Plant
Association Plant of the Year 2007. Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Bees!!
26 Calamintha nepeta 'White Cloud' – White Cloud Catmint –This little shrub produces an airy cloud of tiny white
"snapdragon" blossoms on 18" stems. The foliage is fragrant and can be planted where occasional brushing will
release its scent. Tight, tidy growth habit; blooms from spring through frost. A tough perennial that tolerates our
heat and humidity when planted in well-drained soils. Drought tolerant once established.
27 Aristolochia fimbriata - Fimbriata Dutchman's Pipe - A smaller version of Dutchman's Pipe with 2" - 3" rounded
green leaves that have a light-green pattern on the surface. It blooms in cycles from spring to fall in minature
burgundy & yellow flowers. Can be used as a little vine, or as a groundcover. Host plant for the Pipevine
Swallowtail Butterfly. Moist, well-drained soil.
28 Dychoriste linearis – Native Snake Herb – A native evergreen perennial with tiny linear leaves & small lavenderpurple flowers in heavy bloom cycles spring to fall. It forms a wonderfully textured, low growing, trailing mound 6"10" tall & 12"-20" wide. Tough & drought tolerant once established. Sun, light shade & good drainage.
29 Liatris microcephala - Dwarf Blazing Star - An exceptional compact native with fine-textured, deep green,
grassy leaves .Sends up numerous spikes with tassel-like rosy purple flowers in August and September. The
flowers open from top to bottom on the spike in a slow unfurling of brilliant color. Excellent as a cut flower. Tolerant
of clay and drought, very low maintenance. Butterflies!
30 Carissa macrocarpa 'Nana' - Dwarf Natal Plum - An evergreen ground cover that is known for its attractive
foliage, flowers and fruits. This spreading plant will reach a height of only 12" - 18". It has a dense habit which
makes it a wonderful subject for borders, containers, and mass plantings where a groundcover with substance is
desired. Plant on 2' centers for a full effect. White, star-shaped, 2" wide flowers appear in spring. They are
sweetly fragrant (similar to orange blossoms), especially at night. The flowers are solitary, have overlapping petals
and are normally well dispersed throughout the plant. Highly ornamental, bright red fruits follow the flowers. Fruits
are 2" long, plum-shaped berries that taste a bit like a sweet cranberry. They are occasionally used for jellies and
preserves. ‘Dwarf Natal Plum’ blooms almost year-round, with flowers and fruit often present at the same time.
Prefers full sun but will tolerate a bit of partial shade. Requires well-drained soils. Salt tolerant - a good coastal
31 Calamintha georgiana - Georgia Savory - A small, compact, evergreen shrub with wonderfully scented, tiny,
glossy, dark green foliage. It is covered with attractive, small pink flowers in late summer and fall. For all its’
wonderful attributes, the Southeastern U.S. native is also very drought tolerant and it attracts hummingbirds &
butterflies! It grows in full sun or light shade in well-drained soils.
32 Justicia brandegeana ‘Fruit Cocktail’ – Shrimp Plant, Fruit Cocktail - A charming hummingbird attractor! As
easy to grow as other Shrimp Plant selections, ‘Fruit Cocktail’ offers a constant display of golden-lime colored
bracts accented by bright red flowers. Forms a 2’-3’ mound of lush foliage. Root hardy. Sun or part shade. Moist,
well drained soil. Hummingbirds!
33 Penstemon tenuis - Gulf Coast Penstemon - A native evergreen perennial with 3’ flower stalks covered with
tubular lavender flowers for 4 to 5 weeks in spring. This Penstemon is native to the Houston area & forms a lush
dark green mound of foliage all winter. Sun, part shade. Clumps out & reseeds. Hummingbirds!
34 Amsonia X 'Blue Ice' –Blue Ice Bluestar – A long-blooming, compact selection from A. tabernaemontana
seedlings that is likely a sterile hybrid with A. montana. 'Blue Ice' has dark blue buds and periwinkle blue flowers
that are larger than the species. Flowers are borne in dense terminal clusters. Blooms considerable longer and
stronger than the species with five weeks (or more) of color. Billowy habit with willow-green leaves that turn bright
yellow in the fall. Full to part sun. Deer resistant. Moist well-drained soil.
35 Hippeastrum evansiae - Yellow Butterfly Amaryllis – A fairly rare amaryllis from the dry forests of Bolivia and
the eastern foothills of the Andes where its habitat is now being used for agriculture. This is a rare color for
Amaryllis in general. Pale lemon-yellow flowers with a green throat are held on short stems, with each bulb often
producing several flowering stems. Full sun to part shade, well-drained beds of improved soil. This bulb has a
place in every collector’s garden.
36 Belamcanda chinensis – Blackberry lily – A favored heirloom pass-a-long plant that was once grown by Thomas
Jefferson at Monticello. It is actually in the iris family and gets its name from the interesting large, shiny seeds that
follow the flowers. The flowers are orange with interesting purple spots. They are borne on thin stems that arise
from a clump of narrow, sword-like foliage that is 24” – 36” tall. Prefers moist, well-drained soils, but requires good
drainage through winter. Full sun to part sun.
37 Chrysantemum 'Country Girl' – Pink Country Girl Aster – A tough garden chrysanthemum that takes our heat
& humidity. Slowly colonizes a corner of the garden and explodes with 2"-3" pale pink Shasta Daisy-like flowers in
the fall. It averages 18"-24" tall when in bloom. Full sun or part shade. Moist, well drained soil. Butterflies!
38 Salvia regia - Mountain sage - An absolutely spectacular salvia!!! This very special salvia is native to the Texas
Hill Country. It has glossy green foliage on an upright 3'-4' plant. In early fall, the Mountain Sage is smothered with
2"-3" long scarlet-orange tubular flowers for months! It's completely unique in the world of salvias. Will grow in full
sun or light shade & must be well drained. Once established, it will reward you with a stunning display of fall color
for many years to come. Hummingbirds!
39 Tagetes lemonii – Copper Canyon Daisy – A medium sized, wonderfully textured, aromatic shrubby perennial
that explodes with bright golden yellow flowers in the fall & sometimes in the spring. 3'-4' tall. Full sun, moist but
well drained soil. Butterflies!
40 Tagetes lucida – Mexican Mint Marigold – A wonderful fall blooming perennial that bears clusters of goldenyellow, single flowers on attractive 2'-3' upright, many-branched mounds. The aromatic foliage has a pleasing,
anise-like scent and is popular as a substitue for tarragon. It grows best in a sunny, well-drained bed.
41 Eupatorium havanense - White Mist Flower - A spectacular, native, fall blooming, shrubby perennial! This
bushy, 3'-4' plant is absolutely covered with clusters of super fragrant white blooms that seem to attract every
butterfly in the State!!! This extraordinary plant grows in full sun or part shade, is drought tolerant, & also tolerates
poor drainage, is easy to grow, colorful, fragrant, & a butterfly magnet! Also blooms sporadically in spring &
42 Barleria striata - Blue Philippine Violet — A spectacular fall bloomer! Covered with rich violet-blue flowers all
fall & into a mild winter. A 3’-4’ plant with very attractive foliage. Prefers part shade.
43 Malvaviscus hybrid 'Pam's Pink' – Pam’s Pink Turk’s Cap – A new color of this perennial favorite. Greg Grant
created this one by crossing our Big Momma Turk's Cap with the native White Turk's Cap. Tough, non-stop
bloomer with beautiful pink flowers all summer and into fall in heavy bloom cycles. Will tolerate drought and
periods of wet. Blooms in sun or part shade. Hummingbirds!
44 Malvaviscus drummondii'Big Momma' - Big Momma Turk's Cap - Another spectacular introduction from Greg
Grant! The best of our Native Red Turk's Cap crossed with Giant Pink Turk's Cap. This selection features large,
vivid coral-red flowers swirled like a turk's cap from mid-summer until frost. Emerges from dormancy each spring
and grows into a lush 6'-8' shrub. Sun or part shade. Will perform well in a variety of soil types. Hummingbirds!
45 Malvaviscus arboreus - Giant Red Turk's Cap - This native perennial shrub of Mexico & Texas makes a
spectacular fall statement in any garden with its showy display of large, partially opened 2"-3" vivid red flowers. It's
an absolute magnet for hummingbirds & many bird species enjoy dining on the attractive red fruit. Giant Turk's
Cap forms a large 5'-6' shrub or can be trained into a 6'-8' tree form. It is an extremely tough & versatile plant & will
grow in sun or part shade. It's drought tolerant, yet will tolerate wet, & will perform in a wide variety of soils.Will
bloom throughout a mild winter but goes dormant in a hard winter.
46 Odontenema strictum - Red Firespike - A handsome, tropical looking perennial for shade gardens! Rich, glossy
green leaves on a 4’-6’ plant. Produces 12” spikes of bright red flowers in the fall and will bloom all winter if in a
protected area. An absolute must for fall hummingbird migration! Responds well to pruning. Prefers shade or part
shade but will grow in full sun.
47 Odontenema strictum ‘Rosea ’ - Pink Firespike – A handsome, tropical looking perennial for shade gardens.
Rich, glossy green leaves on a 4’-6’ plant. Produces 12” spikes of bright pink flowers in the fall & will bloom all
winter if it’s in a protected area. An absolute must for fall hummingbird migration! Responds well to pruning.
Prefers shade or part shade but will grow in full sun.
48 Thunbergia battiscombeii – Mercer Blue Thunbergia - Impossible to pass up! This eye-catching herbaceous
perennial "vine" with its 5”-7" heart shaped leaves produces 15" racemes constantly covered with 2" velvety royal
purple trumpet-shaped flowers with deep yellow throats. Use as a 2' x 3' perennial or as a short 3' x 4' climber in
sun or light shade. It’s easy to grow, virtually pest free, heat resilient, and a non-stop bloomer spring to fall. Root
hardy. Moist, well-drained soil.
49 Passiflora hybrid 'Pura Vida' –Pura Vida Purple Passion Vine – Deep crimson flowers with recurving petals
and a distinctive purple and white-tipped corona. Flowers all year. Passion vines are easy to grow and will
tolerate a wide range of conditions. Sun or light shade and preferably a moist, well-drained soil. Host plant for
Gulf Fritillary Butterflies.
50 Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' – 'Tangerine Beauty' Crossvine – A strong, vigorous semi-evergreen
native vine that produces a spectacular display of bright orange-red trumpet flowers in spring. Crossvine grows
well in full sun or light shade & has little tendrils that cling tightly to walls, fences, trees & other surfaces. Will
tolerate drought & occasional flooding conditions. Hummingbirds.
51 Mascagnia macroptera – Mexican Butterfly Vine – A semi-evergreen sun loving vine that’s covered with clusters
of fabulous bright yellow, orchid-like flowers summer thru fall!! After a bloom cycle, the flowers are followed by
interesting butterfly-shaped chartreuse seed-pods. Once established, this is one tough, beautiful, long-lived vine.
Sun. Moist, well drained soil.
52 Aster carolinianus - Carolina Aster - A true climbing aster, native to South Carolina. Has a spectacular display of
blue aster flowers for almost two months starting in September. A tough, outstanding vine, reaching 12' or more. It
does not freeze back, but it is deciduous. It's a cloud of blue on fences or arbors, and looks wonderful entwined
with pink climbing roses. Sun to part shade. Grows well in wet ground & bogs.
53 Podranea ricasoliana - Desert Trumpet Vine - Fast growing, root hardy vine that is evergreen in mild climates.
Grows to 20’ high. Covered with 3” open, trumpet-shaped pink flowers, veined in red, late summer and fall.
Blooms in loose clusters at the ends of new growth. It likes heat, full sun, good drainage.
The following selections will also be available at the Garden Art & Plant Sale:
54 Abelmoschus moschatus 'Orienta' - Oriental Red Mallow Hibiscus - An extraordinary 3’ mounding “hibiscus”
that’s smothered with 3” bright, coral-red flowers from April to the first frost. An unbelievable performer for sun
gardens. It’s root hardy and will also lightly re-seed. It’s quite tough once established. Responds well to pruning.
Great texture & color!
55 Abutilon sp. 'Magic Lantern' – Magic Lantern Abutilon – This is one non-stop blooming, tall, shrubby perennial
or small "tree". It's basically evergreen in most Houston winters with maple-like foliage & is covered with 2" bright
orange, Chinese lantern-like flowers from spring through fall. It responds well to pruning if one wants to keep it as
a large shrub, but is more spsectacular trained as a multi-trunk "tree". Averages 6' tall & prefers full sun but will
bloom in light shade. Tough & easy care. Hummingbirds!
56 Antigonon leptopus - Dark Pink Coral Vine - Outstanding, non-stop blooming vines spring into fall! Very prolific
bloomer with large clusters of stunning dark pink flowers. Sun or light shade. Dormant in winter. Grows 15’-20’.
Very easy to grow! Tough! Makes great cut flowers.
57 Aristolochia gigantea – Giant Dutchman's Pipe – Vigorous, attractive vine with spectacular, large, 8” ivorymottled maroon flowers. Beautiful heart-shaped foliage. Sun, part shade.
58 Asclepias curassivica 'Red' – Red Butterfly Weed – Great perennial for butterflies! Constantly blooming
clusters of red flowers on 3'-4' stalks. This is the Monarch Butterfly Plant!!! Sun, part shade. Moist, well drained
59 Berlandiera texana – Green Eyes – This rugged, native perennial is a thing of beauty when in full bloom. The
flowers are sunny yellow “daisies” with bright, Irish-green centers. The plants never back off blooming during the
intense heat and drought of summer. Averages 36” x 36”. Full sun. Moist, well-drained soils. Hummingbirds &
60 Buddleia davidii 'Dubonnet' – Dubonnet Buddleia – Buddleias provide a sea of color throughout spring,
summer & fall. Their colors range from pure white to purples, blues, pinks, reds, & lavenders.They're outstanding
shrubs for color, fragrance, and butterflies. The Dubonnet Buddliea is a striking blue. Sun or part shade. Moist, well
drained soil. Average 4'-6' tall. Super fragrant! Butterflies!
61 Buddleia davidii ‘Blue Chip’ – Blue Chip Butterfly Bush – An exciting new “miniature” Buddleia that averages
2’ tall and wide. It continuously blooms through the summer & fall covered with short spikes of lavender-blue
fragrant flowers. This fabulous butterfly attractor is beautiful used in borders, containers, as a tall “ground cover”,
and also as a great cut flower. It’s tough, can tolerate heat, drought, cold, and is deer- resistant! Full sun, moist,
well-drained soil.
62 Bulbine fruiticosa 'Hallmark' – Tangerine Bulbine – Unique, normally evergreen clump-forming perennial.
Tangerine Bulbine foliage has narrow, aloe vera-type foliage and produces dense, terminal racemes of gorgeous
star-shaped tangerine on slender 18" stems almost 11 months of the year! Has been evergreen down to 25
degrees. Requires good drainage. Sun, part shade.
63 Bulbine fruticosa 'Shorty' - Shorty Bulbine - New more compact yellow form! Evergreen clumping perennial for
sun. Green, narrow, aloe vera-type foliage 12"-15" tall. Forms dense, terminal racemes of small, star-shaped
yellow flowers on slender 18" stems almost 11 months of the year! Sun, light shade. Drought tolerant once
established, needs good drainage.
64 Calliandra emarginata - Dwarf Fairy Duster - This beautiful root hardy shrub is great for both garden and
containers. Growing to about 2’ – 3’ tall, Dwarf Fairy Duster is covered with pink “powderpuff” flowers that are
attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. This shrub is spectacular in bloom. It has a very tropical look, but
this is a very tough little shrub. Calliandras are known for having very low amounts of airborne pollen. Sun or light
65 Centaurea cineraria 'Colchester White' –'Colchester White' Artemisia – Finally - a ‘Dusty Miller’ that does not
melt in our heat and humidity! 'Colchester White' is a wonderfully textured variety with velvety, silvery-white,
filigreed foliage. This variety is larger than its annual cousin, growing to a 30” x 36” rounded mound. Grown for its
foliage more than its flowers, but the rosy-lavender blooms are reminiscent of pretty little thistles. Requires good
drainage – drought tolerant once established. Does well in containers as well as the landscape. Full sun.
66 Cestrum auranticum. - Yellow Cestrum– A large, normally evergreen perennial shrub displaying showy clusters
of bright yellow tubular flowers practically year round, with heaviest bloom cycles spring through fall. The flowers
are an excellent source of nectar for Butterflies and Hummingbirds. Grows 5’-7’ tall. Can be trained into a small
tree form. Prefers full sun. Responds well to pruning.
67 Cestrum nocturnum – Night Blooming Jasmine – No fragrance garden should be without ‘Night Blooming
Jasmine’! Its fragrance fills the evening air with heavenly, tropical sweetness. It has an informal habit –
freestanding, but with long, vine-like stems. Small clusters of tubular, white flowers appear at the leaf axils all
along the stems. The flowers are attractive but not showy. They are followed by shiny, bright white, fleshy berries.
Averages 4’ x 4’ in cultivation, but may grow larger if it is especially happy. Full sun to filtered sun. Root hardy in
severe winters. Moist, well-drained soils.
68 Clerodendrum thomsoniae – Bleeding Heart Red Wine – A gorgeous, non-stop blooming, root hardy vine from
tropical Aftrica with large clusters of deep crimson flowers emerging from wine colored, bell-shaped calyces. The
flower clusters are absolutely striking against the 6" long, rich, deep emerald green foliage. This beautiful, vigorous
vine grows well in full sun or part shade & is a profuse bloomer in heavy bloom cycles mid spring to fall. It likes a
well mulched, rich, loose, mosit, but well drained soil.
69 Cuphea llavea – Bat Face Cuphea - This unusual and tough Cuphea is a beacon of adorable, fluorescent red
and purple “bat-face” tubular flowers throughout the heat of late spring through summer to fall. It forms an 18”
mound of arching stems, grows in sun or light shade, and likes good drainage. Root hardy to the low 20’s. Blends
well at the front of a perennial bed or cascading over a wall or container. Also works well in hanging baskets.
70 Decumaria barbara - Climbing Hydrangea – One of the finest woody perennial vines for shade gardens. Known
for its large domed clusters of creamy white flowers in late spring and early summer that offer a sweet aroma.
Crisp dark green foliage turns bright yellow in the fall. Fabulous winter interest after the foliage drops with peeling
cinnamon colored bark and interesting twists and turns of the stems accented by dried flower heads. Self clinging
habit, must have afternoon shade. Once established it’s a vigorous grower and may reach 20’ or more but takes
well to pruning. Moist, well-drained soil.
71 Dianthus barbatus ‘First Love’ – First Love Dianthus – One of the finest, heat tolerant, long lived, super
blooming dianthus on the market!!! ‘First love’ blooms practically 12 months of the year, producing 12”-18” stalks
topped with clusters of white, light pink, & dark pink frilly flowers. Light shade or sun. It’s happiest with a little
afternoon shade in the summer. Moist, well drained soil.
72 Duranta erecta 'Cuban Gold' - Cuban Gold Duranta - Rich chartreuse foliage makes this shrubby perennial a
marvelous accent even in the toughest summer heat. Adapts well to containers or creates a unique glow in mixed
borders. Occasionally produces light blue flowers, but choose this one for the foliage! 4'-6' tall. Full to part sun.
73 Farfugium tussilaginea ‘Giant’ – Giant Ligularia - Evergreen perennial for shade. Large dark green glossy
round leaves. A tropical looking accent that grows into a 3’ clump. Blooms with clusters of yellow daisy-like
flowers on 4’ stalks in the fall. Shade. Best in moist, well-drained soil.
74 Farfugium tussiliginia ‘Aureomaculata’ - Leopard Ligularia - This collector's plant and consummate
conversation piece grows well in our area, especially when given lots of moisture! Low-mounding, evergreen
perennial for shady locations with bold, round green tropical-looking 8”-10” leaves spotted with yellow dots, as
though it were a leopard skin. The 2-foot clumps are topped with numerous 24" stalks of spectacular yellow
‘daisies’ in the fall. Shade, part shade. Moist, well-drained soil.
75 Galphimia glauca - Golden Showers Thryallis - A large flowering shrub with narrow bluish-green foliage that’s
covered with clusters of small bright yellow flowers nearly year-round! It’s evergreen in mild winters or temperate
areas & is used in all types of landscapes. Thryallis is relatively salt & drought tolerant for coastal areas. Can also
be used as a hedging. Averages 3’-6’ tall. Sun.
76 Hamelia patens - Hummingbird Bush - This shrub is native to Mexico, but thrives in this area. It is root hardy,
and will make a 4'-5' mound in one summer. It is VERY drought tolerant and thrives in any soil as long as it has
good drainage. The orange/red flowers are profuse from late spring until frost. Amazing fall color! Full sun.
77 Hibiscus x paramutabilis ‘Terri’s Pink’ - Hibiscus, Terri’s Pink - One of the finest of all the root hardy mallows!
‘Terri’s Pink’ is a non-stop bloomer of 6” bright pink flowers spring through November or till the first frost. Also, the
attractive maple-like foliage continues to look good well into fall, whereas most other mallows have totally
defoliated. ‘Terri’s Pink’ is clean looking & does not produce seed pods. Sun, part shade. Moist, well drained soil.
4’-6’ tall.
78 Hippeastrum x 'San Antonio' - San Antonio Rose Amaryllis - Clumping amaryllis with maroon-edged strap-like
foliage. Produces salmon-rose pink flowers with conspicuous green throat. Prefers full to part sun. Grows to 15
inches. Hardier than most amaryllis.
79 Iochroma cyaneum – Purple Iochroma – A striking upright, vase-shaped shrub that is covered with tubular
purple flowers spring through fall. Averages 4-6’. Full sun. Hummingbirds.
80 Itea virginica 'Morning Star' – Morning Star Sweet Spire – Pendulous white racemes of fragrant white flowers
in spring. Native shrub growing 3'-4' tall and up to 4' wide with arching limbs. Outstanding coloring on the foliage in
the fall. Useful in mass plantings, hedges, wet areas, and for anti-erosion purposes. Sun to part shade.
81 Justicia coccinea – Red Rocket Justicia – Huge, 8” long, showy scarlet-red, pine-cone-like blooms are borne
atop the large deep green tropical foliage all summer. This is an unusually large-growing variety – 5’H x 3’W.
Partial sun to part shade. Moist, well-drained. Butterflies & Hummingbirds!
82 Justicia sp. – Lemon Sorbet Shrimp Plant -- A shrimp plant with a new delicious color! It produces 4”-6” shrimpshaped spikes of overlapping pastel lemon-yellow bracts with white tubular flowers on a 3’ mound of soft, applegreen leaves. This tough attractive plant is an extremely long bloomer, responds well to pruning, & is root hardy in
the Houston & Gulf Coast area. It grows in sun or light shade & a moist, well drained soil. Hummingbirds!
83 Justicia sp. ‘Orange Flame’ – Orange Flame Justicia – This is a knockout plant! Glossy foliage & striking
upright clusters of bright orange flowers. It seems to bloom all the time. Averages 3’ by 3’. Sun, light shade.
84 Justicia spicigera – Mexican Honeysuckle – A perennial shrub that can be found growing in many San Antonio
and South Texas gardens. It has a freely branching, rounded form with 3” velvety, olive green lance-shaped leaves
and produces 1”-2” tubular bright orange flowers throughout late spring to fall. A must for Hummingbirds and
Butterflies! Sun or part shade. Moist, well-drained soil. Averages 3’ tall.
85 Lantana camara – Silver Mount Lantana – A fabulous perennial for any sunny garden! Tough, low mounding,
colorful, & drought tolerant once established. ‘Silver Mound’ is a bright creamy-white. It looks beautiful planted
with ‘New Gold’ because they have the exact same growth habit as 18”-24” mounding plants. Sun. Moist, welldrained. Butterflies!
86 Lantana camara 'Red Spread' - 'Red Spread' Lantana - One of the best red lantanas available. Tough, low
mounding and drought tolerant once established. Individual flowers emerge gold then change quickly to orange
and ultimately to red in heavy bloom cycles spring through fall. 2'-3' mounding plants. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil.
87 Lysimachia sp. ‘Golden Globes’ – Golden Globes Lysimachia – A wonderful groundcover for sun to light
shade. Grows 6”-18” tall with lush golden-green foliage and bright yellow 1” flowers all through the warm months.
This is a fast grower that makes a statement when planted in masses as an accent.
88 Malphighia glabra ‘Nana’ – Dwarf Barbados Cherry - Unique & colorful native shrub with pink & white flowers
summer & fall, & then producing an abundance of red, cherry-like fruit! Evergreen most winters. The dwarf variety
makes a 3’-4’ shrub. Sun, part shade.
89 Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii 'White Lightning' – White Lightning Turk's Cap – Greg Grant has
done it again! Another tough, easy to grow variety with large, bright white flowers swirled like a turk’s turban.
Blooms from mid-summer until frost. Emerges from dormancy early in spring and quickly grows into a lush 3’–4’H
x 4’-5’W shrub. Sun or part shade. Will perform well in a variety of soil types. Hummingbirds!
90 Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak - A stunning, super showy, root hardy tropical shrub from
South America that grows into a large 10’–12’ lush plant with large, glossy leaves and unbelievable 12”-18”
panicles of bright red bracts and white flowers late summer and all fall. An incredible showstopper as a featured
plant at the back of any garden! Butterflies! Sun and a moist, well-drained bed.
91 Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Kitten' – Little Kitten Maiden Grass – Little Kitten is a compact form of Maiden
Grass that makes a lush 36” tall clump of soft, narrow, slightly arching foliage. It is suited for low mass plantings,
container culture, and as a great single specimen where a dot of texture is desired. Creamy white flower spikes,
tinged in pink, sit a few inches above the mound and remain throughout winter. Full sun to part sun. Moist, welldrained beds. Water weekly in the heat of summer to keep it in its best condition.
92 Monarda - Peter’s Purple Monarda - Passed along by Greg Grant, this perennial selection from Peter Loos’
Nacogdoches garden is incredible! Heads of tubular, bright purple flowers form on upright stalks throughout the
summer. Forms a 3’- 4’ clump. Leaves have a minty-spicy fragrance. Mildew resistant. Sun, moist well drained soil.
Butterflies & Hummingbirds!
93 Nierembergia gracilis 'Starry Eyes' - Starry Eyes - A wonderful evergreen perennial with narrow foliage and
cheery white flowers with lavender-blue centers on a sea of green. Forms a tight mound approximately 10" tall.
Smothered in flowers from spring to fall. Loves the full sun. Needs good drainage.
94 Passiflora alatocaerulea 'Blue Carnival' – Blue Carnival Passion Vine – A beautiful, freely blooming passion
vine with magnificent, fragrant, 3” – 4” flowers that have alternating pink and white petals and a distinctive blue
corolla crown. Blooms in heavy cycles spring to fall. Attractive 3-lobed foliage adds wonderful contrast & texture.
Evergreen in mild winters, root hardy otherwise. Performs well in full sun or light shade with moist, well drained
soil. Fast growing once established. Host plant for the Gulf Fritillary larvae. Butterflies!
95 Passiflora hybrid 'Inspiration' – Inspiration Passion Vine – WOW! This variety has the same parentage as
‘Incense’ but has a much more intensely colored flower. Long blooming, easy to grow, and among the most
fragrant of the root hardy passionvines! This vigorous vine produces 3”-4” exotic looking, deep violet-purple
flowers with an absolutely heavenly fragrance in heavy cycles late spring, summer, & fall. A good host plant for the
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly. A must for butterflies!
96 Pavonia lasiopetala - Rock Rose - An outstanding sun-loving, drought-tolerant, 2’-3’ mounding native perennial
that’s almost constantly blooming 2” hot pink flowers spring to fall. Attractive, dark green, small arrow-shaped
foliage. Sun & well drained soil. Responds well to pruning. Butterflies!
97 Pavonia peruviensis - Peruvian Pavonia - An outstanding sun loving, drought tolerant, evergreen mounding
perennial that’s constantly blooming 2” light pink flowers with a red eye spring to fall. Attractive, dark glossy green,
small arrow shaped foliage. Forms a 3’-4’ mound. Sun. Responds well to pruning.
98 Penta 'White Upright' –White Upright Penta --The original upright penta that hummingbirds and butterflies love
soooo much! Non-stop bloom - each plant will carry dozens and dozens of clusters at one time. Self-cleaning - no
dead-heading required! Great color and height – they can reach up to 3’ tall and their flower clusters are 3” across.
Sun, part-sun or light shade. Cut back hard in early spring for year-round enjoyment. Normally root hardy in harsh
winters. Easy to grow!
99 Penta lanceolata – Dorann's Pink Penta – The original upright penta that hummingbirds and butterflies love
soooo much! Non-stop bloom - each plant will carry dozens and dozens of clusters at one time. Self-cleaning - no
dead-heading required! Great color and height – they can reach up to 3’ tall and their flower clusters are 3” across.
Sun, part-sun or light shade. Cut back hard in early spring for year-round enjoyment. Normally root hardy in harsh
winters. Easy to grow!
100 Penta lanceolata –Hot Pink Upright Penta --The original upright penta that hummingbirds and butterflies love
soooo much! Non-stop bloom - each plant will carry dozens and dozens of clusters at one time. Self-cleaning - no
dead-heading required! Great color and height – they can reach up to 3’ tall and their flower clusters are 3” across.
Sun, part-sun or light shade. Cut back hard in early spring for year-round enjoyment. Normally root hardy in harsh
winters. Easy to grow!
3 101 Phlox pilosa ‘Forest Frost’ - Forest Frost Prairie Phlox - Introduced by Peter Loos, this extraordinary native,
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evergreen, pure-white form of Phlox pilosa has wonderfully textured needle-like green foliage. Forms a beautiful
carpet of showy clusters of white star-shaped flowers each spring. Beautiful when planted in drifts. Averages 6”-8”
tall in bloom. Thrives in moist, fertile soil in light shade.
Phlox pilosa Prairie Phlox – Prairie Phlox – Sometimes called “Downy Phlox” this native, spring-blooming
perennial has narrow green foliage and fine white hairs on the stems. Forms a carpet of showy clusters of pink starshaped flowers that have a mild, pleasant fragrance. Beautiful when planted in drifts. Averages 12” tall. Thrives in
moist, fertile soil and full or part sun.
Poliomintha longiflora - Mexican Oregano – A native, evergreen perennial with very aromatic foliage & a mass
of tubular lavender flowers from late spring thru fall in heavy bloom cycles. It forms a 3’x 3’ rounded “shrub”. Plant
it where one can brush up against it & enjoy the fragrance. Mexican Oregano is also a wonderful herb for use in
cooking. Full sun & good drainage. Hummingbirds & Butterflies.
Polygonum sp. – Pink Buttons – Beautiful groundcover for shade (or sun if irrigated). Green-burgundy foliage
with pink "button" flowers. Goes dormant in winter.
Prunus sp. ‘Hirome’ – Hirome Cherry - A dwarf flowering and producing cherry grown as a 3’-4’ “shrub.” In very
early spring, every stem is covered with pink flowers and later in the year it produces ½” red cherries that are tart
but edible. The fruit is also very ornamental and attracts birds. Full sun to light shade and moist, well-drained soil.
Rhoeo spathacea vittata – Varigated Moses-in-the-Boat – A colorful, semi-tropical groundcover that is perfect
for difficult areas where a splash of color is needed. It tolerates dry shade and can be used in areas under trees
where turf is thin. Sword-like, somewhat succulent leaves are deep green with purple undersides. ‘Vittata’ has red
and yellow-green striped variegations. Grows 6” – 12” and may form a short ‘trunk’ up to 8” long that is topped with
many clusters of leaves. Flowers appear deep in the leaf axils. They have small white petals, but the focus is on
the deep purple boat-shaped bracts. Prefers shade to part shade, but will grow in full sun. Moist, well-drained.
Drought tolerant once established.
Rivina humilis - Pigeonberry - A unique native groundcover perennial that is almost always covered with pink
and white flowers and berries. Foliage turns burgundy in fall. Birds love the berries. Goes dormant in winter. Can
be pruned back for thicker plants. Part shade.
Rosemarinus sp. 'Prostrata' – Prostrate Rosemary – One of those very special herbs that’s a must in any
sunny landscape. Prostrate Rosemary is an evergreen cascading shrub that mounds to about 2’ tall eventually
and cascades over anything; walls, landscape timbers, rock, out of containers, etc. Use it near walkways where
you can enjoy the fragrance of the foliage. Rosemary is covered with small blue flowers in the winter & early
spring. Drought tolerant. Full sun or light shade & must have good drainage. Great for cooking.
Ruselia equisetiformis 'Aurea' – Yellow Fountain Plant – Texture! A very fine foliaged, lush, perennial shrub
that forms a beautiful mound of 3'-4' slender, graceful stems of tubular pale yellow flowers all summer & fall! Sun,
part shade. Hummingbirds!!!
Russelia sp 'St Elmo's Fire' – St. Elmo's Fire russelia – Texture! Color! A very fine foliaged, lush, perennial
shrub that forms a beautiful mound of 3'-4' slender graceful stems of tubular red-oragne flowers all summer & fall!
Sun, part shade. Hummingbirds!
Salvia blepharophylla ‘Painted Lady’ - Painted Lady Salvia – Attractive, mounding salvia with lush, dark green
foliage and beautiful, rich red tubular flowers in heavy cycles spring through fall. Averages 18”. Full sun or light
shade. Evergreen in mild winters. Hummingbirds!
Salvia sp. ‘Otahal’ – Otahal Salvia - Amazing spikes of blue-violet flowers with silver calyx against silver-green
foliage. A non-stop bloomer. Averages 2’ tall. Sun, moist, well drained soil. Hummingbirds!
Salvia vanhouttei – Van Houttei Salvia - A practically non-stop blooming salvia! This 3’x3’ plant produces 10”12” spikes of burgundy-wine flowers in late summer and fall. It’s a tender perennial north of zone 8. Color is best
with some shade. Moist, well drained soil. Responds well to pruning. Hummingbirds!
Salvia vanhouttei 'pink' –Pink Van Houttei Salvia -A practically non-stop blooming salvia! Grows to 3-3.5' tall
and 2-'3' wide. Prefers sun. Moist, well drained soil. Responds well to pruning. Hummingbirds!
Salvia vanhouttei– Dancing Flame Salvia –This plant really lives up to the name - it is a riot of color!! Bright,
golden variegated leaves are topped with spikes of brilliant tomato-red flowers in the fall. This is great used in
borders and along walkways, and is dynamite in mixed containers with purples, yellows and oranges. Sun, but
appreciates afternoon shade. Hummingbirds and Butterflies!
Scutellaria ‘Dark Pink’ - Dark Pink Skullcap - A wonderful, tough, dynamite perennial from Northern Mexico.
Forms a 6" to 8" tall mound of tiny foliage and is smothered with small snapdragon-like dark pink flowers spring to
fall in heavy bloom cycles. Sun, good drainage. A very long-lived perennial.
Scutellaria costaricana’ – Red Fountains Skullcap – Colorful, low mounding perennials with small glossy green
foliage covered with clusters of red tubular flowers through the warm season months. These skullcaps mound or
slightly “carpet” an area and will gently cascade over edges of raised beds. They average 8” – 10” tall. Sun or
light shade. Moist, well drained soil.
Sedum mexicana – Mexican Sedum – A wonderful 1” tall, evergreen groundcover that carpets & cascades on &
over anything. Produces 8" stems with thousands of tiny yellow flowers in spring. A tough little groundcover with a
wonderful texture that will grow almost anywhere! Full sun or light shade & good drainage. Cut back the flower
stems after blooming.
Sedum pachyphyllum – Jelly Bean Sedum – Can a plant be adorable? When it comes to ‘Jelly Bean’, we say
yes! This low-growing, creeping sedum produces closely arranged clusters of chubby leaves on short stems. The
leaves are jade green and are tipped in red when grown in high light and when the weather turns cool. Forms a
dense 6” – 12” carpet when grown in full to part sun. Great in containers, rock gardens, and trailing over edging
materials. Well-drained soils.
Sinningia sellovii - Hardy Red Gloxinia - This fascinating, wonderfully textured hardy gloxinia forms a 20” clump
composed of thick, green, sandpaper-like leaves on slightly arching stems. From late spring to fall 30” spikes of
pendant, scarlet-orange 1” bell-shaped flowers emerge from the tips of the stems. This hardy perennial grows in
full sun or light shade & does beautifully in rock gardens, perennial borders, or as a specimen container plant.
Needs moist, well-drained soil. Goes dormant in winter and flushes out in mid-spring into a full and gorgeous
2 121 Solanum jasminoides ‘Album’- Potato Vine, White - An evergreen vine with 2”, glossy, dark green lanceshaped
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leaves & showy clusters of 1” pure white star-shaped flowers spring to fall. Full sun or light shade with a moist, welldrained soil. A tough, beautiful vine once established.
Solanum sp. - Variegated Jerusalem Cherry -This highly ornamental perennial is native to Madeira and Brazil
and dates back to the 1600’s in cultivation. The foliage is beautifully variegated yellow, cream and green. Tiny
white flowers appear in spring and are followed by round, bright red fruits that resemble cherry tomatoes. The fruits
remain for a long time adding to its ornamental value. It has a dense growth habit and a natural rounded form. Sun
to light shade. Moist, well-drained. Fruits are NOT edible.
Stachytarpheta jamicensis – Blue Porterweed – Suitable for xeriscapes, this evergreen, fast-growing form
grows to 4’ high & wide with dark green leaves and blue flowers along the long spikes, blooming spring through
fall. Easily pruned to control size. Sun, part sun, well-drained moist soil. Hummingbirds & butterflies!
Stachytarpheta jamicensis – Dwarf Red Porterweed - A 2'-3' bushy herbaceous plant with long, elegant flower
spikes of bright red flowers almost constantly blooming from spring to fall. The flowers appear in clusters moving
upward along the long narrow flower spikes. This is a wonderful short bushy form with smaller dark green leaves.
Prefers part shade. Tender in a hard winter. Responds well to pruning. Hummingbirds & Butterflies!!!
Stokesia sp. ‘Peachie’s Pick’ – Peachie’s Pick Stokesia – Stunning! Considered the best Stoke’s Aster
available. Tight evergreen rosette of foliage. A multitude of compact upright flower spikes are topped with dozens
of large, lavender-blue flowers in early summer. Averages 18”-24”. Sun or part shade. Butterflies!
Strobilanthes anisophylllus – Goldfussia Strobilanthes – A rediscovered heirloom that was commonly found in
old gardens. Slim, pointed leaves develop a rich purple tinge when grown in full sun. Tubular, mauve-pink flowers
appear in spring. Prune hard right after flowering to maintain a thick, full plant. Grows to 4’. Will tolerate part
shade, but foliage color is best in full sun. Tolerates coastal conditions. Moist, well-drained.
2 127 Tradescantia sillamontance ‘White Velvet’ – White Velvet Spiderwort - A stunning & unusual groundcover
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perennial with velvety, silver-gray-green foliage with a hint of rose & purple. An added bonus is the almost
constantly blooming small violet flowers! Grows about 3”-4” tall. Root hardy. Sun, light shade & a moist, welldrained soil.
Verbena tenuisecta – Hot Pink Moss Verbena -- Opposite, fernlike, almost mossy, finely cut triangular dark
green leaves, 1 to 1.5 inches long. 6”–12” tall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Butterflies.
Verbena tenuisecta –Purple Moss Verbena -- Broad, flat clusters of 2”–3” deep lavender flowers from early
summer to frost. Hardy, native perennial groundcover to about 12” tall with lacy fern-like foliage; lacier foliage than
the standard Verbena but with the same growth habit and cultivation. Drought tolerant, but grows best in moist,
well-drained soil in full sunlight to part shade. A great butterfly nectar plant.
Viola hederacea - Australian Violet - An outstanding evergreen groundcover for shade gardens! Forms a lush
carpet, 1”-2” tall, of bright green foliage and is almost constantly blooming adorable white and blue violet flowers in
heavy cycles spring, summer, and fall. Must have under-story conditions and especially afternoon shade. Also
looks great cascading out of containers. Moist, well-drained soil.
Vitex agnes-castus 'Pink' – Pink Vitex - A softer, gentler Vitex with aromatic, grey-green foliage and 6 –10”
panicles of soft pink flowers spring through fall. A drought tolerant, sun loving, small, single or multi-trunked tree
up to 15’ tall x 15’ wide, depending on training. Can also be cut back hard once a year to form a dense shrub.
4 132 Xanthosoma atrovirens ‘Albomarginata’ – Mickey Mouse Taro – A stunning variegated Taro with green, cream
and white variegation on large, unique 18” leaves. The leaves range in shape from perfect hearts to fascinating,
artistic pinched ridges that add an unusual sculptured character to some of the leaves. The tip normally forms a
pinched pocket (with a “tail”) that holds water. Butterflies and hummingbirds are known to perch on the tip of the
leaf for a drink of water. It’s a beautiful accent plant for shade gardens and at the edge of water gardens.
Averages 3’-4’ tall. Root hardy to the teens, possibly colder.
Thank you for visiting our sale this year!
Please Save the Date for 2013!
Sugar Land Garden Club’s
15th Annual
Saturday, September 21, 2013
8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Sugar Lakes Clubhouse
930 Sugar Lakes Drive