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9/13/13 Test one Mechanism of Disease- KG
Due 9/21/2013 5pm email [email protected]
_____ 1. What process happens when there is increased demand /increased trophic stimulation?
a. Hyperplasia
b. Atrophy
c. Necrosis
d. Apoptosis
2. Which form of cell death is shown below?
a. Apoptosis
b. Autophagy
c. Necrosis
d. Programmed necrosis
3. The white spaces seen here represent what?
a. Air
b. Fat
c. Water
d. Blood
_____ 4.What are the cardinal signs of inflammation
a. Redness
b. Swelling
c. Pain
d. All the above
_____ 5.
What is the correct sequence of events involved in leukocyte migration through blood
a. Leukocyte activation, adhesion, rolling, margination, transmigration
b. Activation and rolling, transmigration, margination
c. Margination and rolling, activation and adhesion, transmigration
d. Activation, edema, vasodilation, margination, transmigration
6. The cell type below is a ______________, which is commonly seen in ____________ inflammation.
a. Neutrophil, acute
b. Macrophage, acute
c. Neutrophil, chronic
d. Macrophage, chronic
7. Which term best describes what the rectangular box is including at the picture?
a. Collecting duct
b. Islet of Langerhans
c. Glomerulus
d. Monocyte
8. Eosin stains _____ red and hematoxylin stains ______ blue.
a. DNA, lipids
b. lipids, protein
c. protein, DNA
d. RNA, protein
_____ 9. Which is a correct match between muscle at the picture below and what the arrows are
a. Skeletal muscle - Intercalated disc
b. Cardiac muscle – Basement membrane
c. Skeletal muscle – Basement membrane
d. Cardiac muscle – Intercalated disc
10. Identify this tissue type
a. stratified squamous epithelium
b. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
c. simple cuboidal epithelium.
d. simple columnar epithelium
11. The following organ is one of 5 organs with a cortex and a medulla. Which organ is this?
a. Adrenal
b. Kidney
c. Thymus
d. Brain
e. Spleen
12. What structures would you expect to find in exocrine glands but not endocrine glands?
a. Blood vessels
b. Follicles
c. Ducts
d. Cuboidal epithelium
13. What are the two regions that the organs shown below have in common?
a. Cortex and medulla
b. Oocyte and theca
c. lumen and muscularis
d. villus and crypts
14. What is the name of the structure shown in the picture below?
a. Lung
b. Thymus
c. Hippocampus
d. Spinal cord
15. What is the diagnosis?
a. Liver fibrosis
b. Pulmonary edema
c. Swollen lymph node
d. Osteoporosis
16. What tissue type is shown below?
a. Lung
b. Bone
c. Muscle
d. Cornea
17. What organ is shown below, and what is the arrow pointing to?
a. Cerebellum; gray matter
b. Spinal cord; gray matter
c. Cerebellum; white matter
d. Spinal cord; white matter
18. What organ is shown here?
a. Prostate
b. Pancreas
c. Adrenal Gland
d. Small intestine
19. What hormone does this organ make?
a. LH
b. Insulin
c. Prolactin
d. Testosterone
20. Which of the following vitamin deficiency cause a delay healing
a. vit B
b. vit C
c. vit D
d. vit A
_____ 21. What key feature distinguishes freshly healing tissue and more mature healing tissue?
a. Macrophage population
b. Vasodilation
c. Edema
d. Vessel density
22. Process by which the liver is regenerated after losing up to 95% of its mass:
a. Hyperplasia
b. Hypertrophy
c. Atrophy
d. Metaplasia
23. Marfan’s Syndrome is caused by a defect in?
a. Elastin
b. Fibrillin
c. Tight Junctions
d. Proteoglycans
24. Hypertrophy is _______________, hyperplasia is _______________.
a. An increase in cell number, an increase in cell size
b. An increase in cell size, an increase in cell number
c. A replacement of cells, an increase in cell number
d. An increase in cell number, a decrease in cell size
_____ 25. Displayed below is an image of cardiac muscle after the occurrence of a myocardial
infarction. There is replacement of cardiac muscle with ? (hint: it has been stained blue by a trichrome
a. Adipose
b. Skeletal muscle
c. Collagen
d. Blood vessels
26. Megakaryocytes are responsible for producing ______
a. Neutrophils
b. Platelets
c. Red blood cells
d. Lymphocytes
27. Lymph node swelling can be caused by:
a. Skin infections
b. HIV
c. Cancer
d. All of the above
28. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Neutrophils?
a. Life span of 2-3 days
b. Diameter of 10-15um
c. contains histamine
d. single multi-lobed heterochromatic nucleus
29. When defending against parasites, what type of WBC is the most important?
a. Neutrophil
b. Monocyte
c. Eosinophil
d. Reticulocyte
30. What is edema fluid with high protein?
a. Perfusion
b. Exudate
c. Transudate
d. Both a and c
31. Which of the following is not an oncogenic virus?
a. adenovirus
b. HPV
c. EBV
d. HBV
32. Question: Which of these options are NOT known to cause Granulomas?
a. Mycobacteria
b. Autoimmune diseases
c. Fungi
d. Parasites
33. Of the following cellular stains, which is best to visualize mycobacterium?
a. H&E
b. Hoechst
c. Tri-chrome
d. Acid fast
_____ 34. A patient is presented with suspected Tuberculosis. The presence of numerous bacilli is
confirmed with an acid fast test (on the right). What is the structure in the picture on the left?
a. Interstitial inflammation
b. Non-necrotizing granuloma (Giant Cell)
c. Acute inflammation. Neutrophils
d. Necrotizing inflammation
35. Identify.
a. Viral - Cytomegalovirus
b. Fungal - Aspergillus
c. Bacterial - Mycobacterium
d. Viral - Rabies
36. Identify.
a. Viral - Cytomegalovirus
b. Fungal - Aspergillus
c. Bacterial - Mycobacterium
d. Viral - Rabies
37. What is the name of the organ shown in the picture below?
a. Lung
b. Thymus
c. Small intestine
d. Spinal cord
38. This filamentous ball of organisms (associated with neutrophils) is a classic example of which type
a. fungi
b. bacteria
c. viruses
d. round worms
39. What structure is indicated in the image below?
a. Giant cell
b. Neutrophil
c. Macrophage
d. Granuloma
40. The following set of images are representative of
a. Acute Lung Inflammation
b. Chronic duodenal ulcer
c. Tuberculosis granulomas
d. Blood Smear of Sickle Cell Anemia
41. What would you do first to a patient who volunteered to help clean up the Fukushima disaster and
was accidentally exposed to the radiation to try and minimize any risks?
a. Give them iodine – 131
b. Give them potassium iodide
c. Surgically remove their thyroid
d. Nothing, there are no health risks involved with being accidentally exposed
42. This image is depicting
a. Stroke
b. Intracranial hematoma
c. Subdural hematoma
d. Meningitis
43. In thinking about metastatic growth sites, breast cancer often metastasizes to the _____ and
colorectal cancer often metastasizes to the _____.
a. bone ; liver
b. liver ; bone
c. brain ; liver
d. bone ; brain
44. Which of the following is not a feature of a benign tumor/cells?
a. low nuclear to cytoplasm ratio
b. uncommon mitoses
c. clumped chromatin
d. encapsulated
45. Immunohistochemical marker that helps determining site of origin in a metastasis:
a. p63
b. alpha-methylacyl-CoA
c. β-actin
d. Cytokeratin 7
46. The pathology shown here is?
b.Tubular adenoma with in situ and early invasive cancer
c.Follicular carcinoma invading into neighboring tissue
d.Leiomyosarcoma of uterus
_____ 47. If a disease occurs every generation it is considered?
a. Dominant
b. Recessive
c. Passive
e. all of the above
48. Huntington Disease and Spinocerebellar Ataxia
a. show autosomal dominant inheritance patterns
b. are caused by exonic trinucleotide repeats
c. are caused by polyglutamate tracts in proteins
d. all of the above
e. a and b
49. Which of the following genetic conditions is not the result of pleiotropy?
a. Albinism
b. Marfan’s Syndrome
c. Progeria
d. None of the above
50. Of the following glycogen storage diseases, which causes cardiomegaly?
a. McArdle’s Disease
b. Cori’s Disease
c. Von Gierke’s Disease
d. Pompe’s Disease
51. A Dominant-Negative mutation is an allele which...?
a. reduces effectiveness of the gene product
b. increases effectiveness of the gene product
c. prevents transcription of the gene (through NMD)
d. inhibits the activity of the normal gene product
52. Which of the following is not an autosomal dominant disease of single gene disorders?
a. osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)
b. malfan’s syndrome
c. spinocerebellar ataxia I (SCA1)
d. cystic fibrosis
53. Which disease shows a pattern of inheritance with anticipation?
a. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
b. Huntington’s disease
c. Cystic fibrosis
d. Down’s Syndrome
54. A trisomy 13 is an example of
a. mendelian disorder
b. multifactorial disorder
c. chromosomal aberration
d. complex trait
_____ 55. The strength of a phenotypic effect ___________ moving from monogenic to multigenic
a. increases
b. decreases
c. does not change
d. increases then decreases
_____ 56. Albinism is a disorder of the synthesis of ______?
a. RBCs
b. WBCs
c. Dopamine
d. Melanin
57. Identify the tissue and most likely cause of disease.
a. Liver, Hepatitis C
b. Brain, Tay-Sachs Disease
c. Lung, Respiratory failure, influenza
d. Heart, Eosinophilic myocarditis
58. What disease mechanism might be at play if the normal tissue (shown in the left picture) takes on
the pathological appearance shown in the right slide?
a. Tay Sach’s disease
b. Polycystic kidney disease
c. Malaria
d. Hirschsprung’s disease
59. When examining a histological slide, nuclear features help determine __________ and cytoplasmic
features help determine __________.
a. direction of differentiation, malignancy
b. malignancy, direction of differentiation
c. coagulative necrosis, pleomorphism
d. direction of differentiation, pleomorphism
60. The BCR/ABL translocation, associated with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, is associated with
which chromosome pair?
a. Chromosome 16 and 18
b. Chromosome 3 and 23
c. Chromosome 7 and 11
d. Chromosome 9 and 22
61. Cervical Pap smear can detect a dysplasia that caused by:
a. HIV
b. HPV
c. fungus
d. chronic inflammation
62. What are some fraction complications?
a. Necrosis
b. Non-Union
d. all of the above.
63. Match the image with the correct label.
a. Stress fracture
b. Osteonecrosis
c. Heterotopic ossification
d. Growth plate
64. The left section of the picture below is the normal bone. Which of the following disease represents
the bone seen in the right section of the picture?
a. Paget’s disease
b. osteoporosis
c. Parkinson’s diseases
d. osteonecrosis
65. What is the correct order of stages in fracture healing?
a. Hematoma, Cartilage, Remodeling, Granulation Tissue, Osteoid
b. Hematoma, Remodeling, Granulation Tissue, Cartilage, Osteoid
c. Hematoma, Cartilage, Granulation Tissue, Remodeling, Osteoid
d. Hematoma, Granulation tissue, Cartilage, Remodeling, Osteoid
_____ 66. What percentage of your skeleton remodels itself every year?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%
67. Bo Jackson’s injury occurred while he was playing
a. Baseball
b. Basketball
c. Hockey
d. Football
68. Which is not an actual “glia”?
a. Microglia
b. Astrocytes
c. Oligodedroglia
d. Ependymal Cells
69. The following is a picture shows fluorescence microscopy of what cells in the cerebellum?
a. granule neuron
b. cortical neuron
c. microglia
d. Purkinje neurons
70. Which of the following disorders is not associated with cellular inclusions?
a. Multiple sclerosis
b. Huntington’s
c. Alzheimer’s
d. Parkinson’s
71. Which of the following is not correct about Ependyma?
a. cuboidal to columnar cells lining the ventricular system
b. cilia/microvilli on apical surface
c. provide barrier between brain and CSF
d. act as CNS antigen-presenting cells
72. In neurons, Nissl substance is comprised of what?
a. Nucleolus
b. Myelin
c. Cytoplasm
d. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
73. Which region is the least sensitive to necrosis?
a. hippocampal CA1 region
b. Cortical layer 4
c. Cortical layer 3 and 5
d. Purkinje cells
74. Which cells act to myelinate axons in the central nervous system?
a. Schwann cells
b. Oligodendrocytes
c. Astrocytes
d. Microglia
_____ 75. About 70% of breast cancers are ___ and about 20-30% of breast cancers overexpress ___.
a. Estrogen Receptor negative, the Her-2 protein
b. Estrogen Receptor negative, the Her-2 hormone
c. Estrogen Receptor positive, the Her-2 hormone
d. Estrogen Receptor positive, the Her-2 protein
76. Tamoxifen is an anti-breast cancer drug that works to inhibit cell growth by :
a. converting androgens to estrogen
b. blocking estrogen receptors in breast cells
c. degrading Her-2 protein when it is in harmful excess
d. degrades estrogen receptor protein
77. Which of the following is not associated with an increased risk of having a BCRA mutation?
a. Male breast cancer
b. Childhood sarcomas
c. Ashkenazi Jewish heritage
d. Ovarian cancer
78. Features that indicate having a BRCA mutation include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Male breast cancer
b. Pacific Islander heritance
c. Breast and ovarian cancer in the same woman
d. Multiple cases of early onset breast cancer
Buphthalmos is …
a. enlarge globe
b. protrusion of the globe
c. shrinkage of the globe
d. having pupils in different size
80. Which of the following brain component is most likely impaired in a patient having nausea, morning
vomiting, and ataxia?
a. Brain stem
b. Cerebral cortex
c. Cerebellum
d. Hypothalamus
81. Which of the following features might be observed in myopathic muscle?
a. Centralized nuclei
b. Peripheral nuclei
c. Mosaic fiber types
d. Polygonal fibers
82. What ventricle can be compressed if
there is a neoplasm in the cerebellum?
1st ventricle
2nd ventricle
3rd ventricle
4th ventricle
83. What part of the eye is encircled in red?
a. Iris
b. Cornea
c. Zonules
d. Conjunctiva
84. What is this condition called?
c.Ocular neoplasia
d.Corneal edema
85. A few weeks after attending a family barbeque at a relative’s farm in Iowa, you begin exhibiting
symptoms of an unknown illness, including muscle aches and pains, high fever, and swelling in your eyes
and face. If a biopsy was taken (below) of your tissue were to be taken, it would reveal the following
pathogen. What is the most likely cause of your distress?
a. Tuberculosis
b. Trichinosis
c. Malaria
d. West Nile Virus
86. The loss of myelination depicted on the right is a hallmark of which of the following disorders?
a. Huntington’s disease
b. Multiple sclerosis
c. Achondroplasia
d. Mad Cow disease
87. What condition is shown here?
a. Myocardial Infarction
b. Group atrophy in muscle
c. Acute inflammation
d. Cirrhosis of the liver
88. How many pairs of cranial nerves are there in the human brain?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 12
89. Which of the following is indicated by the black arrows?
a. Caudate nuclei
b. Substantia Nigra
c. Hippocampi
d. Cerebellum
90. What is the arterial structure pictured below?
a. circle of willis
b. vertebral circle
c. optic chiasm
d. sagittal sinus
91. The wide sulci as seen in this photo are characteristic of which of the following disease?
a. Parkinson’s Disease
b. Multiple Sclerosis
c. Atherosclerosis
d. Alzheimer’s Disease
92. Which of the following cell that acts as phagocyte is found in the site of brain infarct?
a. lymphocyte
b. gitter cell
c. astrocyte
d. red blood cell
93. What type of lymphoma does the below micrograph represent, and why?
a. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, due to the monotonous cell type growth
b. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, due to the presence of Reed-Sternberg Cells
c. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, due to the large variety of neoplastic cell types
d. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, due to the lack of Reed-Sternberg cells
94. In the image of bone below, what cell is the arrow pointing to?
a. Osteoclasts
b. Osteoblasts
c. Growth plate
d. Megakaryocyte
95. The section of bone that is magnified here is called a(n) _________?
a. Metaphysis
b. Articular surface
c. Epiphysis
d. Growth plate
96. Lewy bodies, as pictured below, develop in:
a. Huntington’s
b. Parkinson’s
c. Alzheimer’s
d. Multiple Sclerosis
97. What makes the substantia nigra easy to identify?
a. It is a thin strip of white matter just below the lateral ventricles
b. It has cells containing neuromelanin pigment
c. It has the shape of a seahorse
d. It has a characteristic pattern of white and gray matter intertwined
98. The medial part of the cerebellum is called what?
a. Thalmus
b. Hypothalmus
c. Gennari
d. Vermis
99. Which is the most common brain tumor in children?
a. medulloblastoma
b. glioma
c. adenoma
d. sarcoma
100. Which of the following structures is affected in Huntington’s disease?
a. Cerebellum
b. Foramen ovale
c. Caudate nucleus
d. Occipital lobe