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ISCI 2001 – Final Exam Review
I. Comprehensive Review
1. Basic parts and functions of a cell (nucleus, cytoplasm, organelles)
 Know functions of both plant and animal organelles
 Plant cell organelles
2. Compare and contrast Osmosis and diffusion
 Passive vs. Active Transport methods (know examples)
3. Compare and contrast the processes of cell division
 Mitosis vs. Meiosis
 Know the parts of the cell cycle
4. Compare and contrast transcription and translation
5. Know the 4 macromolecules, examples of each, functions, and structure
 Know the monomers for each (example: carbohydrates = monosaccharides like glucose)
6. Know how to do a simple monohybrid cross for the following genetic situations:
 Complete Dominance
 Incomplete Dominance
 ABO blood type
 X-Linked disorder (colorblindness)
7. Midterm Exam
 Be sure to study the subjective part of your exam (part II).
8. Terms
 Osmosis; diffusion; metabolism; photosynthesis; cell respiration; facilitated diffusion; prokaryotic;
eukaryotic; asexual reproduction; transcription; translation; gene; allele; codon; anticodon; mitosis;
meiosis; phenotype and genotype
II. Second 8 Weeks Review
1. Ecology
 Compare ecosystems, communities
 Biotic vs Abiotic factors
 Physical and Chemical Factors in the ecosystem
 Know the major characteristics of the following ecosystems
o Oceans; Grasslands; Tundra and Tiaga; Forrests
 Know the trophic levels and examples
 Know the relationship between trophic levels and energy
 Know the role of decomposers, and know examples
 Distinguish between producers and consumers, know examples
 Be able to analyze a food web and chain; be able to construct a simple food web or chain
 Distinguish between intraspecies and interspecies competition; provide examples
 Know the importance of a keystone organisms in an ecosystem; give examples
 Be able to explain the following relationships between organisms: mutualism; commensalism and
parasitism; know examples
 Be familiar with the following biochemical cycles: carbon, nitrogen
Be able to distinguish between solar and terrestrial radiation; know what happens to solar
radiation and terrestrial radiation concerning absorption, transmittance, etc.
Distinguish between short-wave and long-wave radiation; give examples
Know examples of greenhouse gases; know the most prominent greenhouse gas; sources of these
Know how the greenhouse effect works; effects on the Earth’s temperatures
Trace the rising levels of carbon dioxide gases during the last century; know the trends in the
increase of methane gas
Know how ozone gas is destroyed; how ozone protects the environment; consequences of ozone
holes, etc.
Important terms
o Ecosystem, community; habitat; niche; producer; consumer; decomposer; predation;
symbiosis; abiotic and biotic; biomass
2. Rocks and Minerals
 Distinguish between rocks and minerals
 Know the characteristics of minerals
 Distinguish between an amorphous and crystalline mineral; give examples
 Know what a polymorph is and examples
 Know the most prevalent elements found in the Earth and Earth surface
 Know the various properties of minerals and how you test for them
o Cleavage; hardness; specific gravity
 Know how minerals form from magma and water
 Know the relationship between mineral formation and temperature and pressure
 Know how silicates and nonsilicates are classified; characteristics; examples
 Know the three classification of rocks; examples of each and how they are formed
 Compare intrusive and extrusive igneous rock formation
 Know the processes of rock degredation and how this leads to sedimentary rock formation
 Now the difference between low and high grade rock formation
 Compare foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rock
 Know how sedimentary rocks are classified (clastic; chemical; biologic); igneous (intrusive vs
extrusive); metamorphic (foliated vs nonfoliated)
 Know the rock cycle
 Important Terms
o Specific gravity; amorphous; polymorphic; magma; evaporates; nucleation; pumice; detrital;
3. Earth Structure and Plate Tectonics
 Compare continental and oceanic crust
 Know the characteristics of the mantle
 Distinguish between the upper and lower mantle
 Distinguish between the lithosphere and asthenosphere
 Distinguish between the outer and inner core.
 Relate plates to the mantle and crust of the Earth
 Relationship between the continents, crust and plates
 Know the major plates of the world; locations
 Know how and why plates move or are dynamic
Know the theory of Continental Drift ; Evidence for
Relate Pangea to the theory of continental drift
Know how sea floor spreading occurs
Know how sea floor spreading and magnetic stripes on the sea floor are evidence for continental
Know the major types of plate boundaries; what events take place at these boundaries; examples
Know the three types of faults; how they are formed; what events take place at these faults
Distinguish between anticlines and synclines
Know the three ways mountains are formed and give examples
Know how earthquakes are formed
Distinguish between intraplate and interplate quakes
Distinguish between the focus and epicenter of a quake
Distinguish between S and P waves
Relate Tsunamis to Earthquakes; how, why and where they are most likely to take place
Be familiar with the Richter Scale
Know what a seismograph does
o Alfred Wegner; hanging wall and foot wall; anticline and syncline; subduction zone;
lithosphere; core; asthenosphere; magma and lava; mantle; crust; plate; subductionzone;
tectonic plate; tsunami; transform plate boundary
4. Weather
 Distinguish between climate and weather
 Know the most prevalent gases in the Earth’s atmosphere
 Know the characteristics of the atmospheres
 Know how atmospheric pressure is measured; how a barometer works; Standard atmospheric
 Importance of ozone gas; how it is destroyed
 Humidity and relative humidity
 Classification of clouds
 Terms
o Atmospherec pressure; climate; weather; dew point; greenhouse effect; relative humidity;
warm, cold and stationary fronts;
5. Universe and Solar System
 Know the planets of our solar system in order; distinguish between terrestrial and Jovian planets
o Know how they orbit around the sun
o Centripetal forces that allow for elliptical orbits
o Retrograde motion of the planets
o Compare heliocentric and geocentric theories of planet orbits
o Role of Gallileo, Copernicus, Newton
 Know general characteristics of the planets of our solar system
o How the asteroid belt was formed and its location
o Know the reasons why Pluto is no longer classified as a planet
 Know the theory behind how the universe was created; Big Bang Theory
 Know how to apply Light Years to distances between objects in the universe; distance of a light
Know the general characteristics of galaxies, what they are made of, how they were made, etc.
o Know that we live in the Milky Way Galaxy
o Know the shapes of galaxies
o Know general characteristics of the Milky Way
o Know that the Andromeda galaxy is the closest to us; know its distance
o Know the position of our sun in the Milky Way galaxy and distance from its core
Know how stars are formed
o Know the life cycle of an average and giant star
o Know the parts of our sun, temperatures, etc.
o Know general characteristics of our sun
o Brightness of a star
o Temperature of stars
o Know how to interpret the Hartzsprung-Russell diagram
o What main sequence stars represent on this diagram
o White dwarfs and Red Giant stars
o How a supernova is formed
Know how black holes, pulsars are formed
o Cosmology; light year; nebulae; quasars; apparent brightness scale; intrinsic brightness and
absolute magnitude; plasma; photosphere; solar winds; auroras; asteroid; comet; meteor;
6. Earth, Sun and the Moon
 Earth Rotation
o Rotation direction
o Mean solar day
o How long it takes for one rotation
 Earth Revolution
o Days
o Type of orbit around the sun
o Distance from sun; solar intensity; effect on weather
o Perihelion and aphelion
o How long it takes for on revolution around the Earth
 Axis-Tilt and Seasons
o Degrees
o Solstices and equinox
o How seasons are affected
o Angle of sunlight striking the surfaces; amount of solar heat striking the surface
 Gravitational pull and shape of Earth
o How it affects the Earth’s shape
o Precession and the changing north star
 Precession
 Calendar year and Leap Year
o Why leap year is necessary
 Moon characteristics and creation
o Theories on moon creation
o How craters were formed
o Dark spots on moon
 Orbit and rotation of the Moon
o Tilt
o Relationship to lunar phases
Lunar Phases
o Know the lunar phases, what causes them
o Know the position of the Earth, moon and sun for each
o Distinguish between a lunar and solar eclipse
o Draw the position of the Earth, sun and moon for each eclipse
o Know why it is rare to be able to see a solar eclipse
Tidal forces and tides
o Distinguish between spring and neap tides
o What causes tidal forces; gravity, etc.
o Know the position of the Sun, Earth and Moon during spring and neap tides
o Know which causes the highest tides
III. Other
Study activities and assigned pre-post lesson questions that were a part of your WAR reports and
others that were not assigned that are related to the topic being studied.