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Final Exam Review Guide – Spring 2016
Integrated Science 4
Name_________________________________ Per._____
The test will consist of 95 matching, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions followed by one short answer
question. Use the following assignments and bullet points to guide your preparation for the final. Students must bring a
#2 pencil to the exam. Students may prepare a hand-written 3x5 notecard (both sides is acceptable) to use on the exam.
 Island Geology
1. Earth’s Interior Notes; Plate tectonics and Earth’s Interior
 Describe how seismic waves are used to hypothesize the structure of the earth’s interior.
 Describe each layer of the earth in terms of its state of matter and relative depth in the Earth’s interior.
 Describe how the physical properties of density, pressure and temperature change as depth increases.
 Define convection. Describe how this activity affects the mantle and crust.
Evidences of Plate Tectonics; Introduction to Plate Boundaries; Evidence and Modeling of Tectonic Plate
Boundaries; Tectonic Plate Boundaries Group Teaching Notes; Heat Flow at Ocean Trenches: Evidences for Plate
 Restate the theory of plate tectonics and sea floor spreading.
 Describe the following types of plate boundary interactions: divergent, convergent and transform/sliding. At
each type of boundary, state whether crust and lithosphere is being created, recycled or neither.
 Describe the geologic features formed by each of the following: a divergent boundary, convergent
(continental-continental) boundary, convergent (continental-oceanic) boundary and convergent (oceanicoceanic) boundary.
 Describe how each of the following types of evidence supports the theory of plate tectonics: continental drift,
magnetism, ocean floor topography, ocean rocks and sediment age, heat flow.
 Describe what occurs at each type of plate boundary. Include the types of geologic activities and features that
exist at these locations.
 Identify 3 types of evidence found at each type of plate boundary that can be used to support the theory of
plate tectonics.
Rocks Reading Guide; Rocks Presentation Notes; Observing Igneous Rocks; Igneous Rock Chemistry and
Volcanic Eruptions
 Define rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock and igneous rock.
 Distinguish between intrusive and extrusive igneous rock.
 Distinguish between felsic, andesitic and mafic igneous rock by referring to differences in their chemistry,
color, density and volcanic source.
 Identify and classify an igneous rock as intrusive or extrusive based on its relative crystal size.
 Identify and classify an igneous rock as felsic, mafic or andesitic based on its color and chemical composition.
 Describe the relationship between depth of formation and density of common igneous rocks.
 Describe the relationship between chemical composition and density of common igneous rocks.
 Identify the connection between chemical composition of igneous rocks and the type of volcanic eruption that
produced them.
 Determine the plate boundary interaction likely to form each igneous rock type.
Hot Spot Volcanoes; How the Earth Was Made: Hawaii
Define hot spot.
Explain the forces that led to the formation of each of these islands.
Be able to describe the relationship between age and location of the islands
 Island Biology
1. Mechanisms of Island Evolution; Island of the Colorblind video notes
 Define variation, fitness, survival of the fittest, natural selection and adaptation, dispersal
 Define genetic drift. Describe how it is similar and different from natural selection.
 Identify the unique aspects of island evolution as compared to evolution on a mainland and explain why.
Describe what happened to the people of Pingalap and the unusual frequency of the colorblind gene. Explain
what evolutionary mechanisms were in play and when.
Island Evolution Readings; Island Evolution Experiment
 Define deterministic factors as they relate to evolution. List examples of deterministic factors.
 Define stochastic factors as they relate to evolution. List examples of stochastic factors.
 Discuss how the size of a population influences its chances of survival and explain why.
 Describe the relationship between an island’s distance from the mainland and the number of variations that
can colonize the island.
 Describe the relationship between an island’s size and the probability of extinction over time.
 Describe how natural selection and genetic drift lead to evolutionary change on island and mainland
 Analyze a graph in order to determine and explain the % of variations matching the environment over time
and the total number of variations remaining in an environment over time.
Evolution and Speciation Reading Guide; Determining Allele Frequency
 Understand what speciation is and the how it occurs.
 Be ale to describe behavioral, geographic, and temporal isolation
 State the steps of speciation and how they apply to Darwin’s finches.
 Know and understand the different patterns of evolution: adaptive radiation, convergent evolution, coevolution,
and punctuated equilibrium
 Understand genetic equilibrium, and the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium to take place.
 Vertebrate Evolution
1. Activity: Comparing Vertebrates and Notes: Vertebrate Comparison and Evolutionary Relationships and Lab:
Vertebrate Observations
 Identify the common characteristics shared by all vertebrates (phylum Chordata and sub-phylum Vertebrata).
 Define and describe each of the following vertebrate classes: Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.
 Discuss the following significant evolutionary advancements in vertebrates: jaws, strength of skeleton,
amniotic egg, temperature control.
 Compare and contrast the following structures/systems in the vertebrate classes: type of body covering,
digestive system, lungs and respiratory system, heart and circulatory system, type of fertilization and body
temperature regulation.
Activity: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Lab (and accompanying documents)
 Define primitive traits and derived traits.
 Analyze a cladogram in order to determine evolutionary relationships between a group of organisms.
Nucleic Acids and Proteins – see all related handouts and activities
 Describe the structure, function and location of DNA and RNA in a cell. Identify similarities and differences
between these two macromolecules.
 Compare and contrast mRNA, rRNA and tRNA. Define codon.
 Given a DNA sequence, understand and complete the processes of replication, transcription and translation.
What do you start with and what is created in each of these processes?
 Identify the subunits that make up DNA, RNA and proteins.
Genetic Engineering Reading Guide and Propositions on Genetic Engineering Assignment
 Describe the process used to create recombinant DNA and explain what it can be used for. Include the role of
restriction enzymes.
 Describe the following breeding techniques: selective breeding, inbreeding, hybridization, mutagens.
 Define each of the following terms: genetic engineering, transgenic organisms, gene therapy, therapeutic cloning,
reproductive cloning, genetic fingerprinting, and stem cell research.
 Experimental Design
Guidelines For Experimental Research Packet and Related Activities
Given an experimental scenario and data set, be able to do the following:
 Identify the following components of the experiment: Independent variable(s), levels/treatments of the
independent variable, dependent variable(s), experimental constants and control.
 Analyze a graph in order to determine and explain the results of the experiment.
 Reflect on the hypothesis in order to determine if the data supports or refutes the initial predictions.
 Short Answer Question
The Next Generation Science Standards is a multi-state effort to create new education standards that are "rich in
content and practice, arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an
internationally benchmarked science education." They have been adopted by the state of California and are currently
in the early stages of implementation. There are three dimensions of the standards: Cross-Cutting Concepts, Science
and Engineering Practices, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. The short answer question for the final exam asks you to
connect a cross-cutting concept to an idea(s) that you have learned about throughout Integrated Science. Below you
will see the prompt and the CCCs.
Choose an NGSS Cross-Cutting Concept and address how the Integrated Science curriculum (from any unit from
either year) addressed the concept you’ve chosen. Use specific examples from the unit and clearly explain how the
unit’s material connects to the concept.
 Patterns: Observed patterns of forms and events guide organization and classification, and they prompt
questions about relationships and the factors that influence them.
 Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation. Events have causes, sometimes simple, sometimes
multifaceted. A major activity of science is investigating and explaining causal relationships and the
mechanisms by which they are mediated. Such mechanisms can then be tested across given contexts and used
to predict and explain events in new contexts.
 Scale, proportion, and quantity: In considering phenomena, it is critical to recognize what is relevant at
different measures of size, time, and energy and to recognize how changes in scale, proportion, or quantity
affect a system’s structure or performance.
 Systems and system models: Defining the system under study—specifying its boundaries and making explicit
a model of that system—provides tools for understanding and testing ideas that are applicable throughout
science and engineering.
 Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation. Tracking fluxes of energy and matter into, out of, and
within systems helps one understand the systems’ possibilities and limitations.
 Structure and function: The way in which an object or living thing is shaped and its substructure determine
many of its properties and functions.
 Stability and change: For natural and built systems alike, conditions of stability and determinants of rates of
change or evolution of a system are critical elements of study.